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Queen of the Food Age

Restaurant Reviews

Sorghum and Salt

May 26, 2017

A couple weeks ago, I had the pleasure of dining with my friend Becca at the newly-opened Sorghum and Salt on Coming Street. Although I was sad to see its predecessor, Two Boroughs Larder bid adieu, I couldn’t have picked a better restaurant to replace it. The concept of S&S is locally sourced small plates with a heavy emphasis on vegetables (mom would be so proud!). The restaurant’s atmosphere is an appropriate reflection of the menu itself: earthy, humble, and refreshing.

And also it’s a restaurant, just FYI.

Because we got so much food, I’m going to go in order of my favorites, rather than in chronological order of what food we got (although I truly enjoyed everything we ordered; they were all winners!). Keep in mind that because they source locally, some of the menu items I mention might not be on the menu when you visit. I recommend differing to the expertise of the wait-staff, because they definitely did not steer us wrong when we were ordering!

Behold, the mighty sprout!

Crispy Brussels

with raisin, local buttermilk, and chili, $12

I’m obsessed with Brussels sprouts lately, and I definitely have my favorite sprout hot spots. But after trying Sorghum & Salt’s Brussels, I think I might have to move them to the top of my list. They were perfectly crispy and the buttermilk sauce they were tossed in had the perfect amount of spice. There was a great mix of textures and flavors. I’ll be back for these alone!

Essentially a bowl full of veggies with a beef dust.

Charred Cabbage and Snap Peas

with crispy braised short rib, kimchi yogurt and mint, $14

So I really wasn’t sure what to expect with this dish, so I was completely taken aback and blown away by how delicious and packed full of flavor it was. The char on the cabbage added a nice level of smokiness and the snap peas were perfect for a brightness and some crunch. The short rib managed to be crispy without being overly dry, truly a miracle.

Queen of the tarts.

Key Lime and Yuzu Tart

with Chantilly, blackberries, graham cracker crust, $varies

So this was the dessert of the day on the day we visited, but I really hope it makes its way into the regular rotation. Yuzu, FYI, is a Japanese citrus fruit that’s pretty similar to a lemon, so it works awesome in conjunction with a key lime pie-type dish. The graham cracker crust was one of the best crusts on a pie that I’ve eaten in recent memory. I feel like a lot of times, people treat crust as an afterthought; a mere vehicle for transporting custard and fruit. But Sorghum and Salt put a lot of TLC into their graham cracker crust, and it was the perfect crunchy, salty complement to the tartness of the yuzu and Key Lime.

Pork Punch! Sounds like an alt-rock band.

Bread Service

brown sugar bread with Berkshire pork butter, $5

So a lot of places use pork fat to make their butter, but Sorghum & Salt actually puts some shreds of pork into their butter to add that extra pork punch to each hunk of bread you eat. The brown sugar in the bread was very subtle, and together the combo of the salt + pork + sugar was just short of heaven.

These sweet potatoes make me feel like I need to go to church.

Crispy Fried Chicken

with fermented collards, chili sweet potato ginger honey, $23

The fried chicken was really very tasty. Served hot and boneless (which is good for those of us who make a mess when doing battle with bone-in chicken) with a cornmeal breading and drizzled with ginger and honey, Sorghum and Salt really find a way for this southern staple to stand out amid a sea of fried chicken. But my absolute favorite part of this dish was the sweet potatoes. They practically melted in your mouth, and with the chicken grease and honey dripping onto them, felt decadent and downright sinful.

Still awaiting my conversion to beetdom.

Lavender Roasted Beets

blackberry, olive dirt, flowers, and herbs, $13

So beets aren’t my favorite food, but I let myself be talked into ordering these because the waitress loved them so much. I will say that they were absolutely gorgeous to look at and felt like a work of art. And I don’t really know what olive dirt is, but I want it on more things. The cooking technique they used on the beets, which I understood to involve packing them in salt and lavender and then slow roasting them, took a lot of the tart earthiness typically found in beets away, making them much more mild and easily palatable. I quite enjoyed these (although I’m not sure if I’m a beet convert quite yet).

Perfectly pleasant.

