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Queen of the Food Age

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 4/23/12

April 23, 2012

So, this was probably the crappiest weekend I’ve had in a while. I spent all last week coughing like a crazy person, and on Thursday I felt so bad I had to leave work early, and it only got worse from there. I kept thinking “colds only last a couple of days, I’ll get better tomorrow” but I just kept getting worse. Finally on Sunday, I stopped being stubborn and went to the doctor and found out I had an upper respiratory infection and pharyngitis. Yummy. Now I’m on a Z-pack and some prescription cough syrup that allowed me to finally have a good night’s sleep… the first one I’ve had in almost a week.

I was glad to see Sean and Christine this weekend, even though I was a giant pile of sickness who was not really very fun to be around. It was nice of them to brave the contagion and visit me anyway. Ben was sweet and attentive all weekend, bringing me medicine, water, and cough drop after cough drop after cough drop. What a wonderful boyfriend I have. Sometimes I don’t know what I’d do without him.

So, because I’ve been sick all weekend, and all I’m craving is some of my mother’s homemade chicken noodle soup, this week’s quote is about soup. Go figure.

“What does good in bed mean to me? When I’m sick and I stay home from school propped up with lots of pillows watching TV and my mom brings me soup – that’s good in bed.”
–Brooke Shields

Ooooh! So that's how babies are made!

Charleston, SC Restaurant Reviews

Zen Asian Fusion, Revisited

April 17, 2012

I’ve never done a separate “revisited” review for a restaurant I’ve already reviewed before (I mean, I wrote about multiple visits to Husk in the same article), but if any restaurant deserved a second review, it’s Zen. Not just for the fact that I’ve been there literally 6 times in the past month, but also for the fact that their menu just has so much to choose from, and I really love the way they make their food and the way they interact with their customers. I always feel welcomed whenever I walk through the door. I’m going to summarize a few of the trips I’ve made over the months since my original review. One of the big influences to my decision to go to Zen is that during the Lenten season, I couldn’t eat meat on Fridays, so I was always craving sushi, and when I crave sushi, I go to Zen.

I’m going to wear this hat every time I go eat sushi from now on. Classy.

One Friday, most of my friends were out of town and my boyfriend was otherwise engaged in extreme nerd activities, I decided I’d visit Zen myself and try out sitting at the sushi bar. I’m not sure that I’ve ever actually gone to a sit-down restaurant alone before, so I was both excited and terrified. I of course ordered my standard Tuna Tini, but instead of going with my usual King’s Speech order, I decided to try out the roll of the night, the Kracken roll, in addition to a few specialty cocktails, mango mojito and red sangria. I enjoyed the Kracken roll, although I wasn’t really blown away by it. I guess I’m just spoiled by how much I love the King’s Speech and the Paradise roll. But I really liked the cocktails. They definitely gave you your money’s worth of alcohol, and the flavors really complemented each other in each of the drinks. I also made friends with one of the sushi chefs, Andy, who explained to me what all the different rolls were I saw them creating that other people had ordered and all the different tools they used to create the rolls. It was a totally different experience than sitting at a table, and I highly recommend you trying it at least once.


It’s pretty much an unspoken rule that we go to Zen whenever my mother is in town, and we usually try something new (in addition to our usuals) every time we go. Right after Valentine’s day, we went and decided to try a roll on the menu called the Avatar roll that had no rice or seaweed and was basically tuna wrapped around goat cheese and lobster salad topped with different color caviars. I kicked myself after I was done eating for not taking a picture of it. It was one of the most interesting things I’ve eaten there. I didn’t even mind that it wasn’t crunchy, since it wasn’t really chewy without the seaweed. I love it.

