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Queen of the Food Age

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 11/5/12

November 6, 2012

Happy Election Day! Get out and vote! Or don’t, whatever you think is right. I voted this morning. I love waiting in lines to wait in other lines to eventually press some buttons that may or may not have any impact on anything. 10 minutes finding parking. 45 minutes waiting to vote. 2 minutes actually voting. I don’t understand why we can’t just vote from our smart phones.

But I digress. Hope everyone had a fun and productive weekend! Enjoy the rest of your week, whether your candidate wins or not!

“I won’t eat anything that has intelligent life, but I’d gladly eat a network executive or a politician.”
–Marty Feldman

[insert funny political quote here]

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 10/29/12

October 29, 2012

Happy Halloween! Hope everyone had a fun and productive Halloweekend. I know I did! Friday night, Ben and I dressed up as characters from the Disney movie, Brave (not to be confused with Braveheart which, of course, everyone has seen). I was Merida and an Ben was kind of an amalgam of the three suitors from the movie, although, most people just assumed that Ben was William Wallace and kept yelling Braveheart quotes at him. Which he was totally fine with.

And I got a $7 Bow and Arrow set from Walmart, so I’d call that a WIN.

Friday night before all of the Halloween festivities got started, we went to the Mac-Off, a giant macaroni and cheese competition featuring 20+ restaurants from around Charleston. Plus there was live music and entertainment and it was absolutely gorgeous. I’ll be posting about it later this week!

Saturday and Sunday, Ben and I ate our weight in Indian Buffet (since he’s decided he likes indian food now). Saturday we went to Taste of India and Sunday we went to Bombay Bazaar. Both were delicious. I have to say I kind of preferred Bombay, since they brought us our own little basket of Naan, like how mexican restaurants bring you chips to the table. It was awesome. I seriously could eat indian food on the daily.

This week’s quote is Halloween-themed and comes from Lewis Black. I usually don’t find him funny, but I have to say this quote gives me a chuckle. Enjoy!

“The worst thing about Halloween is, of course, candy corn. Candy corn is the only candy in the history of America that’s never been advertised. And there’s a reason — all of the candy corn that was ever made was made in 1911”
–Lewis Black

I probably should have put that quote in all caps, since he LITERALLY SCREAMS EVERYTHING.

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 10/22/12

October 23, 2012

I know I’m a day late, but that’s partly on purpose. Today (10/23) is my wonderful, awesome, inspiring, crazy, lovable, exciting, supportive, annoying, amazing mother’s birthday. She told me not to post it on Facebook, sooooo I posted it in my blog instead! HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM!

Ok, now back to me. Ben went to Alpharetta for the weekend, so I had a whole weekend to myself, which was surprisingly refreshing. I got a lot of cleaning done in my apartment, which was desperately necessary. I also went to a 90’s themed party thrown by Tommy (dressed as Arnold from “Hey Arnold!”) and Bennett (dressed as Will Smith from “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air”). I dressed up as Zenon from the Disney Channel Original Movie “Zenon, Girl of the 21st Century.” I think I did pretty well, costume-wise.

I’m the one on the left. I’m telling you because I know we look completely identical.

It does beg the question though, how many more years will it be before people start throwing 2000’s parties? And what does one wear? Is it just a regular party disguised as a costume party, since you could basically wear anything in your closet, since most of those styles are still relevant? I don’t know. I guess we’ll see in a few years.

Sunday, I continued my cleaning spree by taking my comforters to the laundromat, since they’re too big to fit into my washing machine at home. While I was waiting for them to wash, I took myself to dinner at the Indian place right down the street (Nirlep), since I knew that’s one food Ben wouldn’t want to eat with me. Eating by yourself at a not-very-crowded restaurant is a strange experience. I didn’t know what to do with myself, other than eavesdrop on other people’s conversations and play WordFeud on my phone. I ordered the same amount of food I’d normally order in a group, because I don’t know how to order food for just 1 person. It was good, although not the best indian I’ve ever eaten by any means.

In honor of my awkward dinner alone Sunday night, I bring you this week’s quote, courtesy of author Laurie Colwin. Have a great week!

