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Queen of the Food Age

Random Fodder

Once Upon A Time I Made A Wedding Cake

October 23, 2013

My schedule is all off-kilter recently due to being sick and out of the country for the past couple of days, so in lieu of a quote this week, I’m going to give you some cake eye-candy to salivate over.

As you guys may have gathered, I baked the wedding cake for my best friends’ wedding 2 weeks ago. It was one of the scariest undertakings I’ve ever foolishly volunteered for, but despite the constant montage playing in my head of things that could go wrong, it actually turned out pretty perfectly. I just wish I’d taken more pictures of the baking / decorating process.

Cake: Southern pecan spice cake
Frosting: Butter pecan cream cheese frosting

I’m not going to give away my secret recipe, but I will say that it had lots of butter in it (so you know it was delicious).

Wedding cake

Just finished, basking in the morning sun

Fall Wedding Cake

Eat your heart out, Pinterest.

Pecan Wedding Cake

A cell phone close-up

Night shot with flash

Night shot with flash

About to cut the cake!

About to cut the cake!

When the photographer posts her professional shots, I’ll be sure to share those with you as well. I hope she got a picture of the inside of the cake, because I definitely forgot.

[EDIT] Here’s the photographer’s photo!

wedding cake

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 10/14/13

October 15, 2013

The wedding was amazing, you guys. Seriously, it was the best wedding ever, and I kind of wish it would’ve gone on for like 3 more days. Most importantly, my cake turned out amazing.  I’ll post some pictures tomorrow (and hopefully I’ll get to Taste of Charleston by the end of the week. Sheesh, I’ve been busy!)

Today’s quote comes from The Naked Chef,  Jamie Oliver, and I think perfectly summarizes the way I felt about this weekend.

“If you can eat with mates or friends or family, I mean, it’s such a brilliant thing isn’t it? If you feel really rubbish and you have a nice bit of food, it makes you feel good, you know?”
— Jamie Oliver

Although, to be fair, you should probably add "alcohol"

Although, to be fair, you should probably adjust the ending to read “a nice bit of food AND ALCOHOL…”

Random Fodder

Sean & Christine Are Getting Married

October 11, 2013

Sorry guys, no review this week. I’m taking some time off to prepare for the wedding of some of my very best friends in the whole wide universe! I can’t believe that it’s finally here! The moment we’ve been waiting for since 2011. How did that happen so fast?!

You guys are awesome and I’m so glad I have you in my life. Despite life’s obstacles and the distance between us, we’ve still managed to stay close and always be there for each other. You guys are my favoritest goobers in the whole world!

This is our first picture together! Halloween 2009!

This is our first picture together! Halloween 2009. That feels like a lifetime ago.

And this is from July. My how times have changed. We're getting old you guys.

And this is from July 2013 (which somehow still seems like a lifetime ago). Oh, how times have changed. We’re getting old you guys. Also, alcohol.

I’ll be back next week with more food-related goodness! Ta-ta for now!


Charleston, SC Restaurant Reviews

Oak Steakhouse

October 4, 2013

My final restaurant week visit was with my roommate, Regina, to Oak Steakhouse. I’ve been wanting to try Oak for a while now, curious to see if it could beat out my beloved Halls Chophouse (spoiler alert: it doesn’t).  I know that most people say that you shouldn’t judge a restaurant based on Restaurant Week, but I think that’s just BS. If they can’t produce quality food during RW, then they just shouldn’t participate.

Ok, I'll get off my soapbox now.

Ok, I’ll get off my soapbox now.

We started off with the spicy strawberry margarita, which definitely lived up to its name. So. Spicy. It was good, but we had to have them tone it down a little bit because we’re wimps. My mother would’ve loved it though.

More like StrawBURNy margarita.

More like StrawBURNy margarita.

After we placed our orders, we were brought some bread and butter. It was good bread, I have to say. Nice and warm, and salty, very similar to the benne seed rolls at Husk. And the butter tasted like there’s that.

Bread and butter are my bread and butter.

Bread and butter are my bread and butter.

For my starter, I got the wedge of Kurios Farms Bibb Lettuce Salad (local grape tomatoes, bacon lardons, creamy danish bleu dressing, regularly $10). Bibb wedge salads are not actually anything like your typical wedge salad (it’s just the nature of the beast), so I’ve learned not to be disappointed when I order a Bibb “wedge” salad and it comes out as basically just a bunch of lettuce leaves stacked on top of each other. But it tastes delicious!

Kind of like Lincoln Logs, but with lettuce and bacon.