For lack of a better picture, I present to you, SUSHI CAT

Ben and I ordered take out the Friday before I left for Alabama, which is probably the first time I’ve ever ordered sushi to go. I was interested to see how they made it work, especially since I was still going to order that tuni-tini (til the day I die! And even then, I’ll probably make sure they’re served at my funeral) and was unsure of how they were going to package it, and if it would be the same even when it wasn’t fancily plated. The tuna-tini came in a Tupperware container, and although I was sad to see it out of its happy martini glass, it still tasted just as good. The sushi was served in the same basic containers as you’d find them in the supermarket, which was pretty standard. It still had all the flavor and freshness as when it comes to you at the restaurant, which I was pretty impressed by. They even put the sauces that they’d usually decorate the plate with in a little plastic cup so you can still dip your sushi in it to get the full flavor profile the God of Zen intended.

I’m going to start demanding that all of my food be served in a martini glass from now on.

The most recent time we went was with both of my parents on Good Friday. I’d like to shout out to Cindy (I have no idea if I’m spelling that right, I’m so sorry), whose family owns Zen and who’s taken the time to come chat with me almost every time I’ve come in there since I posted my first review. She’s one of the few restaurant owners who’s actually taken the time to read my review (yay! I’m famous!) and talk to me about my comments. She’s always so courteous and personable and I really enjoy talking with her when I visit. She made a special visit over to our table to explain in-depth the different specials they had that night. It was pretty easy to talk us into ordering the specials, she painted a picture with words that I couldn’t resist. As appetizers (in addition to the tuna-tini), we got crab rangoons, and the special of the night, which was a twist on traditional Chinese egg rolls. The egg rolls were stuffed with the typical cabbage mix you’d find in egg rolls, only instead of pork, they used king crab and shrimp. It was served with this sweet and tangy sauce that was really, really great. The idea of shrimp and crab in an egg roll was kind of strange to me, but it worked really well. In fact, I think I might even like it more than the traditional pork. After being so pleasantly surprised by their egg rolls, I think I might give some of their Chinese food options (orange chicken, since it’s my favorite) a try next time I visit.

There were originally 4 pieces of egg roll, but my parents couldn’t wait long enough for me to take a picture, so they snatched them up. Vultures.

The crab rangoons were really good as well, and were also served with a sauce that looked like the one that came with the egg rolls, but was a touch spicier, which I kind of liked better. I really liked the stuffing of the rangoons, and would have liked them to be stuffed fuller than they were. I felt like they kind of skimped on the filling a bit, which is a shame, because it was actually really delicious, especially with the sauce.

As you can see I only barely managed to snap a picture before they were gone. Notice how my dad moved the garnish around to make the plate look less empty.

For my entrée, I tried the special roll of the night, the sunburst roll, at Cindy’s recommendation. I was not disappointed. The roll was basically spicy, crunchy yellow tail and cucumber wrapped in soy paper, topped with salmon, crab, and tuna, and a spicy honey sriracha pepper sauce and little white Chinese rice balls to add a bit of crunch. The roll was served more chilled than warm (which is different than most of the other rolls I order there that have tempura ingredients in them) which I actually found quite refreshing, especially since the rolls itself had a bit of a kick to it. I loved it. It would be the roll I ordered every time I went there, if it was a regular staple on the menu. Apparently the chef only makes a limited batch of the sauce, and I was lucky enough to snag the last sunburst roll of the night. Thank God for small miracles.

Thank you, God of Sushi, for allowing me to delight in this culinary masterpiece.

My mother got our standard King’s Speech Roll, because she loves it and also for just in case I didn’t love mine (which I did). I was glad because I still wanted a bite of the King’s Speech because it’s so delicious. The King’s Speech is Shrimp Tempura with Fresh Green Apple inside, topped with Alaskan King Crab Salad & Red Tobiko in Honey Wasabi, Eel & Sweet Mango Sauce. It’s amazing.

So good, it’ll make you stutter! (badumpshhh)

I also tried their white sangria during this visit, which is made with Yellowtail cabernet sauvignon, St. Germaine elderflower liqueur, and mangoes. I really liked it, and my mom got kind of obsessed, even going so far as to buy all the ingredients to try and recreate it for our Easter dinner (it didn’t really turn out anything like it, but it was still delicious).

