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Queen of the Food Age

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 2/24/14

February 26, 2014

Starting next week I’m going to try re-formatting my blog just a bit, in terms of my posting schedule. Mondays (which were previously reserved for “Quote of the Week” are now going to be a “weekend round-up,” highlighting all the shenanigans I got into over the weekend, and giving my readers a chance to know me a little better as a person and a blogger. I’ll be moving the Quote to Wednesday, and saving the review/recipe/random fodder posts for Friday (or Saturday if my week has been particularly busy). I hope you guys like the new format!

This week’s quote is in honor of Girl Scout Cookie season (basically the best season of the year), and comes from Barbara Johnson. Enjoy!

“A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand”
–Barbara Johnson

Turns out there are a lot of "Barbara Johnsons" out there, so rather than run the risk of picking the wrong one, I just went with this Buzzfeed graphic instead.

Turns out there are a lot of “Barbara Johnsons” out there, so rather than run the risk of picking the wrong one, I just went with this Buzzfeed graphic instead.

Charleston, SC Restaurant Reviews

Desano Pizza Bakery [CLOSED]

February 21, 2014

Recently, I met up with Laura and Lauren from Blue Ion for lunch. I picked Desano because I’d been wanting to try it, and boy, am I glad we did. The place was relatively empty when we first got there, but we were impressed with the size of the space and how immaculately clean and inviting it was. It had a very interesting feel about it; it felt at once brand new and years old, which was strangely calming.

Then again, we were 2 beers deep, so that could've had something to do with it...

Then again, we were 2 beers deep, so that could’ve had something to do with it…Photo from Urbanspoon

When you first arrive, you order at the counter and then wait for your food in the dining room. The lady who was working the counter (whose name I’m sad to say that I don’t remember) was really funny and helped us make the perpetually difficult decision of which pizza to order. She also let us know that all of the ingredients they use to make their pizza–from the flour they use to make the dough, the salt they use to season it, and the buffalo mozzarella and tomatoes that top their pizzas are all flown in fresh from Italy. And their pizza dough is made fresh daily in small batches. And their three pizza ovens (which were also imported from Italy) can cook your pizza in under 90 seconds. Like, whoa. What is this place?

It's blurry because this place really is like a dream. A delicious, pizza dream.

It’s blurry because eating at Desano is like a dream. A delicious, pizza dream.

Some of the ingredients, like Peppadew, we’d never heard of, and she patiently explained to us exactly what everything was (a peppadew is like if “a sweet pepper and a cherry tomato had a baby that was kind of sweet and spicy all at the same time”), and made some genius recommendations.

For reference. Sidenote: They sell these at Whole Foods stuffed with goat cheese, and they are positively sinful.

For reference. Sidenote: They sell these at Whole Foods stuffed with goat cheese, and they are positively sinful.

We started with the San Gennaro pizza (sausage, peppadew, garlic, buffalo mozzarella, caramelized onions, $15), which also shares a name with one of their 3 pizza ovens. The crust is Napoletana-style, which means thin crusts and a nice char, which is refreshin and different. The pizza was so good, I can’t even explain it accurately. It had a great mixture of spicy (from the sausage) and sweet (from the peppadew and onions) and cheesy (from the mozzarella and garlic). It was perfection.

I might actually go eat this for lunch today #noshame

I might actually go eat this for lunch today #noshame

The other pizza we ordered was the Bianca (Mozzarella, ricotta, buffalo mozzarella, garlic, pecorino romano, $13). I’m a little obsessed with white pizzas and have yet to find one in Charleston that lives up to the amazing white pizza I’ve had in Boston. This one definitely came the closest. It is freaking delicious. La, you might even convert from the Gourmet White at Mellow (although, you never really will, let’s be serious). I can’t wait til my mom is off of her HCG diet so I can take her here and have her try it. She’s also a white pizza snob. It was cheesy, garlicky, and delicious and I would even go so far as to say that it’s the best white pizza in Charleston.

