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Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 4/9/12

April 9, 2012

Well, it’s official–Lent is finally over! I did a pretty good job of sticking with my Lenten promise of giving up fried foods, and today is the first day in over two months I’ll have eaten Chick-Fil-a, which is more than impressive if you live in my world.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter holiday! I was happy to spend it with my family (and Taylor!), who graciously came down to Charleston to celebrate with me, since I was too lazy to drive to Greenville (I mean, I’ve been traveling almost constantly over the past month, you can’t blame me for being sick of the car #firstworldproblems). We celebrated on Saturday instead of Sunday, since everyone has a bunch of traveling to do, and it was amazing and stupendous and other adjectives for great.

My mother made lamb, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, two apple pies, and a pecan pie and I ate too much, which no one is surprised by. We spent the evening playing board games and laughing and having a great time, which is one of the things I really love about family time during holidays.

Today’s food quote is a celebration of me finally being able to eat fried things again. I had never thought so before, but after reading this quote, I actually think Cameron Diaz and I could be friends in real life.

“French fries. I love them. Some people are chocolate and sweets people. I love French fries. That and caviar.”
–Cameron Diaz

But only if she brings the Ogre.

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 4/2/12

April 2, 2012

This week I’m in Dauphin Island, Alabama, spending a few days on the beach with Lauren. And to answer your next question, yes Alabama does have a beach. CLICK HERE if you don’t believe me! Cha-Cha never lies!

In honor of this week of relaxation and tanning (I better come back burnt, or else this entire week was a failure), I’m posting a quote from one of my favorite episodes of The Office, from back when it was still worth watching. It pretty much sums up my feelings on life in general.

“I just wanna lie on the beach and eat hot dogs. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
–Kevin Malone


And also YOUR SOUL.

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 3/26/12

March 28, 2012

Because I’m still riding my Hunger Games high, I completely forgot to do a quote this week, so sorry it’s a little late. I’ve already got the next couple of weeks lined up, so it won’t happen again, pinky promise.

SInce I just spent the better part of a week with some of my best friends, eating some of my favorite foods, I found the following quote more than appropriate. It pretty much sums up how I choose my friends (how Lauren “The Salad Eater” slipped in there, I’m still not really sure), but it’s definitely how Sean and Christine became (and stayed) friends. Thanks, Gina Gershon for showing me I’m not the only one!

“Feeding is a very important ritual for me. I don’t trust people who don’t like to eat.”
–Gina Gershon


Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 3/19/12

March 19, 2012

THIS IS THE WEEK I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR!!! I’ve been debating for a couple of weeks now whether I wanted to wait until Friday to publish this post, but I’ll be too busy freaking out on Friday to want to write on this blog (no offense).

Thursday night, at 11:59 I’ll be in Atlanta, Georgia, sitting in my seat in the movie theater, next to Christine and Sean, waiting for THE HUNGER GAMES to begin. If you aren’t aware of my obsession with the Hunger Games, take a look at this Awesome Blog Post I wrote to inform yourself. So in honor of my nerdiness and uncontrollable excitement for the premiere, this week’s quote is from (you guessed it) The Hunger Games! And it totally fits because it was the word “Hunger” in the title, which relates to food, so ipso facto, food quote!

“And it’s not just that I don’t want to be alone. It’s him. I do not want to lose the boy with the bread.”
–Katniss Everdeen  The Hunger Games


Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 3/12/12

March 12, 2012

So, I’m off cruising the in Caribbean this week with my best friend, Shay, and my parents. I’m really looking forward to lounging poolside, sipping fancy, fruity frozen cocktails, and not having to worry about anything other than “do I have enough time to get something to eat before we go to dinner?” That’s the thing I love about cruises. They take all the things I love–food, swimming, shows, food, alcohol, tanning, boys, and food–and package them up in a pretty little boat for me to indulge in.

Shay and I had a great time last year, even though she almost had a heart attack and died whilst scuba diving in St. Thomas. So this year, we’re going to see how she does  up in the air instead of under the water, as we’re going parasailing in Key West. I think she’ll be ok. I haven’t done it since I was really young, so who knows how I’ll do… heights aren’t exactly my favorite. But I’m a thrill seeker (to some extent), and I’ll have my brave face on for Shay, so I think it’ll be fun.

This week’s quote comes from one of my favorite celebrities, and I think she pretty much sums up my philosophy on life with the following quote:

“My weaknesses have always been food and men – in that order.”
–Dolly Parton

Although, I wish my weight went to my boobs like hers does. Naturally.

