This weekend was awesome. Friday night Blue Ion had a going away party for Katie at HoM (which is pronounced like “home” and not “rhymes with mom” like I originally thought), which was really fun. The burgers were delicious (albeit expensive). I got one called the Godzilla which was a double decker burger with arugula pesto, goat cheese, smoked onion slaw, and fried pickle chips which I paired with one of my favorite local beers, a Holy City Pluff Mud Porter. It was really good (although the burger alone was $9 and it was another $3 if you wanted to add fries…. thankfully Blue Ion paid). We spent a lot of the evening talking about old school Nickelodeon game shows. Pretty much it was the best night ever.
Saturday I spent a good couple of hours spring cleaning my house, and making room in the guest room for my new summer roommate, Johannes. He’s a really awesome German guy who’s allergic to cats (but hopefully he and Fezzik will get along otherwise). Saturday night Shanna and Max came to town for a visit and we had dinner at Moe’s Crosstown, where I got a BLT burger (beef burger with fresh mozzarella cheese, bacon, and a fried green tomato) with hand cut fries. After dinner we walked around downtown for like 3 hours or so. We played at the perpetual motion park, stood on the echo blocks at Waterfront Park, and watched a lady have a meltdown and almost beat her kid to death on the street. It was pretty entertaining. We ended the night with cookies and Louis CK standup. It was awesome.
On Sunday, we decided to ignore the threat of Tropical Storm Alberto hovering off the coast and go to the beach anyway. We spent about an hour and a half at Folly, but eventually the wind, the freezing ocean water, and our growling stomachs got to be too much so we left and got some lunch. We then lounged poolside (mostly hot tub-side) at the pool in my apartment complex before they showered and left to go back to Greenville. Then Johannes moved all of his stuff in and I watched Game of Thrones and Mad Men before going to bed.
This week’s food quote is from one of my favorite comedians from old school Whose Line Is It Anyway in honor of Shanna coming to visit. It’s goofy and random and crazy and is pretty reflective of our friendship as a whole.
“Never interrupt me when I’m eating a banana.”
–Ryan Stiles

I find this attire……appeeling.