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Queen of the Food Age

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 2/25/13

February 25, 2013

This week’s quote is inspired by the delicious Barbecue I ate in Orangeburg this weekend. It comes from BBQ enthusiast Vince Staten who wrote a nifty guide about the best BBQ joints and recipes in the US. I haven’t read it yet, but I want to!

“The story of barbecue is the story of America: Settlers arrive on great unspoiled continent, discover wondrous riches, set them on fire and eat them.”
–Vince Staten

Am I the only one who thinks he kind of looks like the Keebler Elf?

Am I the only one who thinks he kind of looks like the Keebler Elf?


fcupid13 at Mellow Mushroom

February 22, 2013

Every year on Valentine’s day, Mellow Mushroom in downtown Charleston hosts an fcupid party for singles or “those awesome couples who would rather party down than dine in an over-priced and stuffy restaurant.” I went my senior year with Ross and Lily and basically just ate pizza and talked about how Valentine’s day is stupid. This year, however, they incorporated the Walking Dead and held a contest via Twitter and Instagram to use the Dead Yourself app and #fcupid13 for a chance to win a bar tab. Which I won, because I’m awesome.

I make a pretty hot Zombie

I make a pretty hot Zombie

When Laura and I got to the party, the whole upstairs area was transformed into this zombie party complete with ice luge, zombie piñata (which looked way too much like a clown for my comfort), fake bugs everywhere (which I didn’t realize were fake at first and scared the crap out of me), a live funk-rock-hip-hop band, a zombie face painter, and pictures of people who Deaded Themselves on Twitter and Instagram all over the walls. It felt like I was at a haunted Halloween party, which was great.



Even though we left before the piñata because A. it was late and we have to be up early to work for The Man and B. we forgot there was a piñata–it was still really fun and I’ll definitely be going next year! Check out the album for more pictures!

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 2/18/13

February 18, 2013

This week’s quote comes from a french lawyer who is known as being one of the first restaurant critics and food reviewers. He’s known for being “scathing and witty” in his reviews and even published a “Food Lover’s Almanac” that was pretty popular until a bunch of people got mad and accused him of accepting bribes in exchange for favorable reviews, forcing him to fake his own death and live out the rest of his days in a chateau outside of Paris. People apparently took food reviews very seriously back then.

“Life is so brief that we should not glance either too far backwards or forwards…therefore study how to fix our happiness in our glass and in our plate.”
– Grimod de la Reynière


Dude, look at that face. I can't stop laughing.

Dude, look at that face. I can’t stop laughing.


Omelet “Muffins”

February 15, 2013

I’m not sure if I’ve ever mentioned this before on this blog, but I am not a morning person. When I’m going to bed at night, I always have these grand plans for my morning “I’m going to get up at 6 and jog! Then I’m going to make a healthy breakfast, and shower and take some time to do my hair and makeup and I’m going to look like a movie star!” Then my alarm goes off and I think “screw that, I’m going to sleep for another hour.” Then an hour and a half later, when I actually drag myself out of bed, I barely have time to throw my hair in a bun after I shower and grab a yogurt as I’m running out the door.

Basically the only time I do any running is when I'm running late.

Basically the only time I do any running is when I’m running late.

I’ve heard lots of people say that “breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” so I’ve really been putting in an effort to make a good breakfast recently. Scrambled eggs, turkey bacon or sausage, some kind of veggie or bean. Problem is, it usually takes me 30 – 45 minutes to cook and consume this healthy breakfast. So I’ve been trying to find ways to still have a good breakfast in the morning while keeping my cook/prep/eating time to about 5 minutes.  When I found this recipe, I was super pumped because not only does it take about 1 minute to prepare in the morning, it’s portable, so I can still eat it as I’m running out the door. It’s the best of both worlds! I usually make these on Sunday night and then I have enough to last throughout the week.


