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Queen of the Food Age

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 12/12/11

December 12, 2011

Waking up this morning was quite difficult thanks to the amazing time I had at the Aquarium Christmas Party last night (perhaps I had too much fun). It was also hard waking up, knowing that the end of my time at the aquarium is nigh. It’s sad really, because I feel like I just started to connect with the people I work with. We’d only just begun! Tomorrow night is my dinner party with the people I like from work (aka not Tiffany). I’ll be up late tonight slaving away over my lasagna. This whole situation is bittersweet. Therefore, today’s food quote is bittersweet as well. It comes from the French gastronome Anthelme Brillat-Savarin’s great aunt Pierette.

“I feel the end approaching. Quick, bring me my dessert, coffee and liqueur.”

–Anthelme Brillat-Savarin’s great aunt Pierette

Couldn't find a picture of Great Aunt Pierette, so just picture Brillat-Savarin with a wig on.... Oh wait. He already has a wig on. Perfect.

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 12/5/11

December 5, 2011

Today’s quote really is only loosely related to food (and we’re talking Kim Kardashian “loose” here). I’m just really freaking excited that I FINALLY got to see The Muppets (which was amazing, beeteedubs). In honor of my joy and relief at finally seeing this cinematic masterpiece, I give you a quote from the Sovereign herself, Miss Piggy.

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.”

–Miss Piggy

Also "Never eat more than you can lift"

Charleston, SC Restaurant Reviews

Five Loaves

December 2, 2011

I have no idea how many times I’ve been to Five Loaves (or 5 Breads as Tina calls it). It’s Lauren’s favorite restaurant and one of my favorite casual lunch spots in Charleston, as well. It’s simple, good food. Nothing pretentious or over the top—soups, sandwiches, and salads. For dinner they offer heartier options such as pastas and meat dishes. Everything I’ve ever had there is delicious. Their soups are homemade, creative, and just plain yummy. Lauren’s favorite is the broccoli, potato, cheddar which she couples with the half version of the tomato and mozzarella salad (although she always replaces the mozzarella with goat cheese, which is sacrilegious, in my opinion… She says “mozzarella doesn’t taste like anything” MOZZARELLA HAS FLAVOR, LAUREN. IT’S MOZZARELLA FLAVORED. IT’S DELICIOUS. HAVE YOU NEVER HAD PIZZA BEFORE?!). I tend to stick to the marinated chicken sandwich on baguette (which comes with the house-made mozzarella cheese, WHICH IS DELICIOUS, LAUREN) with a cup of the chicken chili.

The sandwich is quite delicious.

If they have a really good selection of soup that day and I have a hard time narrowing it down to just one, I opt for the 3 soup pours which allows me to sample three different soups. I strongly recommend this option if you are indecisive like me.

Om nom nom

Om nom nom

 If you’re going for dinner, I recommend the tri-colored tortellini in the cracked black pepper parmesan cream sauce. It’s amazing. I’ve also had the gnocchi, which is really good.  I usually eat half of it and take the other half home to eat for lunch the next day. The portion sizes are pretty big, so you definitely won’t leave feeling hungry.
When food is this good, it's hard to remember to take a photo before you eat half of it.

When food is this good, it’s hard to remember to take a photo before you eat half of it.

 I’ve also gotten the chicken parmesan, which also comes with the house-made mozzarella cheese (PEOPLE LOVE MOZZARELLA CHEESE, LAUREN. IT’S NOT JUST ME. YOU’RE THE ONE WHO’S CRAZY), but I don’t really love their tomato sauce that comes on the pasta. I find it kind of bland. The fried goat cheese appetizer is really good if you like goat cheese (which I do). I’ve also had some of their other appetizers. Becca usually gets the turkey sandwich with the cranberry mayo on whole wheat. Tina usually gets the same thing I get (which drives me crazy. I hate getting the same thing as other people at restaurants. I don’t know why. I just do).

Lauren: This is what delicious looks like. Take note. There will be a quiz later.

Anywho. I love Five Loaves. It’s a great place to eat if you’re not looking to eat something super heavy. I love it, and Becca, I will always choose Five Loaves for our Mount Pleasant lunch dates. Just FYI. I’m so excited to go eat there with Lauren whenever she finds it in her heart to grace me with her presence (yes, DC is cool, I GET IT). Only maybe she’ll get something a little heavier so that we don’t have a repeat of Halloweekend (HINTHINT NUDGENUDGE, LAUREN. EAT SOME FREAKING BREAD).

Also, they’re closed on Sundays. Go figure.

Five Loaves Cafe
43 Cannon Street,
Charleston, SC 29403-6068
(843) 937-4303

Five Loaves Cafe Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 11/28/11

November 28, 2011

Today’s food quote comes from actor Robert Redford, who pretty much states the obvious. Except I happen to disagree, because I don’t really care for Oreos (it’s un-American, I know).

“Health food may be good for the conscience but Oreos taste a hell of a lot better.”

— Robert Redford

He looks a hell of a lot like Al Franken in this picture. Weird.

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 11/21/11

November 21, 2011

I think the quote of the day is especially applicable to the feast we are all about to participate in on Thursday. It comes from Oscar Wilde, irish writer and poet. I think some of us will agree.