House Made Cheese

with tomato and zucchini, olive oil, and crostini, $13

The house made cheese was just slightly disappointing in that it was the mildest in terms of flavor. Even with the zucchini and tomato, it didn’t really pack the punch of flavor that the other dishes did. The cheese on its own didn’t really have any flavor. The crostini were baked just a minute too long, giving them the consistency of croutons. They were still a good complement to the creaminess of the cheese, but would’ve been much more enjoyable had they been slightly less done. The dish was unoffensive, but didn’t knock our socks off.

All in all, I will definitely be visiting Sorghum and Salt again (for the Brussels sprouts alone), because we had an amazing first visit. Everything from the service to the plating to the flavor of the food was exceptional, and I hope they stick around for a long, long time!
Sorghum and Salt Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Read Sydney G.‘s review of Sorghum & Salt on Yelp

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 5/22/17: Take Another Little Pizza My Heart

May 22, 2017

So this is a very special week indeed! Contributor and blogger bestie, Sydney Turnquist is about to get a new last name! Not because she’s running from the law, but because she’s getting married this weekend! It’s going to be a gorgeous ceremony (and I am going to take full advantage of the open bar).

In honor of her upcoming nuptials, I thought this quote from Dora J. Arod was appropriate. I don’t want to get too sappy as that’s not my style (unless I’m drunk, in which case it’s 100% my style), but I just have to say that I’m so excited and happy for Syd. She’s been an amazing blog partner and friend, and there’s no one I’d rather go on food adventures with. I’ll eat the tomatoes off your burger any time (that’s not a euphemism; get your brain out of the gutter).

“My love is pizza shaped. Won’t you have a slice? It’s circular, so there’s enough to go around.”
–Dora J. Arod

Although I’ve been told that there won’t be any pizza at the reception.

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week: 5/15/17: The Magical Mary Berry

May 15, 2017

So, I recently discovered (last week) The Great British Baking Show on Netflix and I have already binged like 2 seasons of it and am working my way through season 3 (side note: why are there only 3 seasons on Netflix when this show has been on since 2010?!).

Anyway, I’ve decided that I’m in love with Mary Berry and want to be just like her when I get older. So I’m dedicating this week to the queen of pastry herself.

“Cooking and baking is both physical and mental therapy.”
–Mary Berry


Featured Foodie

Featured Foodie: Stephanie Burt

May 12, 2017

I know it’s been a minute since I’ve done a featured foodie, but I really feel like Charleston has so many awesome foodie people and I love them all so much and want you, my readers, to love them, too! This month’s Featured Foodie is fellow food writer, host of The Southern Fork podcast, former Pecha Kucha speaker, and all around awesome person, Stephanie Burt!

Image credit: Leslie McKellar

What inspired you to start taking writing about food?

I have been interested in “food media” since I was a child. I started reading Kathleen Purvis in the Charlotte Observer around middle school, and I watched Yan Can Cook and Julia Child all the time on PBS. Yep, really. I don’t have an explanation I’ve always been fascinated by how food connects us, the history of something, and how fun it is to learn about it, so although I never “planned” to make a living writing about food, looking back, I see that in many ways it was inevitable.

What was the scariest thing about starting your own podcast?

The technology! I had to learn something completely new. Yes, mics are plug and play these days, but editing, mixing, uploading, all that stuff and metadata too! I stretched my brain learning new skills.

What’s one of your biggest “Wins” you’ve accomplished in your food writing / Southern Fork career?

Hm. Well, somehow the timing worked out that the week I debuted my chat with Steven Satterfield, he won the JBF Best: Chef Southeast award, so that was great! And I was so happy!

For writing, I had a similar serendipitous moment this January when an essay in defense of feminine appetites came out on Extra Crisp the Monday after the women’s March on Washington.

What are some of your favorite spots in Charleston (restaurants/bars/etc)?

Now, it’s hard to choose, and you should know that! But I love Edmund’s Oast, The Grocery, FIG, and Wild Olive unequivocally. I’ve also had some great meals recently at The Macintosh and La Farfalle, and the Husk fried chicken makes my heart sing. The amaro selection is fab at Farfalle too, as well as at the Belmont, and if I am fancy, there is nothing like a drink at The Dewberry.

What is something you wish more people knew about the F&B scene in Charleston?

That’s it’s hard to work downtown, although that’s where the money is. Most places don’t pay for parking, so there’s that constant challenge, and the tourists can be rough on a restaurant, both front and back of house. Every week, I get to visit inside restaurants when they are not serving food and chat with the people about what they do. The feeling that I more often than not leave with is a sort of reverence for the calling when it’s done right. That’s why I’m excited about the FAB Workshop coming up, since it really is about helping industry women go to the next level.

Be sure to go listen to Stephanie’s podcast, The Southern Fork, and give it a great rating on iTunes so she can keep making it (and I can keep listening to it).

Product Round-Up

Products We Love: May Edition

May 10, 2017

Being a food writer comes with a lot of fun perks, not the least of which is the fact that a lot of companies send us fun food products to try out with the hopes that we share some of our favorites with our readers! I’ve been getting a lot more of these products lately, so we wanted to share with you some of our favorites that would be perfect for Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, or just because!

Yes, I know my numbering system makes a squiggly line. I like it that way.

1. Moscatino Sparkling Rose Wine

So I got a bottle of Moscatino just before TQuizzle’s bachelorette party, which couldn’t have been more perfect. I planned the bash, and everything I did was pink and sparkly, so a sparkling rosé was the cherry on top of everything. Moscatino advertises that the flavor has notes of “peach, jasmine, rose, grapefruit, and jam,” and that’s probably true. I am no wine expert, so I’ll just say that it was slightly sweet with very little acidity and fun little bubbles on your tongue.

Where to buy:

2. Diestel Turkey Ranch Breakfast Sausage

This is the sort of meal that tastes awesome, but doesn’t photograph as great as I’d like it to.

I’m going to start this by saying that compared to pork breakfast sausage, there really isn’t any comparison. Pork is just better. But I’ve been trying to eat healthier, so I’ve been eating my way through a couple of different kinds of turkey sausage, and so far this one is my favorite. It has no artificial ingredients, growth stimulants, or gluten, which I know is important to a lot of people (I mostly only care if it tastes good, and it does). My only complaint is that it doesn’t crumble the same way traditional breakfast sausage crumbles. I have to chop it up separately before I add it to my favorite breakfast hash (recipe coming soon!), which can be kind of annoying some days. But as far as turkey sausage goes, Diestel gets a thumbs up!

Where to buy: Diestel’s Website, $11.95 for 1 pound.

3. Rise Buddy Rice Snacks

I’ve had 27 years, you’d have thought I’d have a better handle on my eyeliner situation by now.

So I was kind of skeptical that I would like “baked rice snacks,” but Rise Buddy really surprised me! I tried a variety of flavors, and although I didn’t love all of them, I did really love the Pizza flavor. In fact, I might be eating some as I type this (don’t judge me). Rise Buddy talks about the importance of the fact that they’re gluten free, they have 0 grams of trans fat, and feature hardly any added sugar. Since I’m trying to be a lot more mindful of what I eat, it’s nice to have a snack I can throw in my bag and eat without having to feel guilty. Plus, they’re really not anymore expensive than other junk food.

Where to buy: Amazon, $18 for a pack of 12

4. POW! Gluten-Free Pasta

Again, it tastes better than it photographs.

As you know from my many previous posts, I’m something of a mac and cheese addict, so I jumped at the chance to try POW! Mac And Cheese. Healthy Mac & Cheese?! It was right up my alley! The pastas at POW! are made from other ingredients you’re likely to find in your pantry in order to make them gluten free. Things like green lentils, black beans, red lentils, and quinoa. I tried the black bean elbows and the pre-packaged mac & cheese, which is supposed to be a healthier equivalent to Kraft’s Blue Box mac for kids. It really does taste similar, although I would recommend going with the sharp cheddar versus the mild cheddar because it’ll have a lot more flavor. The black bean pasta cooks wayyy faster than regular pasta, so I accidentally overcooked it (because I didn’t read the directions), but flavorwise, it didn’t really have an overwhelming flavor. Should be easy to swap it for your favorite pastas for a better alternative.

Where to buy: Earth Fare, Whole Foods, Amazon

5. Munk Pack Oatmeal Fruit Squeeze

“Munk” is short for “chipmunk,” but it still makes me uncomfortable.