  • 8 eggs
  • ½ cup cooked meat, cut or crumbled into small pieces (I used turkey sausage)
  • ½ cup red & yellow peppers (or veggies of your choice)
  • ½ cup diced onions
  • 1 15oz can black beans, drained (or beans of your choice)
  • 2 TBSP light ranch dressing (or mayo if you prefer)
  • Salt & pepper (about 1/8 tsp each)
  • Optional: ¼ cup shredded cheese, lightly drained salsa, garlic, etc
  • Tin Foil cupcake cups (optional, but this makes things easier)


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Generously grease muffin tins (or foil cups) with butter, pam, or coconut oil.
  2. In a skillet, add sausage (or whatever meat you choose to use), onions, beans, and peppers and  saute until soft. Let cool.

    Although, you could totally eat this all on its own. Yummm

    Although, you could totally eat this all on its own. Yummm

  3. In a bowl, beat the eggs and ranch dressing until thoroughly mixed. Spoon the meat/veggies mixture into the eggs and stir gently to incorporate.

    Eggs just freak me out.

    Eggs just freak me out.

  4. Spoon or scoop the egg/meat mixture into the muffin cups. Make sure you have a good ratio of eggs to meat.
  5. Bake for 18–20 minutes until a knife inserted into the center of an muffin/ omelet comes out almost clean (they’ll continue to cook for a minute or two after removed from the oven).
  6. Remove the omelets from the muffin cups and serve, or cool completely and store for another day.
These are really yummy

These are really yummy

I think next time the only things I would do differently would be getting the tin foil cupcake cups, or just greasing the cupcake pan and making them without the wrapper at all. The eggs stick to the paper a little too much with the paper cups and you end up losing like half of your omelet muffin. I’d also spoon the meat mixture in first and then top it off with the eggs to make sure I got a good ratio with each muffin. Taste-wise though, I’d say they were perfect.

Random Fodder

Happy Valentine’s Day

February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine’s Day everybody! I’m traditionally not a huge fan of Valentine’s Day, but I AM a huge fan of Valentine’s Day candy and chocolate. So, whether you’re in a relationship or single, I hope you all enjoy the sweets and spoils this weird, Hallmark holiday!

Yes. This.

Yes. This.


Enjoy this collection of Valentine’s Day Pictures and Meme’s collected from around the internet. Oh, and don’t forget to check out the Google Doodle today!

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 2/11/13

February 11, 2013

So how ’bout that Walking Dead premiere last night, amiright? So good. We had a fun little party at LDub’s house complete with 3 types of mac and cheese, cream cheese chicken crescent rolls, chorizo dip, buffalo chicken dip, salsa, and raspberry jam-filled “Walker Bait” mini chocolate cakes courtesy of Zach and Sara. It was delicious and awesome and I’ll never be able to watch Walking Dead the same way again. Saturday, I also attended a mini-mac off, held by my friend Sheena. She won (but I think a lot of that had to do with the fact that it was her party and her friends. Just saying #soreloser). It was a really fun weekend overall (check out my album below for all the pics).

This week’s quote comes from Alice May Brock (aka Alice of Arlo Guthrie’s Alice’s Restaurant), and I think it’s actually a very informative guide to spices and ethnic food.

“Tomatoes and oregano make it Italian; wine and tarragon make it French. Sour cream makes it Russian; lemon and cinnamon make it Greek. Soy sauce makes it Chinese; garlic makes it good.”
–Alice May Brock

...Well, that's definitely not sanitary.

…Well, that’s definitely not sanitary.


Tina Chili

February 8, 2013

My mom makes the best chili. Well, she makes the best pretty much any food you can name, but her chili is especially good. I know lots of people love really spicy chili, but I’m not a person who believes that chili making should actually be a process of developing new and interesting ways to set people’s mouths on fire and ensure they don’t taste things right for at least a week. I like a little bit of kick, but let’s keep it to a reasonable level people. If I have to sign a waiver before I eat your food, IT’S TOO SPICY.

Turning into a fire breathing dragon is not my idea of fun.