“Dinner alone is one of life’s pleasures. Certainly cooking for oneself reveals man at his weirdest. People lie when you ask them what they eat when they are alone. A salad, they tell you. But when you persist, they confess to peanut butter and bacon sandwiches deep fried and eaten with hot sauce, or spaghetti with butter and grape jam.”
–Laurie Colwin

Somebody bring me something deep fried and smothered in chocolate.

Charleston, SC Restaurant Reviews

Chucktown Tavern [CLOSED]

October 18, 2012

Chucktown Tavern is my favorite bar in Charleston. Hands down. Where else in Charleston can you get a Trashcan? No where. So go order one. I’m not going to tell you what it is, this is something you need to learn for yourself. I know Chucktown Tavern’s not for everyone–it’s far from hipster, there’s karaoke every night, and they close early on Saturday nights–but it has its own special kind of charm that I hold dear to my heart. Sometimes I forget that most of the bars I frequent at night are actually restaurants during the day. I’ve been going to Chucktown Tavern for over 2 years now, and I’d never eaten there before this week. I honestly didn’t even realize they served food.

They do serve up some delicious karaoke, though.

When we arrived, we grabbed a menu clipboard and silverware from a stand at the door and seated ourselves at a booth with a nice view of the TV. The bartender came by to take our drink orders within 2 minutes of when we sat down, which was nice. The menu is very straightforward and unpretentious, nothing fancy or frou-frou about it, which is kind of refreshing for downtown Charleston. We started with an order of the black bean cakes, which were absolutely delicious. Ben was a little iffy at first, because they look like slabs of asphalt (I mean, it’s a black bean cake. It’s hard to make it look pretty), but he ended up loving them. They’re made with black beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, and peppers, and a little bit of flour, pan fried, and topped with a sour cream sauce and served with a side of pico de gallo and jalapeño pepper slices. This was my favorite dish out of everything we ordered–they were soooo good.

I know it doesn’t look it, but it is damn delicious.

Ben was feeling kind of boring, so instead of trying one of their signature stuffed burgers, he opted for an old fashioned 1/3 lb burger topped with cheddar cheese, bacon, lettuce, tomato, onions, and mayo, served with a side of house cut fries and homemade coleslaw. As soon as he took a bite, he started making those noises people make when they really like the food they’re eating. He kept mumbling “this is so good,” but with his mouth full of burger, so it sounded more like “threfsj irskds srrrr grsiodbfdl.”

This burger is straight up de-loy-cious

I’m more adventurous, so I ordered the Swamp Fox burger, a 1/2lb angus beef burger stuffed with chili, cheddar cheese, and bacon, topped with lettuce, tomato, mayo, and homemade coleslaw, served with a side of fries and even more coleslaw. It was divine. Seriously. I never end up finishing an entire burger at a restaurant, let alone a 1/2lb burger stuffed with chili and bacon, but I definitely finished this burger (even though it started to fall apart at the end and I had to finish eating it with a fork, like a barbarian). The chili definitely tasted homemade and had hints of chorizo sausage in it, which I really liked. The meat was really well seasoned and would have been tasty on its own. I think the coleslaw was a really great addition to the burger, as it was made with vinegar (rather than mayo), and gave the burger an extra level of freshness.


The only thing we weren’t really crazy about were the fries. They were definitely hand cut and fresh, but they seemed to me to be a bit overcooked and lacked the fluffy interior one has come to expect from this national staple. In the future, I’ll probably replace the fries with something else on their delicious list of side items, like the mac and cheese….which I totally ordered. (I mean, you had to have known I was going to order it. I order mac and cheese LITERALLY every time it’s on a menu. I’m a sucker) So I ordered the side of macaroni and cheese and I absolutely loved it. It was creamy (rather than baked), and tasted like they made it fresh the second I ordered it. You can definitely tell it’s made with real cheddar cheese and fresh cream. It was basic and extraordinary all at the same time. It’s probably my favorite mac and cheese in Charleston (other than KSG’s mac and cheese eggrolls which are something of a religious experience).

Cheesy nectar of the Gods

They didn’t really have a huge dessert selection (only 3 options), so we chose to skip dessert and opt for the check (which was relatively cheap considering all the food we got). I have to say I couldn’t have been more pleasantly surprised with the entire experience. We had a delicious meal that made me feel like I was eating dinner at my friend’s grandmother’s house (I’d say my grandmother, but they’re both horrible cooks). Everything was fresh and delicious, and made with a certain amount of love and care, which I think is really makes a difference in the food.

