There has always been a correlation between food and happiness. Some people eat to feel better, some people simply understand that eating makes them feel good, although they won’t specifically seek out that ‘high’. Some people find that one food boosts their mood, whereas others find it’s something else. So, although scientists know that food can make us feel great (and not so great), exactly which foods do this is still being determined.
Although to some extent it seems as though different foods affect people in different ways, there are some foods that are universally good for improving your mood and making you feel happy. Here are some of them. Remember, though, they should all be eaten in moderation, as too much of anything is bad for you.

Dark Chocolate
All chocolate will make us feel good thanks to the sugars within it – not to mention the fact that it tastes good, which lights up the reward system in the brain and sends out serotonin (the happy hormone) into the body.
However, if you are choosing a particular type of chocolate that will benefit you more than others, dark chocolate is the answer; it contains antioxidants and reduces the amount of cortisol (the stress hormone) in your body. For the very best results, you should choose something with at least seventy percent cacao in it.
The one thing that most people know about bananas is that they are full of potassium, and getting more potassium in your diet is a positive thing; potassium ensures your heart beats in a regular pattern, it helps the muscles contract more easily, and it separates useful nutrients from waste products in the food we eat.
However, more than potassium, bananas also contain tryptophan. This is a chemical that regulates mood, and when you consume additional amounts of it, you will feel good. On top of that, bananas contain a good level of vitamin B folate.
If yogurt doesn’t feature in your diet in some way – either as an addition to smoothies, as an ingredient in cooking, or even on its own – then you’re missing out on a type of food that is sure to make you feel happy.
Yogurt contains probiotics, which are bacteria that live in our guts and help to ensure digestion takes place quickly. They also clean our intestines, keeping us healthier. As well as this, probiotics calm us, which is why, when you consume yogurt, you’ll feel much better right away, and your mood will improve.
Coconuts are full of triglycerides, which are fats that improve mood. The only problem is that when people think of coconuts, they think of high-calorie cocktails or sugary desserts, and the poor health benefits outweigh the good ones.
However, you don’t have to eat badly just to get coconut into your diet. You can use coconut milk to make a low-fat curry, for example, add coconut flakes (unsweetened) to your healthy cereal, or even just eat it raw.
Bacon is an excellent mood booster for all kinds of reasons. It contains monounsaturated fat, which has been generally praised for its ability to reduce inflammation and blood pressure, while antibacterial palmitoleic acid can help keep plaque at bay. Triglycerides will stabilize blood sugar levels. As a result, diabetics and pre-diabetics, as well as everyone else dealing with sugar cravings and carbohydrate addictions, can benefit from bacon.
Bacon’s trademark salty and savory sweetness not only makes it a delight that alleviates emotions of deprivation and lack of sweet treats, but it can also help regulate blood sugar levels enough to minimize mood swings, anxiety, boost attention, and improve coping abilities. If you want to try something different when it comes to your bacon boost, why not look at the bacon wrapped meatloaf recipe here; it’s different and delicious.
Green Tea
On a terrible day, a cup of tea will help to relax your senses, settle your tensions, and improve your mood. Researchers claim that you can gain even more advantages if you make that green tea. Apparently, consuming two to three cups of green tea per day will help to lower your symptoms of depression. This might be due to a variety of mood-boosting substances, such as L-theanine, an amino acid that aids in the treatment of anxiety. Green tea also has caffeine, enough to give you a pick-me-up when you’re feeling down, but not enough to give you the jitters. So really, if you want a great, tasty drink to go with the mood-boosting food you’re eating, green tea has to be the answer.