Kind of like Lincoln Logs, but with lettuce and bacon and significantly less fiber.

Regina got the Vidalia onion bisque (lump crab, bacon crumble), which apparently was a special restaurant week thing. It was weird. Neither of us particularly cared for it. I get that vidalia onions are sweet, but this was ridiculous. It was overly sweet for a savory dish and I didn’t think that the flavors melded well together. Glad it’s not on the regular menu, because I would not order that again.

It seems like a lot of soup until you realize that the bowl is only like half an inch in depth.

It seems like a lot of soup until you realize that the bowl is only like half an inch in depth.

For entrees, I got the Certified Angus Beef Filet Mignon with whipped potatoes, spinach, petite carrots, and Oak’s housemade steak sauce. Being a renowned steakhouse, I was really looking forward to it. I even ordered it medium because everyone gets mad when I order it medium well (because apparently there’s some rule leftover from caveman days where your meat still has to be bleeding when you eat it, or you’re an uncultured swine). When it came out, I was upset to see that they’d precut my filet. Part of the satisfaction of ordering a steak is cutting it at the table and watching the juices ooze out onto your plate. Because they’d precut it, when I went to eat it, my steak was already cold, like it had been sitting out for a while, and not under a heat lamp. This was only emphasized by the fact that Regina’s food came out steaming for a good 5 minutes. I was also bothered by the “smear” of potatoes I got on my plate. I’m all about good plating, but this was ridiculous.

I think they really took that "Lincoln log" comment to heart with those carrots.

I think they really took that “Lincoln log” comment to heart with those carrots.

Regina got the pork shank served with sweet potato puree, braised greens, sweet apple and peach chutney. She replaced the sweet potato puree with roasted corn maque choux, by telling them she had an allergy, because they didn’t allow substitutions, which again, just bothers me. (I hate chefs that get so hoity toity about their food that they don’t let you substitute stuff. Yes, I get that some people like to make like 15 substitutions, and those people suck, but if you’re like me and you abhor mushrooms, AND you’re paying upwards of $40 dollars a plate, you shouldn’t be forced to eat them. I think this might have been another RW thing, where they already had everything premade and didn’t want to have to make real food for people who were only paying the RW price. Ok, I’ll get off my soapbox for real now, I promise.) The pork shank was awesome and fell right off the bone. The maque choux was super tasty and I’d definitely order this dish again. Basically, I was really jealous of Regina’s meal.

Plus, she got like 100% more food than I did.

Plus, she got like 100% more food than I did.

I also couldn’t resist ordering a side of the smokey bacon macaroni and cheese, $8.50. I mean, smoked bacon macaroni and cheese sounds delicious. I thought it was pretty good, but was a little disappointed in the cheese sauce. It was a little too creamy and not quite cheesy enough, but that didn’t stop me from devouring it. I’d probably still order that again. I like it better than Halls Chophouse’s mac & cheese and that’s about the only leg up that Oak got over Halls during this meal.

I'm really bad at Mac & Cheese photography. What's up with that.

I’m really bad at Mac & Cheese photography. What’s up with that.

The dessert that came with the RW menu was “S’mores” with dark chocolate mousse, graham crackers, taosted marshmallow, and salted caramel. It was weird, but I liked it. The graham cracker wasn’t like normal graham cracker, I’d say it was more like a nilla wafer (but like a rock hard version). I thought the combination was really interesting. Regina wasn’t a huge fan of the dessert, and although I can’t say it’s my new favorite thing, I thought it was pretty good.

Now this is pretty plating.

Now this is pretty plating.

Oak definitely didn’t live up to my expectations, but it had enough potential that I might be willing to give them another chance (on someone else’s dime, of course, that place is expensive).

Does anyone else think that tree looks more like a mushroom than an oak?

Does anyone else think that tree looks more like a mushroom than an oak? (photo: from Oak Steakhouse)

Oak Steakhouse
17 Broad St
Charleston, SC 29401
(843) 722-4220
Oak Steakhouse Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 9/30/13

September 30, 2013

This weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the Southern Living Taste of Charleston event at Boone Hall Plantation as a blogger correspondent for Delta Faucet. It was so much fun and I can’t wait to share my experience with you!

In honor of all the delicious food I got to sample this weekend, this week’s quote comes from Ruth Riechl and I think it pretty much captures the spirit of the weekend.

“Pull up a chair. Take a taste. Come join us. Life is so endlessly delicious.”
–Ruth Reichl

Ruth Reichl

I would go crazy if my kitchen was that white.

