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Queen of the Food Age


Food Film Festival, Night 2: Food Porn Party

May 9, 2014

So these past 2 weeks were really fun, but also very busy, so I’m a little (read: a lot) behind on all of the things I need to catch you guys up with. So let’s get started! Saturday 4/26 was the second night of the Food Film Festival and I was excited to be joined by my mom for the “Food Porn Party.” She was excited but wasn’t really sure what to expect.

What she definitely wasn't expecting was to meet her first food porn star, but that's how you roll at the Food Film Festival.

What she definitely wasn’t expecting was to meet her first food porn star, but that’s how they roll at the Food Film Festival.

Night 2 took place at High Wire Brewing on King Street, which is a really cool space if you haven’t been there yet.

Photo Credit: Gregg Lambton-Carr

Photo Credit: Gregg Lambton-Carr

The pre-party was catered by Charleston Harbor Fish House and featured lots of delicious hors d’oeuvres, like prosciutto, goat cheese, arugula, and fig roll,. I’ve never been to CHFH before, but after these snacks, I’ve added it to my list of places to try.

And this is just the pre-party!

And this is just the pre-party!

I was really excited to try the gin from High Wire, as I’d heard it was delicious.

I may not have been making that face, but I was definitely as excited as that lady was. Photo Credit: Georgi Richardson

I may not have been making that face, but I was definitely as excited as that lady was. Photo Credit: Georgi Richardson


They were using it to make a signature cocktail, the Fitzgerald, featuring gin, lemon juice, bitters, simple syrup and a green onion (I think?) as a garnish that I used as a straw. It was so yummy. I’m not a huge fan of gin, but I love High Wire’s. It wasn’t too pine sol tasting like I think most gins are and it had just a little bit of sweetness to it.

Gosh, I'm so photogenic. Photo Credit: Gregg Lambton-Carr

Gosh, I’m so photogenic. Photo Credit: Gregg Lambton-Carr

The second night of the festival consisted of 10 films, all related to food porn, i.e. food that tastes as good as it looks. I’ll give a brief synopsis of each of the films, as well as the food it was paired with. The first was Paloma, a delightful short film served with a paloma cocktail, which basically tasted like a margarita. Tina didn’t care for hers, so whoops! 2 for me!

To be fair it was more of a shot.

To be fair it was more of a shot than a “drink.”

The Best Fish Tacos In Ensanada was really short, and I don’t actually remember much from the film. These tacos came from Basico in Charleston (also on my list of places to try) and I don’t know if it’s the best fish taco I’ve ever had, but I did enjoy it. Again, Tina refused to try a fish taco, so I got to have 2.

Gosh, I love fish tacos.

Gosh, I love fish tacos.

How To Make A Turtle Burger was hilarious and fun, despite the fact that it had no dialogue. What it did have, however, was a sexy butt crack shot, which was hilarious and fun. A turtle burger (turkey burger wrapped in turkey bacon with hot dogs designed to be the shape of a turtle) was provided for us to try from HoM, and it was very yummy. It even tasted good 2 days later when I gave my leftovers to a friend.

Plus, it tastes delicious.

No, that’s not one of the guys from Duck Dynasty.

Lemon Muffins With A Sweet Surprise was also a fun film. I wish all recipes came with a short video like this. The muffins were provided by Browns Court Bakery, and damn were they good. I may have stolen 3 of them after the movie was over (and you wonder why I’m on a diet now).

Spoiler alert: the "sweet surprise" is a mounds candy bar.

Spoiler alert: the “sweet surprise” is a mounds candy bar.

Fondue was probably my favorite of all of the films. Featuring the world’s first food porn star, this raunchy comedy short film gave you all the instructions for cooking fondue, and some visual aids for how to eat it.

Very visual.

Very visual.

Old Fashioned Salted Caramels was also really fun to watch, and even more fun to eat. You may notice that the donuts in my picture are different than the ones featured in the film, and that’s because shipping issues caused the original donuts to be held up so they had to call in some unglazed Krispy Kremes to fill in. I’m not complaining, because they were so tasty. Tina also grabbed about 12 of the actual Caramels that Libby passed out, and they were equally tasty.