I changed my mind. I might go eat this for lunch. #CantMakeDecisions

I changed my mind. I might go eat this for lunch. #CantMakeDecisions

After eating a bunch of pizza and drinking beer, you’d think our gluttony would be satisfied, but you’d be wrong. Did I mention that Desano hand fills cannoli? Because they do. And they let you choose from a variety of toppings and it is glorious. Since we were practically the only people in there, the counter girl made us a custom cannoli based on her favorite toppings. I don’t remember what it was, except that it was delicious and had I not been disgustingly full, I would’ve ordered another.

She's like a magical cannoli wizard.

She’s like a magical cannoli wizard.

The level of service at Desano was also exceptional. From the moment we walked in, we felt like they actually cared about us having a positive experience. While we were waiting for our pizzas to come out, one of the guys from the kitchen came out to apologize and say that they’d overcooked one of our pizzas and were making us a whole new pizza. They brought out the overcooked one anyway, so we essentially got a whole pizza for free (and we didn’t even ask or complain or anything!). Plus, even though they sell alcohol, they’re totally fine with you BYOB and don’t even charge you a corkage fee! That’s some excellent customer service right there.

These ovens are serious business. Photo from the Charleston City Paper

These ovens are serious business. Photo from the Charleston City Paper

DeSano Pizza Bakery
94 Stuart St.
Charleston, SC 29403
(843) 637-4225
DeSano Pizza Bakery Menu, Reviews, Photos, Location and Info - Zomato

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 2/17/14

February 19, 2014

I hope everyone had a great Valentine’s Day weekend! Mine was absolutely fantabulous, and I’m sure I’ll be writing more about it soon!

Tonight, I’m taking part in a super cool event, the Food Lion Frugal Cook Off. I’ll be partnered up with another local food blogger as we compete against other food bloggers to create the best, most frugal dish using Food Lion brand products. The twist: the protein I have to incorporate will be a surprise, so I won’t really be able to prepare much before the event. This will probably be the closest I’ll ever get to being on Chopped or Iron Chef, and I’m both excited and a little scared. I think it’ll be fun though! Join me if you want at Charleston Cooks from 6-9 to cheer me on!

“When baking, follow directions. When cooking, go by your own taste.”
–Laiko Bahrs


I do love a good bakesale...

I do love a good bakesale…

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 2/10/14

February 14, 2014

I hope that whether you’re single, in a relationship, or some weird and ambiguous third option that you have a happy and chocolate-filled Valentine’s Day weekend!

This week’s quote comes from food photographer Karl Petzke and sums up how I’m feeling today.

“Chocolate symbolizes, as does no other food, luxury, comfort, sensuality, gratification, and love.”
–Karl Petzke

Great. Now I'm craving chocolate AND champagne.

Great. Now I’m craving chocolate AND champagne.


Duvall Express Launch Party

February 10, 2014

A few weeks back, I was invited to attend the launch party for Duvall Express, a small event catering and event space in North Charleston, SC. The space is very multi-purpose, incorporating events, theater productions, catering kitchen, and serving as a “home base” for a number of the Lowcountry’s best food trucks. The event was in conjunction with Lowcountry Local First and consisted of many local vendors setting up tables in the space and offering samples of their products for everyone to try, in addition to the menu provided by Duvall Express.

You had me at "Mac and Cheese Buffet"

You had me at “Mac and Cheese Buffet”

Josh at Duvall Express was kind enough to give us the “Behind-The-Scenes” tour of the multiple kitchens (yes, there are more than one!) and the event spaces in their North Charleston facility. Duvall Express partnered with South Carolina vendors whose products they incorporated into their local-themed menu. It’s nice to see businesses focused on helping out local entrepreneurs. Couple that with the fact that pretty much everything that I tried from their catering menu was delicious, and you can bet I can’t wait to attend an event catered by Duvall Express!