Turning into a fire breathing dragon is not my idea of fun.


  • 1 Green Bell Pepper, chopped
  • 1 Red Bell Pepper, chopped
  • 4 Tablespoons Butter
  • 1 Large Onion, chopped
  • 4 teaspoons Garlic, minced
  • 1 teaspoon Salt
  • 1 teaspoon Dried Oregano
  • 1 Tablespoon Chili Powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon Cumin
  • 1/2 teaspoon Crushed Red Pepper
  • Dash Cayenne Pepper
  • 2-3 Pounds Ground Beef
  • 2 Tablespoons Oil
  • 4 (16 ounce) Cans Black Beans
  • 2 (16 ounce) Cans Mexican-Style Stewed Tomatoes
  • 1 (8 ounce) Can Tomato Sauce
  • 1 (6 ounce) Can Tomato Paste
  • 1 Cup Water

There are two ways of making this chili. The first is the classic Tina method, which takes a lot more work, but is totally worth it. The second is the lazy Sydney method, which involves a crock pot and very little work on your part, but takes a lot more time (since it’s in the slow cooker).

The Tina Method:


  1. Chop Peppers & Onions and mince Garlic (set aside)
  2. Open both cans of Mexican-Style Stewed Tomatoes. Put into Food Processor and Puree. (set aside)
  3. Open Can of Tomato Paste. Put into Food Processor. Add with one cup of water and Puree. (set aside)
  4. Brown Ground Beef in 2 Tablespoons Oil. Partially Drain. I add a little of the oil from the browned ground beef to my chili for flavor. (set aside)


  1. Melt 4 Tablespoons Butter in a large dutch oven (Pot).
  2. Add chopped Bell Peppers and Onions and sauté until tender – about 10 minutes.
  3. Add minced Garlic, Salt, Oregano, Chili Powder, Cumin, Crushed Red Pepper, and a Dash of Cayenne Pepper. Stir all together.
  4. Stir in Ground Beef.
  5. Add Black Beans, Stewed Tomatoes, Tomato Sauce and Tomato Paste.
  6. Bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer for approximately 30-45 minutes. Stirring Occasionally.
  7. Serve with a good crusty bread ( like a bread bowl if you can find one), some cheddar cheese, or spaghetti noodles.

Notes from Tina:

  • The first time you make it, don’t substitute any thing. You can substitute and adjust the recipe after you’ve tried it this way at least once. Like substituting Cooked, Cubed Chicken for the Ground Beef or Salsa instead of the Stewed Tomatoes. You may even want to cut back on the Crushed Red Pepper or Cayenne
  • You may find that when it’s about done you may need to adjust your seasonings as per your taste like add more cumin and chili powder. You’ll have to play with it til you get it the way that suits you. Sometimes it’s just perfectly fine. Figure out what works for you.
  • If it isn’t thick enough for you mix a little water with flour and pour into the chili, stirring constantly til thick. (Rule: Never pour flour into a hot liquid as it will clump instead of mixing) FYI: Mesa Flour is generally used to thicken chili but white all purpose flour is fine also. And again, you may not need to thicken it. Depends on personal taste.
Bread, chili, cheese... what more could you possibly ask for??

Bread, chili, cheese… what more could you possibly ask for??

The Sydney Method:


  1. Chop Peppers & Onions and mince Garlic (or buy the stuff that’s already done for you)
  2. Brown ground beef and partially drain.
  3. Open Can of Tomato Paste. Put into Food Processor. Add with one cup of water and puree



  1. Put all ingredients in crockpot. Stir together.
  2. Put crockpot on low and cook for ~8 hours.
  3. Enjoy with sour cream, good crusty bread, and/or shredded cheddar cheese (or on its own if you’re looking for a low carb dinner option)


  • I usually do 2 cans of black beans and 2 cans of either kidney or pinto beans for a little variety. 
  • Once, I didn’t have tomato paste and used a can of refried beans instead. It worked great.
  • That same time, I also didn’t have a plain can of tomato sauce, so I used marinara sauce instead, and it was fine.
Basically I'm obsessed with chili.

Basically I’m obsessed with chili.

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 2/4/13

February 4, 2013

So mad that I listened to that horse instead of betting on the ravens. Booooo. Then again I’d only have voted on the Ravens because of that Sandra Bullock movie. Whatever… Football is dumb.

I’m sure you guys made something delicious… I made loaded tater tots (tater tachos) which were freaking delicious… This quote accurately depicts how I make my super bowl decisions, and I love it.

“I predict one of these two teams will win the Super Bowl.”
–Gilbert Gottfried




“Give Maple A Shot” Crown Royal Maple Finished Whisky Tasting Event

February 1, 2013

DISCLAIMER: I got free alcohol at this media event that I was invited to. Also, most of the pictures in this post are from external sources because iPhoto hates me and refuses to open and download my pictures.


How does one get the title “Master of Whisky?” Sydney Gallimore, Master of Whisky, esq.

A couple weeks ago, someone from a marketing agency found my blog and decided I was important enough to be invited to a “special media event” at Social Restaurant + Wine Bar for the new Crown Royal Maple Finished Whisky. I saw the words “Free” and “Whisky” and was totally sold (and then I did a little happy dance that some stranger thought my blog was good enough to warrant “media” invitations).


Look at me, I AM SO PHOTOGENIC, YOU GUYS (photo from Carolina Nightlife)

I was a bit weirded out by the idea of maple whisky (and also, I really think it should be “whiskey”), but actually it’s delicious. Not too sweet, not overly maple-tasting. It was actually really, really yummy…although the smell was a bit overwhelming… as Tommy said “It smells like instant oatmeal in here.” I’m not a huge whisky person in general, but this is something I’d definitely buy again.

Laura and I getting harassed by paparazzi (and by that I mean, I asked Bennett to take our picture)

Laura and I getting harassed by paparazzi (and by that I mean I asked Bennett to take our picture)

The event was in 2 parts. I only stayed for the first part, which was the free drinks part. They offered 2 different cocktails, an old-fashioned and something called “The Manitoba,” which is what I got and it was delicious and sweet and fruity and delicious (yes. two deliciouses). The boys preferred the old-fashioned because it was “less frou-frou” and more manly. You could also get it on the rocks, which I’m sure was delicious, but I was too chicken to try.

Drink Menu

I’ll try to recreate the manitoba at my house, but I doubt it’ll be as delicious.

There was also a mixology competition that was open to everyone brave enough to enter. I unfortunately had to leave before this happened (also before they brought the food out, which is the real tragedy), but Tommy and Bennett stayed and tried their hand at being master mixologists. They lost, but hey, we can’t all be winners like me. The grand prize was a maple body guitar (heh heh, maple wood. Maple whisky. GET IT?!) which I’m sure Benjamin would’ve been totally geeking out over had he been there (or maybe not.. I know nothing about guitars).

Look at that skill. Dudeman is a pro.

Look at that skill. Dudeman is a pro. (photo courtesy of Taylor Strategy)

Either way, it was a really fun event, the whisky is delicious, and people should invite me to more things that are free. Check out the album for more sweet pictures!

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 1/28/13

January 28, 2013

Holy crap, January is almost over. 2013 is flying by.

Spent the weekend alone with my cats on the couch catching up on some TV I’m behind on. It was amazing. Ordered take-out from Mellow to avoid having to go to any restaurants by myself, and also to avoid showering. Seriously, best weekend ever. This week’s quote is from Andy Warhol and I think it’s a brilliant idea and why hasn’t this been invented yet?

“I like eating alone. I want to start a chain of restaurants for other people who are like me called ANDYMATS – The Restaurant for the Lonely Person. You get your food and then you take your tray into a booth and watch television.”
Andy Warhol

I just need a few shots of my burger before I eat it...

I just need a few shots of my burger before I eat it…