Also, there’s a patio!

Chucktown Tavern [CLOSED]
159 Market Street
Charleston, SC 29401
(843) 637-3681

Chucktown Tavern on Urbanspoon

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 10/15/12

October 15, 2012

I hada wonderful weekend this weekend with Ben in Greenville. We were very busy. First we went to Sky Top apple orchard for some apple cider donuts, apples, and apple cider. The weather was beautiful and and I got a peck and a half of some yummy apples (expect a pie sometime this week, Blue Ion!) On our way back down the mountain, we decided to stop at Symmes Chapel (aka Pretty Place) and admire the view since it was such a lovely day. We also had dinner at my favorite indian restaurant, which was awesome, even though Ben still refuses to like indian food.

Saturday, we spent the day with my mom at Carowinds, which was awesome. The weather was great and we got Fast Passes so we didn’t really have to wait in line for anything, which is especially good because I’m very impatient. Saturday night, we hung out with Daniel and Shay in honor of Shay’s birthday and we had a really fun time.

Sunday, Ben and I wandered around downtown Greenville for Fall For Greenville where we got to try some delicious Greenville food and listen to some neat bands. I especially liked The Broadcast, a soul band from Asheville, NC. Go listen to them. Do it!

This week’s quote comes from the fabulous Rachael Ray, and it basically sums up my weekend. Enjoy your week everyone!

“I’m an all-things-in-moderation kind of person. I do eat a warm donut occasionally. I especially enjoy a cider donut when I’m apple picking. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that. ”
–Rachael Ray

Moderation schmoderation.

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 10/8/12

October 9, 2012

So, I realize I’m waay behind right now. I’ve had a ton on my plate, but I haven’t forgotten about my loyal readers (Hi mom!). I should have written this weekend, but I just didn’t have the energy, and I’ve been swamped the past couple weeks.

I didn’t do anything exciting this weekend except try to get Ben caught up on Sons of Anarchy (seriously, it’s the best show on television). We made it halfway through season 3, so we definitely made a dent. I also got around to making Ben try Tattooed Moose, which was awesome as always. Order the blue cheese fries with the bulb of confit garlic. Why? WHY?!

He just has a way with words.

Anywho. Back to the point of this post. Here’s a quote from Usain Bolt that makes me think we might be able to get along despite him wanting to run everywhere all the time like a crazy person.

“I really don’t have a favorite meal. I eat anything.”
–Usain Bolt

I could win a gold medal in eating. Or sitting on the couch. Or eating some more. Where’s the Olympics for that, huh?!

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 9/24/12

September 24, 2012

First of all, happiest of Happy Birthdays to one of my bestest best friends, Christine, who is WAY OLDER THAN ME today! Wooo! Check your mail this week, expect something awesome. But not too awesome. Moderately awesome. Wouldn’t want my present to be all anti-climactic.

Had a pretty chillaxed weekend, which was nice. Spent Friday on the couch watching movies with Ben. Saturday, I made these awesome apple turnovers that I brought with me to an oyster roast hosted by one of my coworkers. It’s against my religion to come to a party empty handed. The oyster roast was very fun, and I really enjoyed seeing my coworkers outside of work, and with their hair down. Woooo bonding! Sunday, Ben and Doug and I went to Lost Dog Cafe, and I finally remembered to take pictures of the Biscuits and Gravy, so expect that review sometime soon!

This week’s quote is about oysters and how weird they are. Enjoy and have a great week!

“He was a bold man that first eat an oyster.”
–Jonathan Swift


He was a bold man who thought that hairstyle was a good idea.

Restaurant Reviews

Where NOT To Eat In Boston, MA

September 22, 2012

Recently I travelled to Boston, MA to move my cousin into college. Here’s a (short!) list of places we ate that I would recommend avoiding, unless you don’t have tastebuds or are some kind of food masochist.


The food here is mediocre at best (on the same caliber as a Chili’s or Applebee’s), and way overpriced. If you really want to go, get a drink at the bar and visit the giftshop. That way you can say you went to the Cheers Bar, but you don’t spend a crapload of money on subpar food. Also, no one knew my name.

84 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02108
Cheers Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato


MJ O’Connor’s

Absolutely overpriced. Got the “Taste of Ireland” appetizer sampler (boxty wedges with cheese dip, miniature Irish sausages, onion rings & chicken tenders)… none of that stuff is irish, and it’s $13 dollars to boot. Splitting it between the four of us meant cutting everything in half so that everyone could try. What kind of a “sampler” is that, if it’s only good for 2 people? Though they did have imported Irish beer on tap, they were ridiculously expensive for a pint. Just, totally avoid this place. Seriously, don’t even bother.

MJ O’Connor’s
27 Columbus Ave.
Boston, MA 02116

M.J. O'Connor Irish Pub Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Restaurant Reviews

Tico, Boston, MA

September 21, 2012

So unless you’ve been living under a rock, or you’re new to this blog, or you just generally don’t care about the goings-on of my life, you know that a couple weeks ago I flew to Boston to help my cousin move into her dorm. While I was there I ate some delicious food at some delicious restaurants. I picked most of the restaurants we visited by cross-checking Urbanspoon and Yelp reviews with their location and menu offerings. It’s a very scientific process.

Exactly like Bill Nye

While I was up late one night on Twitter, I decided to try my luck and tweet at celebrity chef Mario Batali, asking him where to eat in Boston. I didn’t expect to get a response. BUT THEN I DID. Here’s proof.


We ended up eating at Tico on our final night in Boston, which might have been part of the problem. We’d had such amazing food the entire time we were there, so my expectations were really high. When we decided to go to Tico, I was really going only because Mario Batali told me to. I didn’t really know that it was a Tapas restaurant until we got there. I’ve never had Tapas before, but here’s what I discovered. You’re basically paying for a full meal, but only getting appetizers. Odds are, you’re not going to leave feeling very full.

Truer words were never spoken.

When we first walked in, it was dark. Like really dark. Like, we had to use our phones to be able to see the menus. I’m all about ambience, but that’s getting a little ridiculous. We also were sitting for about 10 minutes before I went up and asked the hostess if someone could bring us some water, since we hadn’t seen anyone who worked there since the hostess sat us. Mind you, this was a Tuesday night. It was not busy.

Like this, only pitch black.

There were four of us, and the waiter (when he finally showed up) suggested that we order 2-3 things a person. Mind you, these “little plates” ranged from $6 to $14 a plate. Or you could do a chef’s tasting for $35, $55, or $85 a person, depending on how hungry you are. Thank god they bring you free bread, or we might have starved. We started with the two-textured beef with morita chiles taco. The tacos came on 6-inch corn tortillas and there were two of them, so we cut them each in half so all four of us could try everything. I really liked it, but Tina hated it. Also, it was very, very spicy. I thought it had a good texture and a good flavor, even if it did burn the tastebuds off of my tongue.

I should have drawn some flames or something so you’d understand that it was really spicy.

We also got the lobster and avocado tacos, which everyone seemed to love. These were also a bit spicy, but not as bad as the beef ones. I liked these as well, but I’m not sure 2 6-inch tacos were worth $12.

Obviously I didn’t take this picture. I stole it from Google.

From there we ordered off of the “a la plancha” section of the menu. We got meatballs with smoky tomato and chicken with spicy pomegranate. The meatballs were served in a sweet sauce, that Tina absolutely hated. I didn’t mind them, but they tasted a lot like the meatballs you get out of the freezer section of Sam’s Club when you’re planning your Superbowl Party. They didn’t taste homemade at all.

Still not entirely convinced that these didn’t come from Costco

The chicken was good, but it really just tasted like bite-sized pieces of grilled chicken. The pomegranate sauce was delicious, and that’s what made it stand out. But without the sauce, the chicken was just… chicken.

See. Chicken.

From there we moved onto the Small Plates. We ordered the Tico’s Mac and Cheese with serrano ham and crunchy bread crumbs. I don’t usually like macaroni and cheese with anything fancy, especially ham (since I hate ham). But I actually loved this. Uncle Greg thought it was a bit watery, but that was fine because it meant more for me.


Next we ordered chorizo risotto with pasilla chiles, scallion and parmigiano. For me, chorizo is pretty hit or miss. Some places do it really well, but most places miss the mark. I liked this pretty ok. Tina hated it, but she also hates chorizo, so. I probably wouldn’t order it again, but it was pretty ok.

