Having a good selection of desserts under your belt is definitely a skill that is well worth pursuing. It means that you can produce something sweet and delicious whenever you are hosting people for dinner, and it also means you can provide the occasional treat to your children as and when that might be a good idea to do. But if you are not normally much of a dessert person, this might be one of those things that you need to work on. To get you started, there are some simple desserts that you should be able to learn how to make.

Basic Sponge Cake
Knowing how to make a basic sponge cake can be a really useful and even important thing. For one thing, it means that you always have something you can make when it is someone’s birthday and you want to help them celebrate it. A sponge cake can also just be made on an afternoon when you are keen to do something in the kitchen. The good news is that it is pretty simple to do, at least in terms of the actual cake mix itself. Sometimes you might find that it is a little more challenging trying to get the decoration of the cake right, and that is definitely the kind of thing that takes some practice. But with time you will be able to do that too.
Crepes & Pancakes
Pancakes are great to know how to make, because you can whip them together very quickly and use them in a wide variety of ways, for many different occasions. Not only is there the annual pancake day, but you might also want to make them for breakfast, scotch-style, or for a dessert any night of the week. For that, it might be worth knowing how to make this crepe recipe from Le Creme De La Crumb, as that is one of the most-loved recipes of its kind and it is sure to mean that you can put a crepe pile together whenever you want. That is something you’ll then want to bring out whenever possible, especially once you have perfected it.
Again, they are relatively simple to make, and yet they are always delicious. Cookies can also be a great way to exercise your creativity, as it is always perfectly possible to ensure that you are decorating them in whatever way you like, as well as adding all kinds of ingredients to them. You can even invent your own types of cookies that people might never have seen before, so that is something that you might want to try out for yourself. All in all, it’s a fantastic way to make dessert a little special, and something that you are going to enjoy making as much as you enjoy eating it.
If you have those three essential desserts under wraps, you are going to find that dessert time is much easier and simpler – and always much more delicious than you could even have hoped.