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Weekend Roundup

Weekend Roundup: The Vegan Invasion

March 3, 2014

So this weekend was so much fun and eventful. Friday night, Lily and I went on to a “Couples Date Night” at Southern Season where we had all kinds of fun “Learning To Make Sweet Potato Gnocchi,” “Eating A Four Course Meal,” and “Tricking Your Culinary Instructor Into Thinking You’re A Lesbian.” It was pretty exciting stuff.

Despite all her squawking about "feminism," Lily's basically a 1950's housewife.

Despite all her squawking about “feminism,” Lily’s basically a 1950’s housewife.

We tasted a lot of delicious food, including blue cheese crostini with rosemary honey and pecans, fire roasted soup with seared scallops, sweet potato gnocchi, seared filet mignon with shiitake mushrooms and spinach and apple raspberry tart. You can find all of those photos on my Instagram account.

See that gnocchi? I made that!

See that gnocchi? I made that!

After dinner, Lauren came into town, and Lauren, Lily and Kathleen and I all went out in our best sequins downtown.

Captains of the sparkle brigade.

Captains of the sparkle brigade.

On Saturday, we stopped at Persimmon Cafe for hangover brunch before going to pick up my bestie / cousin at the airport. Rob at Persimmon was awesome enough to make a custom vegan butternut squash sandwich for Naomi and she literally couldn’t shut up about it the whole drive home. Lauren also kept talking about how everything she ate was “an explosion of flavor” in her mouth (I’ll leave that one alone) and said she dreamt about the orzo pasta salad that night. Basically, I’m converting everyone I know into a Persimmon fan.

She's gonna love that I'm using her "mouth full" picture.

She’s gonna love that I’m using her “mouth full” picture.

After we got Naomi from the airport, we all vegged out around the house for a while, watching Pete Holmes standup before heading over to North Charleston to hang out at Frothy Beard where we were joined by Charlie, Chrissy, and Kelly. After we drank a few delicious pints, we grabbed dinner at E.V.O. in Park Circle. Naomi almost died on the spot when she found out they had a vegan pizza.

And I have to say, it was actually kind of yummy.

And I have to say, it was actually kind of yummy.

Saturday night we decided to have a game night at my apartment with some friends instead of going out. It was so much fun! I love nights like that. Sunday morning, we went to Lost Dog Cafe because apparently Charlie had never had the biscuits & gravy from Lost Dog before which is basically a sin. It was outstanding and they easily catered to Naomi’s veggie-communism with a yummy black bean burger and some home fries. Everything was delicious as always.

But seriously that gravy should be illegal.

But seriously that gravy should be illegal.

After catching up on SNL (Colin Jost!), taking naps to recover from our delicious brunch and night of revelry, and bidding Lauren adieu, Naomi, Lily, and I made a vegan cheese sauce, normal people queso, and guacamole to watch the Oscars with. Lily also went on the great Ben & Jerry’s Cores hunt (get it?) which we also enjoyed whilst watching Leo lose for best actor yet again.



And that was my weekend. How was yours?