Caramel on a Krispy Kreme donut? Psh. Diabetes is totally worth it.

Caramel on a Krispy Kreme donut? Psh. Diabetes is totally worth it.

The most heartfelt and emotional of all of the films was Crazy, A Story About Cake (And Other Things). It was the story of one family’s recipe for a cake that was treasured and passed down from one member to another. It actually made me tear up a little, I’m not gonna lie. It was great. Here’s my mother posing for a picture. George’s aunt made the crazy cake for the festival, and it was actually pretty good, despite the fact that you make the whole cake in the pan. No mixing bowl needed!

Maybe because it reminds me of my crazy family.

Maybe because it reminds me of my crazy family.

At Home with Edward Wohl was told documentary style and was the longest film of the night. He makes hand carved wooden cutting boards out of this special type of wood out in wisconsin (I think). The film was fun and had just the right touch of humor, whimsy, and morality.

This picture reminds me of Mystery Science Theater 3000 a little bit.

This picture reminds me of Mystery Science Theater 3000 a little bit.

Food Play was probably my least favorite of the films this night. I thought it was a little slow moving and was a little awkward. I get why some people would be really into this kind of humor, I’m just not one of them. I do appreciate the idea and the filmography, though.

Just not my style.

Just not my style.

My least favorite of the food samples came from Butcher & Bee’s torta for the film One Minute Meal, which was surprising because I usually love everything B&B (including owner Michael Shemtov).

Sorry B&B.

Sorry B&B.

The after party in the parking lot featured lots more samplings of the things we’d tried during the films, as well as a delicious clam pudding from The Macintosh (it was better than it sounds), some cookies, and good company (I finally met Holy City Sinner! How fun!). The after-after party was at The Macintosh, in the special events space on the patio in the very back of the restaurant. It was gorgeous back there, but after sampling the food they brought out for us (not that I was at all hungry) I stand by my original review saying that I don’t really care for it. I feel bad because Chef Bacon seems like a really nice guy.

My phone really doesn't do it justice.

My phone really doesn’t do it justice.

Tina and I capped the night off with a ride home from Co-Pilot, which you guys should really check out because it’s a solid business plan and why isn’t this service offered everywhere? Hopefully I’ll get night 3 up in the next couple of days, followed by a few solid weeks of restaurant reviews and a recap of my time at the American Culinary Foundation’s Southeastern Conference. See you soon!

Look how cute we are! Photo Credit: Gregg Lambton-Carr

Look how cute we are! Photo Credit: Gregg Lambton-Carr



Charleston Food Film Festival, Night 1

April 25, 2014
I'm basically a professional photographer.

I’m basically a professional photographer.

Last night, Lily and I attended the first night of the 2nd Annual Charleston Food Film Festival atop the USS Yorktown in the Charleston Harbor.

Look how excited we are!

Look how excited we are!

The main feature the first night was “Kings of BBQ Barbecue Kuwait,” a short film by director John Markus (who’s super nice, btw), which chronicles him as he “teams up with the most legendary BBQ Pitmasters in America, travel to the Middle East, and cook an unforgettable homestyle dinner of smoked brisket and chicken for thousands of US troops stationed in Kuwait.”

The film was about 37 minutes long, and was a joy to watch. I was entertained from start to finish. The coolest part was when you were sitting in your seat watching the soldiers enjoy their brisket on the screen, brisket suddenly appeared in your lap for you to try, too. The brisket was provided by Sticky Fingers and was prepared by the pitmasters from the film who’d been cooking it for most of the day.

The best kinds of events are the ones where food magically appears in front of you.

The best kinds of events are the ones where food magically appears in front of you.

The second film was called “Mile High Pie,” by director Melanie Addington, which told the story of ” mile-high pies at Ed & Kay’s Restaurant in Benton, Arkansas.” The film was about 4 minutes long, and I really enjoyed the lemon meringue pie we sampled during the film, provided by Wild Flour bakery in Charleston.

Magically appearing pie!

Magically appearing pie!