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Duvall Express
2816 Azalea Dr
North Charleston, SC 29405
(843) 763-9222 ext. 20
Duvall Lite on Urbanspoon

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 2/3/14

February 3, 2014

How bout them Seahawks, eh? The Super Bowl was kind of a super disappointment. I was rooting for the Seahawks to win, so I was happy on that regard, but it was just a total shut out, there was no suspense, and the commercials were more on the sentimental side than the hilarious commercials of Super Bowls past.

We had a huge feast at my apartment, complete with tater tot casserole, 2 kinds of wings, cowboy caviar, buffalo chicken dip, tortilla chips, chicken nuggets, leftover wedding cake, and oatmeal cookies. It was amazing.

In honor of the Super Bowl, this week’s quote comes from Ron Swanson. Enjoy!

“I’ve eaten a lot of food in a lot of restaurants. Why is everyone else so bad at eating?”


–Ron Swanson, Parks & Rec


Why, indeed.

Why, indeed.


Random Fodder

And The Winner Is…

January 20, 2014

Thanks to everyone who participated in my giveaway! I got over 350 entries which was way more than I was expecting. This was my very first giveaway and I’m pretty pumped by the great results. I’ll be doing another giveaway next month, so be sure to check back in!


Congratulations to Caroline M., entry #193 for winning a Delta Touch2O faucet of your choice! Please send me an email with your final faucet & finish preferences as well as your address and we’ll get your faucet out to you shortly!

delta faucet winner


Pepper Jelly-Stuffed Pimento Cheese Cookies

January 17, 2014

This photos and baking finesse of this post come from my mother. The commentary is mine.

Yes, I know the title sounds strange, and you’re probably thinking “there’s no way those taste good,” but believe me, oh, ye of little faith, they’re actually pretty yummy. I adapted a Southern Living recipe to make these based on what I already had lying around the house. There’s only 5 ingredients (6 if you count the parchment paper), and they’re pretty easy to easy to make.


  • 1 cup flour
  • 1 cup refrigerated Palmetto cheese, original flavor (or your favorite pimento cheese)
  • 1/2 cup pecans, finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup butter, softened
  • 4 tablespoons One Screw Loose raspberry merlot cracked pepper jelly (or whatever your favorite it)


1. Gather all of your ingredients. I also grabbed a nice craft beer to drink while I was baking. This isn’t integral to the baking process, but it sure makes time go by faster.

Ok, so the beer isn't "technically" an ingredient.

Ok, so the beer isn’t “technically” an ingredient.

2. Beat together flour & pimiento cheese at medium speed for about 1 minute.

I use the food processor for pretty much everything.

I use the food processor for pretty much everything. But a mixer would work, too.

3. Use a food processor (or a knife if you don’t have one) to chop up your pecans super fine. If you like nuts in cookies, then you can probably leave them a little coarser, but I like it better like this.

I like that beer even better.

I like that beer even better.

4. Add pecans and butter to the flour & pimento cheese mixture and beat until blended.

This is pre-blend.

Is this blended enough? Idk. Drink!

5. Wrap dough in plastic wrap and chill for 2 hours. If after 2 hours it still isn’t very doughy, you might want to add a little more flour or stick it in the freezer for a hot minute.

tick tock tick tock

tick tock tick tock

6. While the dough is chilling, this is a good time to do the dishes and finish your beer (and maybe pour yourself another while you wait)

The beer is the important part. I can't stress that enough.

The beer is the important part. I can’t stress that enough.

7. Preheat oven to 400°. Place dough on a well-floured surface, and roll to 1/8-inch thickness. Cut dough into equal-sized rounds with a 2-inch round cutter (or a wine glass if you don’t have one of those).

cutting the dough

Yes, that is 2 open cans of beer in the background. Don’t judge.

8. Arrange half of rounds 2 inches apart on parchment paper-lined baking sheets.

arranging the dough

Am I strategically placing the beers in every shot? Yes. Yes I am.

9. Spoon 1/2 tsp. of whatever jelly you’re using onto center of each round, and top with remaining rounds.

Pimento Cheese cookies


10. Press the edges together to seal.

I used a fork. Cuz I'm cool (read: lazy) like that.