Tina is photobombing my sangria picture, looking all crazy as per usual.

With the regularity that I visit Zen and their penchant for creating new and unique sushi dishes (and the sheer amount of non-sushi options I’ve yet to try on the menu) leads me to say with relative confidence that you should probably expect a third review in a few months. They’re just that good. Also, on a completely unrelated note, I’m in love with Instagram. I think it makes my cell phones pictures look 100% less ghetto. What do you think? (It actually doesn’t matter to me whether you like it or not… I like it, and I only just got it, so I’m going to keep using it, so there). Also, I love that when you google image search “Zen Asian Fusion,” the pictures from my first blog are on the 1st page of results. Ballin’

I’m not tech savvy enough to put my own face in there, so just use your God-given imagination.

Bottom Bottom Line: Get the sushi. TUNA TINI. Drink lots of white Sangria.

All these months and I still haven’t remembered to take a proper picture of the restaurant itself. #lazy

Zen Asian Fusion
2037 Sam Rittenberg Boulevard
Charleston, SC 29407-4601
(843) 766-6331

Zen Asian Fusion on Urbanspoon

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 4/16/12

April 16, 2012

This weekend was a great weekend. It was at once relaxing and full of adventures. On Thursday, Ben and I went to the Drive-In Movie Theater in Beaufort to catch a double feature of Wrath of the Titans and The Hunger Games (Yes, this is the third time I’ve seen it…. SO GOOD). On Friday, I helped Kathleen situate everything in her apartment and Ben and I watched Sweeney Todd, crossing another movie off of our “Movies Ben Needs To Watch” list.

Saturday I accompanied Ben and Doug while they looked for apartments for next semester and Saturday night was the Glitter and Sparkles party at Kathleen’s for all the April Birthdays. Sunday I drove to Columbia to meet up with Lauren to shop for a dress for A Charleston Affair and had dinner with my baby brudda at Tsunami. It was really fun. So that was my weekend in a nutshell.

I think my brother got me sick. I’m getting a sore throat, and I had the hardest time waking up this morning, even though I got a good amount of sleep last night. Today is my AdWords exam at Blue Ion, so wish me luck!

This week’s food quote I found whilst perusing the internet, and I found it to be humorous. Although I’ve never actually read any Kafka, I think based on this quote, we would have gotten along quite splendidly.

“So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being.”
–Franz Kafka

Total Myspace pic.

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 4/9/12

April 9, 2012

Well, it’s official–Lent is finally over! I did a pretty good job of sticking with my Lenten promise of giving up fried foods, and today is the first day in over two months I’ll have eaten Chick-Fil-a, which is more than impressive if you live in my world.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter holiday! I was happy to spend it with my family (and Taylor!), who graciously came down to Charleston to celebrate with me, since I was too lazy to drive to Greenville (I mean, I’ve been traveling almost constantly over the past month, you can’t blame me for being sick of the car #firstworldproblems). We celebrated on Saturday instead of Sunday, since everyone has a bunch of traveling to do, and it was amazing and stupendous and other adjectives for great.

My mother made lamb, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, two apple pies, and a pecan pie and I ate too much, which no one is surprised by. We spent the evening playing board games and laughing and having a great time, which is one of the things I really love about family time during holidays.

Today’s food quote is a celebration of me finally being able to eat fried things again. I had never thought so before, but after reading this quote, I actually think Cameron Diaz and I could be friends in real life.

“French fries. I love them. Some people are chocolate and sweets people. I love French fries. That and caviar.”
–Cameron Diaz

But only if she brings the Ogre.