After the films were over, there were buffet stations setup with a full BBQ feast available (chicken wings, brisket, baked beans, coleslaw, potato salad, and beers from Holy City Brewery), being served to us by the same pitmasters who were featured in the first film.

So delicious.

So delicious.

Although I took the time to stop and talk to each of the pitmasters, I was extra excited to get a photo with my favorite, Johnny Trigg, a two-time Jack Daniels World Championship Invitational grand champ. 

bbq 1

The champ, Johnny Trigg!

I really enjoyed getting the opportunity to talk to director John Markus about what inspired him to make the movie. You can tell by the way he talked (even with BBQ sauce smeared on his cheek) that he put some of his own heart into the film. He seemed to genuinely be pleased to hear that we enjoyed the film.

bbq 2

Director John Markus

I had a crazy amount of fun and can’t wait for tonight and tomorrow’s events, where I’ll be joined by my mom at High Wire Distilling (which I’m excited about because I haven’t been there yet). Tickets are still on sale, and if you enter QUEENS10 at checkout, you’ll save 10%! Hope to see you there!

Weekend Roundup

Weekend Roundup: Painting Eggs

April 21, 2014

I hope everyone had a very “hoppy” Easter weekend! Mine was really fun. On Friday my parents drove down from Greenville and I met them for a delicious meatless pizza feast at Desano Pizza Bakery. The pizza was delicious and even managed to impress my pizza-snob mother.

Seriously, it's so yummy.

Seriously, it’s so yummy.

We spent Friday night playing board games and drinking, which was really fun. Saturday morning, my mother started to prepare the traditional Easter feast, consisting of leg of lamb, rack of lamb, mashed potatoes, roasted sweet potatoes, brussells sprouts with leek & bacon, corn, gravy, and strawberry pie. My dad and I drove out to Crave for a tray of their fabulous mac and cheese, which has become tradition at Gallimore family gatherings.

I'm not even exaggerating when I say it's the best mac and cheese ever.

I’m not even exaggerating when I say it’s the best mac and cheese ever.

Saturday afternoon, we were joined by Cullen and Taylor for opening Easter baskets, playing some games, and decorating Easter eggs. On Sunday, my mom made a delicious breakfast casserole that we ate while watching Despicable Me & Despicable Me 2. Everyone left around 2, and I spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies, catching up on TV shows, and playing the Scandal category on QuizUp alone before everyone came over to watch Game of Thrones. It was a pretty great day.

And this happened. #Dedication

And this happened. #Dedication

Hope everyone has a great week!


The 2nd Annual Charleston Food Film Festival

April 16, 2014

The 2nd Annual Charleston Food Film Festival is returning April 24-26 for 3 days of BBQ, movies, and celebration!

Like "scratch and sniff," but like A THOUSAND TIMES BETTER. (Photo courtesy of The Food Film Festival)

Like “scratch and sniff,” but like A THOUSAND TIMES BETTER. (Photo courtesy of The Food Film Festival)

I’ve been lucky enough to receive free tickets to this event and I’m so excited for it. Because I love you all, I’m going to help you to attend as well! Get 10% off your ticket price when you enter the promo code “QUEENS10” at checkout! Plus, you can feel good knowing that your ticket to the festival benefits Growfood Carolina, The Good Food Project, and the Food Bank of NYC. The only thing better than having fun is having fun for a good cause!

Food and Movies, 2 of my favorite things (photo credit Olivia Rae James)

Food and Movies, 2 of my favorite things (Photo Credit: Olivia Rae James)

So basically, we’re going to watch a bunch of short films about food and then you get to try the foods featured in the films. I’m personally looking forward to Best Fish Tacos in Ensenada and Biting Into The Ramen Burger, which both sound delicious, but How To Make A Turtle Burger intrigues me, as well. Click to the Charleston Food Film Festival for a full list of the films to be featured.

This is a collage of pictures I liked from this year's films.

This is a collage of pictures I liked from this year’s films, and one shot of last year’s festival.

Since it is a 3-day event, here’s a breakdown of each event from the Food Film Festival website. I’m going to all three, and I am SO PUMPED.

YORKTOWN_KINGSOFBBQ-750x1024Thursday 4/24/14: The Kings of Barbecue presented by Sticky Fingers Smokehouse
Location: The flight deck of the USS Yorktown, Patriot’s Point
Details: The Official Kick-off of the 2014 Food Film Festival season, The Kings of Barbecue features an exclusive screening of The Kings of BBQ Barbecue Kuwait, by Emmy-Award winner John Markus, which follows world champion competitive pitmasters as they join forces to cook a BBQ feast for 5,000 troop in Kuwait. That’s followed by an all-you-can-eat smoked brisket and chicken dinner cooked by world champion pitmasters Nicole Davenport, Jamie Geer, Tommy Houston, John Markus, Paul Schatte, Tuffy Stone, and Johnny Trigg.


Friday 4/25/14: The Food Porn Party
Location: High Wire Distilling Co.
Details: Celebrating the art of beautiful, close-up images of food set to music, The Food Porn Party showcases unique food films and dishes from local and national chefs and purveyors…from West Coast doughnuts and Baja fish tacos, to fondue and the Turtle Burger (it’s not what you think!).


Saturday 4/26/14: Edible Adventure #010: Ramen Burgers + More
Location: High Wire Distilling Co.
Details: For the 10th installment of its Edible Adventure series, the Festival brings Ramen Burger creator Keizo Shimamoto to Charleston for one night only to serve his famous dish following the southeastern premiere of Director Mike Fox’s Biting Into the Ramen Burger. Many more exotic flavors will be featured, from Chef Karl Palma’s Takoyaki Balls to Momofuku Milk Bar’s Compost Cookie and much more.

If this photo is any indication, this event is going to be a total blast (Photo Credit: Adam Chandler)

If this photo is any indication, this event is going to be a total blast (Photo Credit: Adam Chandler)

So go get your tickets (don’t forget to enter QUEENS10 at checkout to save 10%) and I’ll save you a seat!

Weekend Roundup

Weekend Roundup: I Never Want To Eat Again

April 14, 2014

This weekend was a wonderful blur of food, friends, drinking, and adventure. Sean, Lily, Christine, and I started the weekend on Thursday night at Coast Brewery and Frothy Beard and dinner at La Nortena in North Charleston. We all ordered too many tacos and felt kind of crappy before going to bed. Friday morning, Lily met us at Bombay Bazar for an Indian lunch, which was delicious, but also left me feeling overfull and kind of gross. Friday night, Drew finally got into Charleston from Charleston (West Virginia) and we went to the Joe for the Riverdogs game, courtesy of Persimmon Cafe, which was so much fun!

Although Charlie's face would suggest otherwise.

Although Charlie’s face would suggest otherwise.

Saturday, Sean made breakfast (with assistance from some Hardee’s biscuits), and we watched Frozen before meeting up with Chrissy for a disappointing lunch at Fleet Landing. After lunch, we strolled through Waterfront park and along the battery before napping at Lily’s house until dinner at Taco Boy and drinks in Avondale.

Like moths to a flame we flock to the glow of the Taco Boy sign.

Like moths to a flame we flock to the glow of the Taco Boy sign.

On Sunday, we had a delicious brunch at Lost Dog Cafe before bidding adieu to Sean, Christine, and Drew. Lily and I met up with Charlie to walk around Second Sunday on King Street. Sunday night, a bunch of people came over to my house for a Game of Thrones themed watch party, featuring “Baratheon Belly Sliders” (aka pulled pork sliders), “Take The Black Bean Dip,” and Pigs in a Blanket inspired by Theon Greyjoy (I’ll let you draw your own conclusions there).

Spoiler Alert: They aren't his fingers.

Theon doesn’t think we’re very funny.

Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 4/7/14

April 9, 2014

Sean and Christine are coming! Sean and Christine are coming! So excited to see them tonight!

Sidenote, my office, matchstick social, is hosting an open house with free cocktails featuring Kansas Whiskey as part of Dig South’s Space Walk tonight from 4-6. If you find yourself in the area, you should stop by!