I used a fork. Cuz I’m cool (read: lazy) like that.

11. Bake at 400° for 12 to 15 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on baking sheets 10 minutes; transfer to wire racks, and cool completely (about 30 minutes).

They kind of look like those meat pies from Sweeney Todd...

They kind of look like those meat pies from Sweeney Todd…

My only complaint about these is that they end up tasting a lot like Cheese Straws, so they’re a little dry, even with the jelly-filled inside. Maybe I added too much flour? …I was drinking, so I don’t remember clearly. I’ll continue playing with it in the future. I might even try the jalapeno Palmetto cheese next time! 

The faucet was integral in my baking process, as it was way easier to wash my hands when I had dough all over them. If you haven’t entered to win a free Delta Touch2O Faucet yet, head on over the the giveaway page to get started. This thing is awesome! You have 2 more days left to enter, so go for it.

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 1/13/14

January 13, 2014

So I think 2014 is going to be a good year. I’m feeling very optimistic–it’s been awesome so far, so I’m hoping that trend will continue in the coming months. Also, it’s restaurant week in Charleston. Remember last week how I said I was going to start my diet? Yeah, that’s not happening. I have a reservation literally every night this week at a different restaurant in Charleston. So, there’s that.

On a personal note, this weekend was really exciting for me because I’m officially in a relationship with a really cute boy that I’ve know for a while (who said you can’t get out of the friendzone?!). So if you see me on the street smiling like a crazy person, that’s why.

ICYMI, I’m giving away a free Delta Touch2O Faucet. Enter to win now! You have 1 week left. Good luck!

“Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity.”

Not gonna lie, I'd totally party with Voltaire.

Not gonna lie, I’d totally party with Voltaire.

Random Fodder

Delta Touch2O® Faucet Review & Giveaway!

January 10, 2014

In September of 2013 I was given the amazing opportunity to attend Southern Living’s Taste of Charleston festival as a blogger correspondent for Delta Faucet. In exchange for them paying for my ticket, the cost of transportation, and giving me a Delta Touch2O® faucet to try out, all I had to do was show up, eat a bunch of delicious food, and then tell you guys all about it, which I did in my Taste of Charleston a couple months ago. It’s definitely one of the best quality kitchen faucets, especially for a messy cook like me!

Does this jog your memory?

Does this jog your memory?

I’ll also be posting a recipe next week that I created after being inspired by all I saw and ate at Taste of Charleston. Cooking and cleaning have become so much easier with my new faucet, and I’m so spoiled now that sometimes I forget that most faucets require you to use a handle in order to work.


My mom called a plumber friend of hers to help install it, because we didn’t want try and install it ourselves and end up flooding the whole house (which really wouldn’t have been all that unlikely). He installed it in a snap, and we stood around playing with it for a really long time.

Like... way longer than we should have.

Like… way longer than we should have.

Mom was having her Christmas party that evening, so she was excited to show it off to all of her friends, who were super jealous. Basically everyone should have one of these faucets, because they’re as much fun to play with as they are convenient and useful.

Tina is so festive!

Tina is so festive!

But don’t take my word for it! I’m giving you an opportunity to win one of these awesome faucets for yourself.  You can choose the style & finish (up to a $638 value). The only exclusion is that Delta can only ship to the United States. So if you’re in Canada, Mexico, or Europe, you can still enter as long as you have a friend or relative in the US who is willing to receive it for you!

All you have to do to enter is leave a blog comment below saying which Touch2O® faucet you’d choose if you won. You get extra entries for:

  • Liking my page on Facebook
  • Following me on Twitter
  • Tweeting about the giveaway (this can be done once per day for extra entries!).

Be sure to visit Delta’s facebook page and comment there that you are entered in Queen of the Food Age’s giveaway (this isn’t extra points, it just makes me look good). The winner will be announced Monday January 20th, so you have 9.5 days to enter. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway