Although social distancing may have put a dent in large group gatherings and summer parties, we can still celebrate the summer in our own special way. Whether you’re roasting a pork loin in the oven, grilling steaks out back, or frying chicken on the stove top, these 2 side dishes are guaranteed to be crowd-pleasing complements to whatever you cook up this summer–without the sweat and stress!
Please note these recipes are designed to serve four, so adjust accordingly. You can find more delicious recipes and kitchenware recommendations online should you need them.
Waldorf Salad
The problem with a lot of salads is that they are missing a sparkle. It may be easy to simply chuck some lettuce, tomato, and cucumber into a bowl and call it a day, but that gets a little boring after a while. Luckily, it doesn’t take a lot to produce an impressive salad. Waldorf salad is particularly tasty and works really well with pork. So, how do you make it?
Start off getting a big salad bowl and placing a lot of lettuce inside. For the dressing, you’ll need to grab a separate bowl and mix together two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice and six tablespoons of mayonnaise. Season it with a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of fresh ground pepper to taste. Take two sweet apples, core them, and chop them up. Add this to the lemon-mayo mixture. In addition to this you are going to add a cup of red seedless grapes and a cup of slightly toasted walnuts (these need to be chopped up too). Pour the mixture on top of the bed of lettuce and you are ready to serve!
Roast Potato and Artichoke Hash
A potato dish is always a safe bet… who doesn’t love a potato?! Rather than a boring old baked potato, this dish will give you a taste of something a little different. Once your friends and family have tasted this Allyson Gofton recipe, you can be sure they’ll be asking for it again and again!
In order to cook this dish, you should start by cutting up six potatoes into medium chunks. Then, chop up a large onion into eighths. Get yourself a bowl and pour in three tablespoons of olive oil and five crushed garlic cloves. Mix this together and then add the potatoes and the onions and toss them around in the oil and garlic mix. Baked this in the oven at 400 for about 15 minutes. Whilst the potatoes are cooking you need to cut four marinated artichokes in half. You also need to slice six sundried red peppers. Just as the potatoes are starting to look a bit brown, add the artichokes and sundried peppers to the dish and allow it to cook for another five minutes. Once it is ready take the dish out of the oven and sprinkle some chopped fresh rosemary and marjoram on top.
What are some of your favorite summer side dishes? Let me know in the comments!