Restaurant Reviews

Heroes Sports Bar and Grill

April 6, 2012

This past week I had the pleasure of spending a few days on Dauphin Island, Alabama with Lauren. We basically ate nothing, drank beer, and lounged in the sunlight for three glorious days. Toward the end of our trip, when we were hungry, hungover, and sunburnt, we started hallucinating visions of cheeseburgers, and attempted to figure out how to use a grill in order to cook for ourselves. Unfortunately, neither of us have any knowledge of how to use a gas grill, and somehow managed to spray propane on the porch, which I’m pretty sure is a fire hazard.

Appendix A: What I was convinced was going to happen if I continued my attempt to turn on the grill.

Knowing we would be driving home the following day, we decided we would stop in Mobile to have the burger we’d been craving for a week. Our final night at the beach was spent thinking we were going to die from what I was convinced was a hurricane (but what turned out to be only a thunderstorm), and fighting to find enough cell phone reception to research what restaurants in Mobile (if any) had good cheeseburgers. I was able to stumble onto a blog entry highlighting the 19 Burgers To Eat Before You Die centered around Southern Alabama. Although I appreciate the variety of choices in the blog, I wish he would have just named his favorite and saved me a bunch of work. Since I’m lazy and got frustrated trying to contort my body in ways that would allow me to get cell phone service, I just decided to go with the first burger joint on the list, Heroes Sports Bar & Grill.


Now I don’t know if it’s because it was overcast, so no one was really walking around downtown, but Mobile seemed kind of creepy when we were driving around. On the walk to the restaurant Lauren and I were picking out what items we could use as weapons, just in case we had unwittingly stumbled into the zombie apocalypse. When we entered Heroes, we were a little unnerved by the fact that it was packed with people. And by “people,” I mean “men…” nary a lady in sight (other than our waitress, that is).

Apparently they’d already eaten all the womenfolk.

After we sat down and perused the menu, Lauren got really excited by the fact that they had fried pickles on the menu. They also had a lot of really good looking appetizers, like spinach and crawfish dip, mexican egg rolls, and waffle cut sweet potato fries. If I’d been with more people, I would have ordered another appetizer to try it, but I know Lauren would never eat any of the appetizers I wanted. We were a little disappointed when the fried pickles turned out to be fried pickle spears instead of pickle chips. They’re just so much harder to eat that way. They stay molten lava hot for about 45 minutes, and the breading falls off when you try to eat it, so you just end up getting third degree burns on your tongue from a pickle.

Try explaining that injury to your mother.

For my meal, I got the Hero Burger with American cheese and bacon. The burgers are served with 2 sides, so I got French Fries (don’t tell Jesus!) and baked beans. The burger was really great. It was thick, and tasted like it just came off of a grill. The only thing I had a problem with was that there was just way too much bread, which kind of took away from the flavor of the beef and overpowered the burger as a whole. But I did like that they supplied a generous helping of toppings (two slices of tomato, onions, lettuce, etc). The bacon was the perfect level of crunchiness. It was a really good burger, but by no means the best I’ve ever had. The fries were crinkle cut (my favorite) and delicious. The beans tasted homemade and were a perfect complement to the burger. Basically, I overindulged and enjoyed every minute of it.

“X” marks the spot where I’m going to start shoveling food into my face.

Lauren got basically the same thing as me, only she (of course) got a salad as her side instead of anything fun or flavorful. The salad looked basically like one of those ready-pack salad mixes with iceberg lettuce and shredded cabbage. They threw on a couple of pieces of vegetables and some croutons to make it seem like something other than rabbit food, but there was really no disguising it (props for trying, though). But, that’s what you get for ordering a salad from a sports bar.

Honestly, I don’t even know why I bother.

Bottom line: Get a burger. Add bacon. Skip the salad and the pickles.

Apparently Mobile is creepily deserted no matter what the weather is like outside.

Heroes Sports Bar and Grill
273 Dauphin Street
Mobile, AL 36602
(251) 433-4376

Heroes Sports Bar & Grille on Urbanspoon

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 4/2/12

April 2, 2012

This week I’m in Dauphin Island, Alabama, spending a few days on the beach with Lauren. And to answer your next question, yes Alabama does have a beach. CLICK HERE if you don’t believe me! Cha-Cha never lies!