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 3/5/12

March 7, 2012

So this week’s food quote is being published kind of late, I’m sorry! I had a super crazy weekend, and I was pretty under the weather on Monday, spending pretty much the entire day in bed (except for when I was foraging for food, obviously). Tuesday, Fezzik was sick, so I spent most of the day babying him even more than I usually do. Today, we’re both back on our A game, so I’ve finally decided to post this week’s quote.

In honor of the City Paper’s Best of Charleston 2012 issue hitting newsstands today, I found a quote that is appropriate, at least to the Eating and Drinking Out section. I’m really excited to try out all of the restaurants that I haven’t already visited, which is like 80% of the results…. so I’m probably going to need to get a second job to finance my eating habits.

“Our minds are like our stomaches; they are whetted by the change of their food, and variety supplies both with fresh appetite.”

Judging from this picture, I'd say his mind wasn't the only thing that he "whetted."

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 2/27/12

February 27, 2012

So this weekend I had the pleasure of hosting another dinner party featuring my world famous lasagna, but this time for a completely different crowd. The evening started out a bit awkward, with people not really sure how to interact with each other, making small talk, etc. But as the evening progressed, everyone became fast friends. It was the most fun I’ve had in a long time, and I definitely won’t forget it anytime soon.

Lauren made a delicious summer salad, Ben made garlic bread, and Bennett made Bananas Foster for dessert. It was a pretty decadent meal. Today’s food quote is an homage to Saturday night’s dinner.

“You don’t win friends with salad.”

–Homer Simpson

You do, however, win lots of friends with donuts.

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Day 2/20/12

February 20, 2012

Happy President’s Day, everyone! I suppose you’re all thinking that I’m going to put some kind of presidential food quote up today, but YOU’RE WRONG! I like to keep you guys on the edge of your seats. I don’t want to become predictable… you’ll all get bored, and I can’t be having that!

This weekend I spent 3 awesome days at Auburn University (War Eagle anyone? Cheers, Lauren). I got to meet a lot of Ben’s friends, and I loved all of them. I learned an awesome new party game (which I can’t wait to play again), I also got to walk around campus–it was beautiful, but it couldn’t have been any different from College of Charleston which was kind of overwhelming.

I had a DELICIOUS lemonade at Toomer’s Corner, but other than that, I didn’t really get to experience the local cuisine, which I kind of regret. But, I digress. This week’s food quote comes from a former Auburn student (thanks, Wikipedia, for gracing me with this knowledge). Even though he never officially graduated, I think he’s hilarious (and the only Auburn Alum who had any food-related quote that I could find online), and I can definitely relate to the following quote (perhaps a little too much).

“When you’re fat, you become an expert on restaurants.”

–Charles Barkley

More like "War Damn Dinner," am I right??

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 2/14/12

February 14, 2012

Greetings love birds, and single minglers alike. It is Valentine’s Day again, the holiday everyone loves to hate. I think I’m dating the only boy in the history of existence who actually enjoys Valentine’s Day. I wish I could get as pumped up about it as he is. Old habits die hard, I suppose (I am the girl who spent Valentine’s Day 2010 making a Red Velvet cake in the shape of a heart, iced with black frosting, so the black heart would look like it was bleeding when we cut slices of it to eat. I am not a V-Day kind of girl). So instead of posting a quote from Liz Lemon about today being Anna Howard Shaw day, I’m going to at least try and make the most of it by highlighting the only part of Valentine’s Day I ever actually enjoy–the food.

All you really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.

–Charles Schulz

You can really learn a lot from Peanuts.

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 2/5/12

February 5, 2012

In honor of the big game, Super Bowl XLVI, this week’s food quote is being published on Sunday. This is partly because it’s a holiday, and I enjoy highlighting holidays in my blog posts, and partly (or mostly) because I know I’m going to be too busy recovering from tonight’s festivities to try and write anything of substance tomorrow. Kathleen and I are throwing a party for the Super Bowl because she’s a die-hard Patriots fan, and I like to eat and drink in the company of friends. I’m in charge of the food (I know, shocker, right?) and she’s in charge of the alcohol. We make a pretty good team, and I’m pretty excited about it. New Year’s Resolutions, Shmoo Years Revolutions. It’s the Super Bowl! America’s holiday! The whole point is to eat and drink and scream at the TV…. although now that I think about it, that pretty much describes every holiday we celebrate in the Gallimore household. So.

“When your Super Bowl guests arrive, they should find a mound of potato chips large enough to conceal a pony sitting in front of the television. For nutritional balance, you should also put out a bowl of carrot sticks. If you have no carrot sticks, you can use pinecones, or used electrical fuses, because nobody will eat them anyway. This is no time for nutritional balance: This is the Super Bowl, for God’s sake.”

–Dave Barry

Americans pretty much use any excuse to eat and drink too much. This is why I'm a patriot.