This week’s quote is from Adam Peterson and I think will sum up the next couple of days that I’m spending with my 2 best friends (and not just because Sean & I will argue about the merits of preheating the oven… but mostly because of that).

“Pre-heat the oven? Really? If I was the sort of person who planned ahead, I wouldn’t be eating this Totino’s Party Pizza in the first place.”
–Adam Peterson


I wasn't sure which Adam Peterson was responsible for the quote, but I definitely know which Totino's Party Pizza he was referring to.

I wasn’t sure which Adam Peterson was responsible for the quote, but I definitely know which Totino’s Party Pizza he was referring to.

Weekend Roundup

Weekend Roundup: Here Comes The Bride

April 7, 2014

Saturday morning I decided to chop my hair off! I now have a semi-bob. It’s a little shocking, since it was nice and long before and now I can barely put it in a ponytail. But I love it! It takes me half as much time to get ready now, and it always looks cute. What do you think?

Apparently I only make Muppet faces.

Apparently I only make Muppet faces.

Saturday night, I had the honor of attending my freshman year roommate, Laila’s, wedding to Jonas Hall at Legare Waring House in Charlestowne Landing. It was a beautiful ceremony and reception and I had a wonderful time. Laila made such a beautiful bride! I know people say that all the time, but she was like extra beautiful.

But I wouldn't expect anything less from Laila.

But I wouldn’t expect anything less from Laila.

Sunday, I met my friends Becca and Cori at the Cajun Festival at James Island County Park. I got to try crawfish etouffee (A-2-fay) and ate my weight in cajun boiled peanuts. We ended the weekend with the Game of Thrones premiere, which was SO AWESOME.

"How's it hangin'?"

“How’s it hangin’?”

What were the highlights of your weekend?


Quote of the Week

Food Quote Of The Week 3/31/14

April 2, 2014

It’s been a while since I’ve done a food quote of the week, sorry about that! But let’s get right to it. This week’s quote is dedicated to Laila, my freshman year roommate who’s getting married this weekend! Congrats Laila!

“There is one thing more exasperating than a wife who can cook and won’t, and that’s a wife who can’t cook and will.” –Robert Frost


Although that's not to say that Laila's a bad cook! Just that I thought this quote was funny.

Although that’s not to say that Laila’s a bad cook! Just that I thought this quote was funny.

Weekend Roundup

Weekend Roundup: The Mud Between My Toes

March 31, 2014

Hope everyone had an awesome weekend! Mine was really fun. Friday night, a friend hosted game night at his house and Julianne was in town and we all drank a little too much wine. Saturday morning Lily, Julianne, and I drove around for awhile trying to find a good brunch place before settling on Chick-fil-a because we were hungry and didn’t feel like waiting in line.

No regrets.

No regrets.

After “brunch” Lily and I went to Brittlebank Park for the 2nd annual Spring Jam Music Festival. There were 2 stages, 10 bands, and 2 performance art groups, food trucks, beer tents, vendors, artisans, and mud. Lots of mud.

Most of which ended up in Lily's shoes.

Most of which ended up in Lily’s shoes.

We had so much fun though. I found a bunch of new favorite bands, like Space Capone, Kopecky Family Band, and Brave Baby.

Not bad for my first music festival!

Not bad for my first music festival!

We also got to try a new food truck, Pep Rolls, which was awesome. According to their Facebook page, a “pep roll” is a “whole wheat based roll stuffed with delicious pepperoni, topped with seasoning, and baked to a golden brown perfection.” We tried the Sleazy Cheezy which had pepperoni, nacho cheese, and jalapeno. Soooo good.

Seriously. Why isn't that in my face right now?

Seriously. Why isn’t that in my face right now?

Sunday morning, Lily and I had a proper brunch at Edmund’s Oast, which was fantastic. You can check out the full review here, but let me just say, their cornbread was possibly the best I’ve ever eaten. I can’t wait to go back for dinner.

Which may or may not be due to the giant dollop of honey butter on top.

Which may or may not be due to the giant dollop of honey butter on top.

Hopefully you all have a great week (and didn’t get fooled by too many April Fool’s Day pranks!)