Let me start by saying that Munk Pack has possibly the least appetizing sounding name. I think because it rhymes with “funk,” and I don’t want to eat anything funky. And “squeezable oatmeal” definitely qualifies as funky. It took me a minute to get used to the consistency, but the flavors are actually pretty good. I would recommend this to parents whose kids already love those squeezable fruit snacks.

Where to buy: Publix, Amazon, Whole Foods, Earth Fare

Note: This post features products that I received for free. All thoughts and opinions are my own, and I only review products that I like. I did not receive compensation for this review. This post also features some affiliate links.
Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 5/8/17: Can You Smell What Your Mother Is Cooking?!

May 8, 2017

So this weekend is Mother’s Day. This is your heads up to frantically call up a florist and make sure mom gets some flowers before Sunday (you’re welcome).

This week’s quote comes from author Mitch Albom. It’s so true. I don’t know what black magic my mother possesses, but everything she cooks is amazing and 100 times better than anything I cook.

“I don’t know what it is about food your mother makes for you, especially when it’s something that anyone can make–pancakes, meat loaf, tuna salad…but it carries a certain taste of memory.”
–Mitch Albom

Although my mother has never made meat loaf or tuna salad in her life.


Cinco de Mayo Cocktails (With & Without Tequila)

May 5, 2017

On Cinco de Mayo, most people look forward to consuming large quantities of margaritas (myself included). If you’re trying to avoid the crowds at your local taqueria or margarita slinger, it’s easy to celebrate at home! So whether you’re a Patrón Pro or prefer to avoid tequila (and I can relate. Tequila and I had to take some time apart after I graduated from college), these are some cocktails that are sure to add a little spice to your fiesta!

Con Tequila (With Tequila)

Basic Margarita

  • 2 oz. 1800® Silver
  • 1 oz. Lime Juice
  • ½ oz. Agave Syrup
  • ½ oz. Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice

Combine all ingredients in a shaker, shake and strain into salted Rocks glass. Garnish with Lime Wedge.

The Jalapeño Margarita

  • 2 oz. Tequila
  • 1 oz. Grand Marnier
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 0.5 oz. Agave Nectar
  • ¼ jalapeno, seeded and diced

Add ingredients to a shaker with ice. Cover and shake vigorously until the outside of the shaker is frosted. Strain and serve into prepared glass. Alternately, add all ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.


  • 1 tablespoon (1/2 ounce) fresh lime juice
  • 3 tablespoons (1 1/2 ounces) white tequila
  • 1/4 cup (2 ounces) unsweetened pineapple juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon (about 1/16 ounce) Simple Syrup
  • Garnishes: pineapple chunk, lime wedge

Combine the first 3 ingredients and Simple Syrup in an ice-filled cocktail shaker, and shake vigorously. Strain into an ice-filled rocks glass. Garnish, if desired, with pineapple and lime.
(Excerpted from Beach Cocktails by the Editors of Coastal Living. Copyright © 2017 Oxmoor House. Reprinted with permission from Time Inc. Books, a division of Time Inc. New York, NY. All rights reserved.)

The East Side

Combine all ingredients in a shaker, shake and strain into salted Rocks glass. Garnish with lime wedge and mint leaf.
(Recipe courtesy of bartender Derrick Turner, official bartender of 1800® Tequila)

The Repo-Rita

Muddle with cilantro and garnish with lime.

Sin Tequila (Without Tequila)

For most of these recipes, I prefer to stick to local liquor brands, like Dixie, High Wire, or Striped Pig.

Whistlin’ Watermelon

  • 2 oz Dixie Southern Vodka (or your favorite vodka)
  • 5 cups cut up watermelon—remove seeds
  • 2 cups ice
  • 3 oz margarita mix

Put all in blender, serve in glass with salted rim.

Dixie Days

  • 2 oz. Vodka
  • 4 oz. red grapefruit juice
  • 1 slice jalapeño

Shake with ice, pour into glass & top with soda.

Spicy Buck

Stir and garnish with pickled jalapeño slice.

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 5/3/17

May 3, 2017

Since Mexican food is one of my favorite things to eat, I truly enjoy Cinco de Mayo. Everything from the food, to the music, to the festivities, to the margaritas (ok, that’s a big part of it) combine to make a wonderful excuse to celebrate.

