I’m not sure how it’s Monday again, because I’m pretty sure Friday was only 20 minutes ago. Regardless, I had a pretty productive weekend: I watched all of Lost in Space on Netflix, I meal prepped for the week (something I’ve never really done before) and went to a HomeBrew Beer festival at Famulari’s Brewpub on James Island. One of the homebrewers made a beer out of ground crickets, and since I’ll try anything once, I grabbed a sample (it was anti-climactic: it only tasted like beer). This is the 2nd time in 2 months I’ve consumed some kind of bug, and this is not necessarily a trend I’d like to continue.
I’ve pretty much only been drinking cocktails and rosé lately, so the beer festival was a nice reminder that I love drinking craft beer. In honor of that, here’s a quote from Arnold Schwarzenegger about the magical elixir that is beer.

Ahmen to Ahnold.