In honor of this week of relaxation and tanning (I better come back burnt, or else this entire week was a failure), I’m posting a quote from one of my favorite episodes of The Office, from back when it was still worth watching. It pretty much sums up my feelings on life in general.

“I just wanna lie on the beach and eat hot dogs. That’s all I’ve ever wanted.”
–Kevin Malone


And also YOUR SOUL.

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 3/26/12

March 28, 2012

Because I’m still riding my Hunger Games high, I completely forgot to do a quote this week, so sorry it’s a little late. I’ve already got the next couple of weeks lined up, so it won’t happen again, pinky promise.

SInce I just spent the better part of a week with some of my best friends, eating some of my favorite foods, I found the following quote more than appropriate. It pretty much sums up how I choose my friends (how Lauren “The Salad Eater” slipped in there, I’m still not really sure), but it’s definitely how Sean and Christine became (and stayed) friends. Thanks, Gina Gershon for showing me I’m not the only one!

“Feeding is a very important ritual for me. I don’t trust people who don’t like to eat.”
–Gina Gershon


Charleston, SC Restaurant Reviews

Bluerose Café – Closed

March 23, 2012

Update 5/10/18 – The Bluerose has since changed ownership and completely overhauled the menu and restaurant. It’s no longer Irish at all and is, in everything but the name, a completely different restaurant. 

“Céad Míle Fáilte!” or “One hundred thousand welcomes!” is what greets you as you enter the door into the unassuming little eatery that is the Bluerose Café. I’d passed this spot about a hundred times before I actually ended up eating there with my family for brunch last Father’s Day. Until I saw the menu, I had no idea that it was an Irish restaurant. Having visited Ireland in the summer of 2010, I was overjoyed when I saw that they had Old Fashioned Irish Breakfast on the menu. I was skeptical, thinking that it wasn’t going to be the same as when I was in Ireland, but really the only thing different was that I was eating in Charleston instead of in Dublin. It was just as delicious as it was when I was in Ireland. From the first bite, I knew this would be one of my new favorite breakfast spots.

I mean, seriously. Do you see this??

I still get the Irish breakfast whenever I go to Bluerose for breakfast (which is more often than is probably healthy). For those of you who may not know, the full Irish breakfast consists of the following: Two eggs, Irish sausage, Rashers (which is pretty much bacon), Black & White pudding (because I don’t want to turn you off of this based on the description, I’ll just say that it’s like sausage. It’s delicious. Don’t Google what it is until after you’ve tried it), early morning potatoes, grilled tomato, and an Irish Scone (they might offer you toast or a biscuit instead, but get the scone. I’m obsessed with Irish scones, they’re so freaking delicious). I usually go with my dad whenever he is in town because he (like me) is obsessed. Last time we went, he ended up ordering the corned beef hash, because that’s pretty much his go-to breakfast order at any restaurant we go to. I think it’s gross, but hey, to each his own.

But he also considers SPAM to be “edible” sooooo…. it’s hard to trust his judgement.

I only recently went to the Bluerose for dinner. They’re only open for dinner Thursday-Saturday night, so you have to catch them when you can. We went on a Thursday around 7, and it was perfect. It wasn’t too crowded, and we even got a chance to talk to the owner, Denis O’Doherty. He’s pretty great—very funny and personable. He teased me about wearing a jacket in March, since it’s so warm out. When we went for lunch on St. Patrick’s Day, we even had the treat of hearing him sing “O Danny Boy” completely a cappella. It was quite moving. For dinner we started off with an appetizer of the Baked Brie. Usually when I order baked brie, it’s encased in some kind of dough that you have to dig through to get to the cheese. The Bluerose baked brie, however, is baked completely dough free…. Naked, if you will. It’s topped with cranberries and pecans and served with warm crustinis to eat it with. It was sooooo good that we fought over who got the last bite (I won. As usual).

I didn’t even need the toast. Just bring me a spoon.

For dinner, I got the Irish Chicken Curry sandwich, with a side of Irish potato cakes and vegetable beef stew with rice. I absolutely loved it. The chicken salad has chopped apples and raisins in it, which gives it a freshness that really complements the curry. The potato cakes are basically like spiced mashed potatoes that are pan-fried, so they’re kind of crispy on the outside. I love them.

or “Curry curry chick chick,” as Tom Haverford would say.

The soup was perfect. It was broth based, with chunks of beef and vegetables that went really well with the rice. It would have been the perfect complement to a grilled cheese sandwich, but it also went really well with my chicken curry, too.

Although I don’t understand why you need crackers for a soup with rice in it.

The prime rib is sautéed with mushrooms, peppers, and onions, and served with au jus for dipping. Normally I don’t like things with mushrooms in it, but this sandwich was delicious. He got it with a side of potato salad, which he didn’t really love, but still ate. And because I was dining with a friend who had a crazy sweet tooth, we obviously had to get some of the homemade desserts they bake and offer daily. My favorite is the buttermilk pie. I’ve always had a hard time describing the consistency of buttermilk pie (also known as chess pie)…. the closest I can say is that it’s almost a custard, but not quite. So yeah. Hope that cleared it up for you.

I almost ate the whole thing before I remembered to take a picture. But at least I cleverly hid that with whipped cream! You totally wouldn’t have known.

Bottom line: Get the irish food and buttermilk pie. Wash it all down with a traditional Irish beer.

I see no Blue Roses. I feel deceived.

Bluerose Cafe
652 Saint Andrews Boulevard
Charleston, SC 29407

Bluerose Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 3/19/12

March 19, 2012

THIS IS THE WEEK I’VE BEEN WAITING FOR!!! I’ve been debating for a couple of weeks now whether I wanted to wait until Friday to publish this post, but I’ll be too busy freaking out on Friday to want to write on this blog (no offense).

Thursday night, at 11:59 I’ll be in Atlanta, Georgia, sitting in my seat in the movie theater, next to Christine and Sean, waiting for THE HUNGER GAMES to begin. If you aren’t aware of my obsession with the Hunger Games, take a look at this Awesome Blog Post I wrote to inform yourself. So in honor of my nerdiness and uncontrollable excitement for the premiere, this week’s quote is from (you guessed it) The Hunger Games! And it totally fits because it was the word “Hunger” in the title, which relates to food, so ipso facto, food quote!

“And it’s not just that I don’t want to be alone. It’s him. I do not want to lose the boy with the bread.”
–Katniss Everdeen  The Hunger Games


Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 3/12/12

March 12, 2012

So, I’m off cruising the in Caribbean this week with my best friend, Shay, and my parents. I’m really looking forward to lounging poolside, sipping fancy, fruity frozen cocktails, and not having to worry about anything other than “do I have enough time to get something to eat before we go to dinner?” That’s the thing I love about cruises. They take all the things I love–food, swimming, shows, food, alcohol, tanning, boys, and food–and package them up in a pretty little boat for me to indulge in.

Shay and I had a great time last year, even though she almost had a heart attack and died whilst scuba diving in St. Thomas. So this year, we’re going to see how she does  up in the air instead of under the water, as we’re going parasailing in Key West. I think she’ll be ok. I haven’t done it since I was really young, so who knows how I’ll do… heights aren’t exactly my favorite. But I’m a thrill seeker (to some extent), and I’ll have my brave face on for Shay, so I think it’ll be fun.

This week’s quote comes from one of my favorite celebrities, and I think she pretty much sums up my philosophy on life with the following quote:

“My weaknesses have always been food and men – in that order.”
–Dolly Parton

Although, I wish my weight went to my boobs like hers does. Naturally.