Mediocrity in the form of risotto

After the risotto we ordered the crispy fried Manchego cheese with spicy pomegranate honey sauce, which was pretty popular on Yelp. It was a pretty unanimous favorite of the table. Basically it was a fried cheese stick with pomegranate dipping sauce. They came out hot and crunchy, and the cheese was ooey and gooey. I would definitely recommend ordering this if you ever end up at Tico.

Stolen from Google. Mine was all blurry

Another favorite was the sweet corn with bacon, chiles and Thai Basil. It came out nice and warm and tasted like it had been cooked with the bacon, very smoky and delicious. I love any vegetable that tastes like bacon. The corn was cooked perfectly. It was crisp and delicious, and I wish I knew how to make this, because it’s amazing.

BACON CORN. Ron Swanson would approve.

Finally the roasted cauliflower with creamy chipotle and crushed, crunchy Fava Beans. Cauliflower isn’t my favorite, but this wasn’t bad. I know Uncle Greg liked it, but I can’t remember Tina’s thoughts. I think we both just thought it was just ok.

I tend to avoid fava beans, because they always make me think of Silence of the Lambs and it creeps me out.

Our waiter asked if we wanted dessert, but they really didn’t have anything special on the menu. I mean, chocolate cake is a dime a dozen. We ended up going to Ben and Jerry’s for an ice cream instead, and it was a much better value.

This picture alone made it all worth it.

Basically, Tico would be a great spot for a first date. It’s very romantic and the food is good for having conversation, since you’re just snacking. I don’t think I’ll ever go back. I’ll take a little hole-in-the-wall place that serves amazing food, over a trendy, ambience-heavy restaurant every day of the week.

222 Berkeley Street
Boston, MA 02116

Tico Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Restaurant Reviews

Passage To India, Salem, MA

September 20, 2012

While touring Salem like the super tourists we are, we got peckish from all the walking and witchcrafting and decided to stop at an indian restaurant we saw for dinner. It was very yummy. I really liked that they featured some items that I’ve never seen on any other indian restaurant menu. When we first sat down, they gave us that bread that’s like paper that you get at every indian restaurant and the hot onion chutney, which I usually love. This one, however, was pretty much the spiciest thing I’ve ever eaten, and it took three glasses of water, and a Sam Adams Boston Lager to put out the fire in my mouth. And even then, my tastebuds were all sensitive and angry.

Like being stung in the tongue by a thousand evil bees from hell.

We started with the Passage Mixed Appetizers plate, which is pretty standard for indian restaurants. This featured vegetable pakora, vegetable samosa, aloo tikki, cheese pakora (my favorite), chicken pakora, meat samosa, chicken kabob, and fish pakora. Although, somehow they ended up replacing the meat samosa with another vegetable samosa, which was kind of a let down. But other than that it was quite yummy. We also got cheese naan which, when done right, is my favorite indian bread. This one wasn’t really that great, which was also disappointing. The best one is india palace in Greenville. I really liked that they did combination plates for people like me who can’t decide what they want. Plus, their combo plate featured basically the three dishes I usually have trouble deciding between: Chicken tikka masala, paneer saag, and lamb curry. It came with rice and poori bread, which is the bread equivalent of a balloon. I loved it, it was so yummy.

Bread balloons are my favorite kind of balloons

I didn’t think I was going to love the lamb, but it was actually perfect. Not fatty at all, and the curry sauce was delicious. I loved the paneer saag, although I have to say that the best saag I’ve ever eaten was at India Palace in Greenville. The chicken tikka masala was pretty delicious, but I would say that’s pretty standard. I’ve never really had tikka masala that I didn’t like. Greg got the Chicken tikka masala at the spiciest level you could get it. Karen got Chicken curry slightly less spicy than Greg’s. Both were waaay too spicy for me.

Now I’m craving Indian food. And no one I know in Charleston likes Indian food. Awesome.

Tina got a chicken dosa, which is one of those things I’ve never heard of before. It was described as a “crispy chicken crepe,” but looked more like an indian burrito. Either way it was very yummy, although I would probably never order it myself. All in all, our meal was delicious.

Indian burrito!

I love indian food. It’s probably my favorite food to eat, after sushi. And Passage to India makes really quality, delicious indian food. TRY IT!

Passage To India
157 Washington Street
Salem, MA 01950

Passage to India Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato