Fad Diets Are Dumb. - Queen of the Food Age
Whether we want to fit back into some old clothes, are looking to get ready for a vacation, or you just want to feel a bit more confident, losing weight is something that’s often on many of our minds. Because of that, it’s hardly a shock that the internet is filled with various diets and different ways to lose weight. The question then becomes: how effective are these things really? Well, the truth is that a lot of these diets end up being fads that really don’t have much of an impact in the long run. They often set dangerously unrealistic expectations that you will likely never be able to meet in the first place. Not only that but they can actually be pretty unpleasant, and even dangerous at times! If you really want to make a positive change to your eating habits, you can’t rely on fads. With that in mind, here are just a few things that you can do to change up your eating habits to focus on feeling better and taking control of your health. Figure out what’s missing Far too often people assume that the only way to improve their eating habits is to have […]
Queen of the Food Age