Charleston, SC Restaurant Reviews

Lana Restaurant & Bar

September 27, 2013

Another one of my restaurant week stops was with my Irish friend Sheena at Lana Restaurant & Bar, a mediterranean and southern-style restaurant downtown. The space is pretty small, and we were tightly packed in. Like, really tightly.

Basically the seating arrangement version of this.

Basically the seating arrangement version of this.

After placing our orders, our waitress brought us some bread served with probably the best olive oil I’ve ever had. I don’t know what made it so good, but you could definitely taste the quality.

Apparently the greener, the tastier.

Apparently the greener, the tastier.

To start, I ordered the lamb spanikopita (ground lamb, spinach, goat and feta cheese, wrapped in phyllo, tzatziki, tomato–mint relish, $10.00), even though it wasn’t on the restaurant week menu. It came out more like a Greek-inspired lamb egg roll, but it was still pretty freaking delicious. I would definitely order that again.

I like most things in egg roll form.

I like most things in egg roll form.

For the RW appetizer, Sheena and I both opted for the Gnocchi con Piselli (Sweet Peas, Ricotta, Garlic, Cream). Not sure if this is on the regular menu, or if it was special for RW, but this was some of the best  gnocchi I’ve had in Charleston. The sauce was perfect, and the gnocchi were nice and light–they practically melted in your mouth. Mmmm…

Yes. They consider this an appetizer.

Yes. They consider this an appetizer.

The menu was really nice at Lana. They didn’t limit you to just the restaurant week main courses–you basically got to choose any main course you wanted. I stuck to the RW-specific offerings, as I wanted to try something new. I opted for the braised short ribs with roasted potatoes, roasted vidalia onions, and arugula romesco sauce. The ribs were a little dry, and it weirded me out that there wasn’t actually a bone, but they were delicious. I thoroughly enjoyed my main course.

Except I'm still not sure how I feel about Romesco sauce.

Except I’m still not sure how I feel about Romesco sauce.

Sheena ordered off the regular menu and got the duck (seared duck breast, leg confit, corn, summer beans, leeks, peach glaze, $24.50). The confit was a little salty for my liking, but that breast was out of this world (that’s what she said??). I would recommend this dish for the duck breast alone. I also was a huge fan of the summer bean succotash thing they did.


The breast is the part that’s all cut up, in case you were confused.

For dessert, I got the chocolate cake (devilish chocolate cake, espresso gelato). It was ok. Nothing special.

Yep. Looks like chocolate cake.

Yep. Looks like chocolate cake.

Sheena got the olive oil cake (lemon olive oil cake, warm berry compote). Now that’s a dessert. I don’t know if it was just because they used that awesome olive oil, or what, but I loved this cake. It was sooo yummy. The berry compote was a great accompaniment and the flavors did a great job of complementing each other.

And plus it looks like a little castle!

And plus it looks like a little castle!

I was really impressed with Lana, especially given the fact that it was Restaurant Week. That makes me want to go back again to see how they do on a normal night. I think when I go back I’ll try the pork (scaloppini pork tenderloin, tomato-caper butter, parmesan risotto, $20.00), which I think sounds outstanding. I love pork scaloppini.

A welcome entrance!

A welcome entrance!

Lana Restaurant & Bar
210 Rutledge Ave
Charleston, SC 29403
(843) 720-8899

Lana Restaurant & Bar Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 9/23/13

September 24, 2013

So I’m in a wedding in like 2 weeks. I can’t even handle how fast this is happening, especially because I have not fulfilled my goal of losing 20 pounds before the wedding. If anything, I think I’ve gained weight. But Lily and I are trying to keep each other accountable and stick to the crash diet that we’re on pre-wedding (although that didn’t stop me from eating both Mexican and Indian food this weekend).

In honor of being really bad at dieting, here’s a quote from Meg Cabot.

“Wait. Why am I thinking about Krispy Kremes? We’re supposed to be exercising.”
–Meg Cabot, Big Boned

Crazy cat ladies, unite!

Crazy cat ladies, unite!

Charleston, SC Restaurant Reviews

Carter’s Kitchen [CLOSED]

September 20, 2013

For restaurant week, Lily and I decided to try out Carter’s Kitchen out in I’on in Mount Pleasant. I’d tried Peninsula Grill a couple years back right before Chef Robert Carter left and was not super impressed with the food that we got. I’ve heard such good things about Carter’s Kitchen, however, that I was willing to give it a try. It took a lot of driving around Stepford I’on before we finally found the restaurant, and then it took some more driving around before we finally found parking.

