Whether we want to fit back into some old clothes, are looking to get ready for a vacation, or you just want to feel a bit more confident, losing weight is something that’s often on many of our minds. Because of that, it’s hardly a shock that the internet is filled with various diets and different ways to lose weight. The question then becomes: how effective are these things really? Well, the truth is that a lot of these diets end up being fads that really don’t have much of an impact in the long run. They often set dangerously unrealistic expectations that you will likely never be able to meet in the first place. Not only that but they can actually be pretty unpleasant, and even dangerous at times! If you really want to make a positive change to your eating habits, you can’t rely on fads. With that in mind, here are just a few things that you can do to change up your eating habits to focus on feeling better and taking control of your health.
Figure out what’s missing
Far too often people assume that the only way to improve their eating habits is to have a total overhaul of their entire kitchen. I’ve tried this a few times, and trust me, it doesn’t last. This is a big mistake for a number of reasons. For one thing, it often doesn’t actually address what might be the real issues with your diet. For another, it can lead to further deficiencies. The truth is that if you really want to improve your eating habits, make sure that you’re actually getting the things you need in the first place. Many people find that their diets are deficient in things like water, protein, and essential fatty acids. A good diet is about giving your body what it actually needs. So instead of taking things away, consider adding what you might be lacking.
Make sure you have your facts straight
There is a whole lot of dietary advice floating around on the internet but the reality is that a lot of it is totally made up nonsense. It’s often not backed up by any real science or evidence and a lot of food advice blogs are rife with misinformation. If you’re finding yourself asking all kinds of questions like: is oatmeal healthy? Do blueberries really cure all diseases? Does cutting out fat actually help at all? Then the best thing you can do is to go and do as much research on these things as possible. And yes, I know you’re reading this on a blog and I just said don’t take advice from blogs, so if your first instinct is to say that I’m also full of shit, congrats! Now do that to everyone who isn’t a scientist.
Stop looking for shortcuts
It’s only natural that many of us would be very excited by the idea of diets that promise easy solutions but the reality is that there really are no shortcuts when it comes to your diet. If you see a diet that promises incredible results that seem too good to be true, there’s a very high chance that that’s because it is too good to be true. Those skinny teas you see a lot of influencers touting on Instagram? Total garbage. Quick fixes don’t lead to long term changes. If you want a healthier diet and lifestyle, that’s something you’re going to have to work at and commit to. And it’s not easy, trust me.
Be kind to yourself
Being kind to myself is something I really struggle with. Far too often people treat their diets as something that they need to be doing because they are otherwise doing something wrong. As though they need to be punished for eating and enjoying life with a horrible and restrictive diet. Not only is this simply not effective but can be incredibly damaging both physically and mentally. If you’re trying to be more healthy, that’s great, just don’t spend your time beating yourself up for not being able to live a perfectly healthy life all the time. You’re human and you’re not going to be able to be 100% perfect. Congratulate yourself when you do well, and learn to forgive yourself when you struggle.
Savor every moment
The reality is that a lot of the diets that are being sold both on and offline are designed to play on your worst fears and insecurities. They treat food as though it’s something you should be afraid of. As though the idea of being even the slightest bit above or below what is “correct” in terms of size and weight is the worst thing that could ever happen. The truth is that this is, obviously, total nonsense. Food is a joyous thing! It’s something that should bring you a lot of happiness, help you feel closer to the people around you, and be something you look forward to. If a diet feels like a punishment for the sin of enjoying food, it’s not only going to be unpleasant but there’s a good chance that it’s not even going to work in the way it says it will. And also life is short, you should be enjoying and experiencing as much of life as you can. Reminder: be mindful, not militant.