“After a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one’s own relatives.”
– Oscar Wilde

"The Importance of Being Ground Chuck" the gory sequel

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 11/14/11

November 14, 2011

I’m still riding my high from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter this weekend with Becca. Therefore, I bring you this quote from the woman who wrote my childhood, JK Rowling. It doesn’t have anything to do with food in a direct sense, but you can totally apply it in a metaphorical sense, if you have imagination.

“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might has well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.”

–JK Rowling

I'm still waiting for my owl acceptance to Hogwarts. RAVENCLAW

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 11/7/11

November 7, 2011

Today’s quote comes from humorist and food writer Calvin Trillin. This quote strikes me as interesting because it’s so different from my upbringing. We didn’t really do leftovers (Tina is really weird about that stuff), so it’s interesting to me that there are families who subsist mostly on leftovers. Verrrrry interesting.

“The most remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served the family nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found.”

— Calvin Trillin

FACT: Leftovers cause male pattern baldness. (Disclaimer: I just made that fact up).

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 10/31/11

October 31, 2011

In honor of Halloween, I found this funny quote from comedienne Rita Rudner who says something I’ve often thought about: the horrible parenting in America.

“Halloween was confusing. All my life my parents said, ‘Never take candy from strangers.’ And then they dressed me up and said, ‘Go beg for it.’ I didn’t know what to do! I’d knock on people’s doors and go, ‘Trick or treat.’ ‘No thank you.'”

–Rita Rudner

But if she dresses up like a slut, how will anyone know she's in costume?

Charleston, SC Restaurant Reviews

Early Bird Diner

October 29, 2011
I’ve been to Early Bird Diner a few times, and each time it’s been delicious. I feel like calling it a diner is a little bit misleading, as this food is far and beyond anything you’d find at a typical greasy spoon. One of their breakfast items is curried vegetables and eggs. Try and find curry on a menu at some roadside diner. You can’t. I’ve checked.
This is a curry-free establishment.

This is a curry-free establishment.

I usually get the Country Scramble which is eggs, sausage, cheese, and potatoes scrambled together and topped with sausage gravy. It’s amazing. It also comes with toast/biscuit and a choice of one of their sides, of which there are usually 10 plus options to choose from. I like their fruit salad, it’s very fresh, and a good mix of fruit; not just sad pieces of mushy cantaloupe like most places. I wouldn’t recommend the fried green tomatoes (which is rare, as I love fried green tomatoes); they just don’t really taste like anything. But that’s the only thing I have a problem with at Early Bird.

Let's put gravy on more stuff.

Let’s put gravy on more stuff.

Last time I went with my dad, he ordered the fried chicken and waffles of the specials menu. The waffles come Belgian style, and they’re almost more savory than they are sweet, even with the maple syrup on top. They’re really good (and this is coming from a girl who doesn’t like Belgian waffles. So that’s really saying something).  The chicken is batter-dipped and fried and topped with their house-made honey mustard. The sweetness of the honey mustard paired with the sweetness of the waffles…I don’t know what it is, but it just works. It’s so good. They fried chicken alone is amazing. Tender, juicy, white meat chicken fried perfectly to perfection. The batter that they use is delicious as well. You should definitely give it a try if it’s on the menu.

Gladys Knight would be proud.

Gladys Knight would be proud.

Also, they’re open til 4 am on Friday and Saturday nights, so, if you’re like me and you crave really good, higher quality food at 2 am on a Friday night after the bars close, you’re in luck! We actually went last night after a long night of celebrating. Geoff got a club of some sort and, although he didn’t say whether he liked it or not, there was nothing left on his plate by the time he was finished, which is always a good sign. La got the omelet, which she said was probably one of the best omelets she’s ever had.

This omelet was EGGcelent.

Matty V ordered the pancakes. Only no one warned him that the pancakes are the size of dinner plates and they come out stacked three high. He was only able to eat maybe one of the pancakes before he threw in the towel. So a word of warning: Don’t order the pancakes unless you haven’t eaten in over 36 hours or you’re trying to feed your entire family on a budget.

More like MANcakes, amirite.

More like MANcakes, amirite.

My new favorite thing is the fried pork chop with pepper jelly. It’s fried perfectly to a crisp and is seasoned excellently. The pepper jelly gives it a great amount of depth and tanginess and it’s a great mixture of salty and sweet.

I want to put this in my face right now.

I want to put this in my face right now.

Early Bird Diner
1644 Savannah Highway
Charleston, SC 29407
(843) 277-2353

The Early Bird Diner Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 10/24/11

October 24, 2011

The first thing I did after finding today’s quote was laugh. Then I read it five more times to try and discern some kind of meaning out of it. I got nothing, other than “Alton Brown is insane.” Can someone please explain this to me?!

“Slicing a warm slab of bacon is a lot like giving a ferret a shave. No matter how careful you are, somebody’s going to get hurt.”

— Alton Brown

I can officially add "Alton Brown" to the list of "Things That Keep Me Up At Night" ...right under Clowns and above The Rubber Suit guy from AHS