Those two guys are most definitely robots.

Those two guys are most definitely robots.

The restaurant is located within the Inn at I’On, and is relatively small, but still has a very homey feel about it. Idk, maybe it’s the tan walls.

Hmm... now that I'm looking at it, those walls are a little too skin colored for my taste.

Hmm… now that I’m looking at it, those walls are kind of skin colored (image: Dining Around Charleston)

I had been all excited to try the apple-pumpkin bisque they had listed on their restaurant week menu online, but when we got there we saw that they’d replaced it with a boring tomato bisque, which I thought it tasted like Campbell’s Soup (i.e. not was I was paying $40 to eat). Lily said I was being judgy and that I always think tomato soups taste like Campbell’s, but then I saw another lady on OpenTable said the same exact thing, so now I feel validated.

Pictured: disappointment soup.

Pictured: disappointment soup.

For Lily’s appetizer, she got the “Country Ham Crumb Crusted Seared Scallops with Melted Leeks and Orange Butter,” which she raved and raved about. She only got three on the plate, and although they were decently sized, that’s still not a ton of food. Luckily, she cut me off a bite so I could try it (it was delicious).

Not the best photo, I know, but beggars can't be choosers!

Not the best photo, I know, but beggars can’t be choosers!

For my entree, I opted for the braised short rib with truffle grits and spinach pie. The short rib was awesome, the meat fell off the bone and was super juicy. The spinach pie was probably the weirdest thing I’ve eaten in a while and was unlike any spinach pie I’ve ever had. I really don’t know how to describe it. Those grits, man. Those were the ticket. I’d go back again just for those (but, joke’s on me, because they’re not on the regular menu).

You can tell from this picture just how weird that pie is. Delicious, but weird all the same.

You can tell from this picture just how weird that pie is. Delicious, but weird all the same.

Lily opted for the stuffed quail served on fresh pappardelle pasta with wild mushrooms. I thought the portions were pretty good, and the quail tasted great. I even liked the noodles in the mushroom sauce. All in all, I was very impressed with our entrees.

Is it just me, or do they kind of look like the old Muppet guys?

Is it just me, or do they kind of look like the old Muppet guys in the theater?

For dessert, I got the coconut cake (I mean, it’s Bob Carter. Of course I get the coconut cake). And let me tell you, I was not disappointed. Not in the least. The cake was moist and flavorful and deliciously coconut-ty, and the frosting was perfect–not too sweet. This made the whole trip worth it.

And, obviously, the cake was the best picture I took...

And, obviously, the cake was the best picture I took…

Lily got the other dessert, just so we could try it. It was a lemon tart topped with lots of meringue (and I mean lots), served with a side of strawberry compote. It was really good. I loved the tanginess contrasted with the sweetness…although I could’ve gone for a little less meringue.

It really should read "meringue, served with a side of lemon tart"

It really should read “meringue, served with a side of lemon tart”

Overall, I’d say I had a pleasant experience at Carter’s Kitchen. I think I’d be willing to go back and give it another shot to blow my socks off (for the coconut cake, if nothing else). If you’re in the Mount Pleasant area, looking for a good dinner spot, I’d recommend looking into Carter’s Kitchen.

Just remember to watch for robots. (image: Carter's Kitchen)

Just remember to watch for robots. (image: Carter’s Kitchen)

Carter’s Kitchen
148 Civitas St
Mt Pleasant, SC 29464
(843) 284-0840

Carter's Kitchen on Urbanspoon

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 9/16/13

September 16, 2013

Thanks to everyone who made my birthday special. It was a great weekend and I had so much fun! But now it’s back to the real world, which means getting ready to be a bridesmaid in 2 weddings in the next 2 months. Time to diet. Wooo.

This week’s quote comes from Jarod Kintz, author of “E-mails from a Madman.” Enjoy your week!

“I want to lose weight by eating nothing but moon pies, which have significantly less gravity than earthier foods such as fruits and vegetables.”
–Jarod Kintz

I know that feel.

I know that feel.

Random Fodder

Happy Birthday To Me!

September 13, 2013


And so are you for reading my blog. So many things have changed since last year, and I really appreciate you guys sticking with me. You’re the best!

As a token of my appreciation I will be giving out free hugs to the first 15 people that accost me on the street, no matter what they smell like.

I’m off to enjoy my birthday, but I PROMISE I will be back with more restaurant reviews next week. I ate at 3 new restaurants just in the past week alone, so I have a lot of stuff to share with everyone.

Enjoy this picture of the birthday queen (that’s me, for those of you just joining us).