This week’s quote comes from author Amy Neftzger, and it summarizes how I will feel this Friday (and every Friday, if I’m being honest).

“It’s 4:58 on a Friday afternoon. Do you know where your margarita is?”
— Amy Neftzger

This rings true for me every Friday, although it’s particularly poignant on Cinco de Mayo.

Events Guides

Cinco de Mayo 2017 Round Up

May 2, 2017

Everyone’s favorite excuse to drink margaritas and eat guacamole is finally here! We’ve got the scoop on where to go this May 5th.

[This list will be updated as more events are added. Last update 5/3, 2:45 pm]


Downtown Charleston


May 5, 5 – 7 pm

Join 492 on the patio Friday, May 5 during $4.92 Happy Hour from 5-7pm for a FREE tasting of HORNITOS’ Plata, Reposado, Añejo, and Black Barrel Tequilas. Plus, enjoy Ian Miller’s specialty cocktail creations—including the one below made with Hornitos Plata Tequila, cucumber juice, habanera, agave, lime, and butterfly pea flower salt.

Executive Chef Josh Keeler will also be serving up two special dishes as well:

  • Lamb Posole with Geechie Boy Corn, Aji Amarillo Chile, and Heirloom Tomato
  • Ceviche with Nasturtium, Coconut, Green Garlic, and Lime

The Alley

May 5, 11 am – 2 am

What better way to start your weekend off than with some delicious Mexican food & bevvies?

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo in style as we offer up specials all day long including:

  • $2 Tecates
  • $5 Margaritas
  • $5 Orders of Loaded Nachos

Bay St. Biergarten

May 5, 11 am – 11 pm

Take that Taco Tuesday!

Cinco de Mayo at Bay Street Biergarten will be as unforgettable as our other infamous fiestas.

Come for the party and stay for the all day food and drink specials including Pacifico and Modelo on tap, $5 Milagro Margaritas, and delicious Mexican inspired specials like nachos and tacos with our own twist.

Salud or Prost Yall!

The Brick

May 5, 11 am – 2 am

Grab your margarita loving friends and join us for Cinco de Mayo for all day drink specials.

And at 10pm the awesome Dan’s Tramp stamp and the Money bags will be keeping the party going until 1am.

Cocktail Club

May 5, 9 pm – midnight

Celebrate Cinco De Mayo at the Cocktail Club! We will have housemade salsa, drink specials (tepache, palomas, margaritas, etc.) and more!

Cumberland Smokehouse

May 5, 11 am – 2 am

Its time to party the day away celebrating yet another holiday in the Smokehouse style…just like you like it! $3 house tequila shots, $4 house margaritas, $4 Corona and Corona lights, $3 Bud Light drafts and Fat Tire cans, Crazy Yumz Cinco De Mayo food menu, XTRA FUN Happy Hour 4 til 7 pm! Both Bars open and friendliest staff in town! See ya there!

Eclectic Cafe & Vinyl

May 5, 8 – 10 pm

Come join us for a special Cinco De Mayo performance from Delia Chariker, a talented local musician. Will be a night of great beer, great wine, and great Latin Music!


May 5, 7 am – 2 am

Join us for Glazed de Mayo – an entire day of deliciously decadent delights inspired from Mexican favorites. From 7am Friday until 2am Saturday (or until supplies last), you’ll be able to enjoy:

  • Coconut Lime Doughnuts(vegan/gluten free)
  • Sour Cherry Margarita Boozy Doughnut s
  • Pineapple Jalapeño Doughnuts
  • Mexican Chocolate Doughnuts
  • Horchata beverages
  • Flan
  • and of course, Breakfast Tacos!

Juan Luis

May 5, 11 am – 10 pm

Juan Luis, John Lewis’s new Tex Mex outpost in Workshop, hosts its grand opening on Cincode Mayo, offering $0.99 margaritas all day long!

Le Farfalle

May 6 + 7

Le Farfalle hosts “Mike’s Menudo Brunch,” featuring a special Tex-Mex menu inspired by Chef Michael Toscano’s family recipe book. Dishes include breakfast tacos, huevos rancheros, sizzling fajitas, and of course brunch cocktails. Reservations are available on Resy. (menu attached)

Pancito & Lefty

May 5, 3 – 9 pm

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo!

Party starts at 3pm w/ DJ ‘Just Say Joel’. Live music by Emerald Empire Band featuring Mike Quinn at 5pm & Whiskey Diablo at 7pm.

Special Guests in the lot La Morra Pizzeria serving pies, and Chef Alex Lira. Red Rose Vintage is setting up shop too!

Original Margaritas & local beers on tap!

Royal American

May 5, 3 pm – 7:30 pm

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with a fiesta fundraiser at the Royal American! Kevin Wadley, Kdog Production, and the Royal American are hosting a Cinco de Mayo Royale happy hour party from 3-7:30 p.m. on Friday, May 5th. Get down to live music from local band Brianna Y Sus Guardianes Del Norte while enjoying “baller tacos with a Rebel attitude” from Rebel Taqueria food truck.

From tacos and tequila to sombreros and serapes, Cinco de Mayo Royale is nacho average fiesta—it’s more! Admission is only $5 and all proceeds from the event benefit the Charleston Parks Conservancy, a nonprofit organization dedicated to inspiring the people of Charleston to connect with their parks and together create stunning public places and a strong community. Taco ’bout a party with a purpose! So skip your siesta and come fiesta at Cinco de Mayo Royale.

Special thanks to the event sponsors: BL Harbert International, LLC, The Cassina Group, LLC, and Reavis-Comer Development. Additionally, many thanks to the event hosts: Kevin Wadley, Kdog Production, and the Royal American.

Taco Boy

May 5, 11 am – 11 pm

It’s almost time for our favorite fiesta of the year – Cinco de Mayo!

Grab your amigos, put on your party pantalones, and head to Taco Boy for the party!

James Island

Tap Room 805

May 5, 5 pm – until

Cinco De Mayo party at Taproom with Eddie Saulisbury on guitar! Food and drink specials all day with live music starting at 7pm!

  • $3.50 Corona and Dos Equis
  • $4 house margaritas
  • $5 Jose Cuervo margaritas
  • $6 Espolon margaritas
  • $8 Patron margaritas
  • $12 Grand margaritas
  • $15 Margarita crafts
  • $15 Margarita flights
  • $3 beef or chicken tacos
  • $6 beef or chicken tatchos
  • $5 tots and spicy beer cheese

Mount Pleasant

The Granary

May 5, 5 – 7 pm

In honor of Cinco de Mayo, we are hosting a special Taco Happy Hour at The Granary this Friday, May 5!

Join us from 5 to 7 p.m. for tacos from executive chef Brannon Florie and margaritas from bar manager Roderick Weaver and team. Taco options include:

  • Shrimp – tempura shrimp, Kimchi aioli, daikon, cucumber salad
  • Pork – crispy pork, sweet onions, cilantro, radish, corn tortilla
  • Chicken – guajillo chili braised, crispy potato, green goddess, cilantro
  • Fish- pineapple salsa, chipotle sour cream

We hope to see you there!

Triangle Char & Bar

May 5, 11 am – midnight

Ole! We’re hosting amazing Cinco de Mayo Fiestas at all three locations on Friday, May 5 from open til close! Enjoy $3 Tacos, $3 Margaritas & $3 Landshark Drafts. Hasta luego!

Mex 1 Coastal Cantina

May 5,  5 pm – until

Surfboard raffle and drink specials, live music from Return of the Mac, and Mission Critical.


Triangle Char & Bar

May 5, 11 am – midnight

Ole! We’re hosting amazing Cinco de Mayo Fiestas at all three locations on Friday, May 5 from open til close! Enjoy $3 Tacos, $3 Margaritas & $3 Landshark Drafts. Hasta luego!

West Ashley

3 Matadors

May 5, 11 am – midnight

Our 5th Annual CincoPalooza 2017 will be on a Friday this year. Saturday we will have our Milagro bartender competition for a chance to win $100-200 cash!!!!
Tons of Music, Giveaways & much much more!!!

Craft Conundrum

May 5, 5 pm – 9 pm

Cinco de Mayo falls on a Friday this year – all the more reason to get together and celebrate! We’re celebrating with $3 drafts of LO-Fi BrewingMexican Lager from 5pm to close and our buddies from Rolled Quesadillas will be out front slinging #dillas and nachos from 5-9pm! It doesn’t get better than tasty grub and awesome #local craft beer for $3 a pint! Live music from Eric Vaughn 7-10pm! See y’all then!

Frothy Beard Brewery / Zombie Bob’s Pizza

May 5 11 am – 11 pm

We’re having a Cinco de Mayo fiesta this Friday 5/5 at Frothy 2.0!

Zombie Bob’s Pizza will be serving a limited edition pizza AND we’ll be pouring Andale-ritas until we run out.

Mex 1 Coastal Cantina

May 5,  4 – 11 pm

2 outside bars, Mex 1 taco tent, capoeira dancers & fire hoopers, live music from Batida 55, The Dubplates “Box Full of Steel” record release

$5 suggested donation to Surfrider Charleston Foundation

Ms. Rose’s Fine Food & Cocktails

May 5, 4pm – close

Join at Ms. Rose’s in West Ashley for live music by Fanaticus on the patio during happy hour (5-7 pm).

Shots of Espolón Blanco Tequila, which are always $4 during happy hour, will be $4 all night.

We will also be serving all of the margaritas below for $6 from 4 pm until close.

  • Jalapeño-Pineapple Margarita: Tequila, jalapeño-pineapple pickle juice, orange, lime, sour mix, orange liqueur, salt rim.
  • Cranberry Margarita: Tequila, lime juice, cranberry juice, rosemary simple syrup, and grenadine.
  • White Oak Barrel Margarita, made with Beyond Barrels Bottle Aging Staves. Info:
  • Lavender Margarita.

Triangle Char & Bar

May 5, 11 am – midnight

Ole! We’re hosting amazing Cinco de Mayo Fiestas at all three locations on Friday, May 5 from open til close! Enjoy $3 Tacos, $3 Margaritas & $3 Landshark Drafts. Hasta luego!

Eat Local Month Events

Eat Local Month Spotlight: Geechie Boy Mill

April 21, 2017

We Charlestonians wouldn’t know what to do without our grits. Whether we’re eating them for breakfast, as a side item, or as a bed on which to rest some shrimp, grits are a practically perfect food. But for those of you who think picking up a pack of instant grits from the grocery store will do to satisfy your grits craving, I beg you to think again.

Living in Charleston means that we’re blessed with some of the best grits in the world (and I say that in a totally unbiased way), and those grits come from Geechie Boy Mill. Located just down the street from Charleston in quiet Edisto Island, SC, the Geechie Boy Mill and Market is an unassuming building right off of Highway 174.

A classic example of “don’t judge a book by its cover.”

Inside, you’ll find a treasure trove of locally-made goodies. Amazing grains of different varieties. Handmade soaps. Fresh donuts. T-shirts. Farro. Cornmeal. Pottery.

They pack a lot into a very small space.

And a wide variety of Geechie Boy’s own dressings, marinades, and jams (which are spectacular, btw). But they don’t just peddle their own goodies, they also support locally-made companies and products, like Red Clay Hot Sauce, Burnt & Salty brand condiments (try the Korean mustard; it’s amazing), Melvin’s BBQ sauce…the list goes on.

I seriously fight not to empty my entire wallet every time I stop by.

And, of course, the pièce de résistance: grits!

But not just the white or yellow grits you’re accustomed to. They also have Jimmy Red Grits. And blue grits. And speckled grits. And any other grits that might appear seasonally. There’s a whole world of grits out there, just waiting for you!

From the Geechie Boy Mill Facebook page.

So it’s an easy choice to make the switch to eating local when local means eating some of the best tasting grits of your life. Also, take a leaf out of Sean Brock’s book (and I mean this literally from his cookbook, Heritage) and soak your grits in water overnight for creamier, more flavorful grits.

Good to know.

If you can’t make it all the way out to Edisto, you can find Geechie Boy Mill grits all around town, at places like Mercantile & Mash, Blackbird Market, Bull Street Gourmet, and sometimes even in the local section at Harris Teeter or Bi-Lo.