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Random Fodder

Do You Need A Pizza Oven?

January 20, 2022

Almost everyone loves going camping. Sitting down in the woods, building a fire pit and creating a fire over it – it’s all a part of the experience that we all grew up with while camping. Sitting and eating outside isn’t new, but have you thought about doing it long term in your backyard?

There are many options out there, but BBQGuys, makes some great products, including a pizza oven. Not everyone has a pizza oven, but they’re not as out of your budget as you might think. You could have an outdoor pizza oven that you cook the best pizzas that you could make at home. You could invite your friends over and cook pizzas together while you’ve got the grill going. It’s exciting – and we’ve got all of the reasons you need a pizza oven for your back yard below!

Reasons to Invest In A Pizza Oven

  • You’ll always have perfect pizza. If you know what you like when it comes to pizza, then the best thing that you can do is to get a pizza oven and start making your own. You know that a clay oven or a pizza oven is going to cook an even, bubbly cheese pizza that gives you every taste of being on vacation you ever wanted. Wood fired pizza enhances the flavor and brings out everything that you could want from pizza. 
  • You get so many more options. Pizza isn’t something that you can just cook in a pizza oven. It’s good for baking the perfect, crusty and fluffy breads. It’s perfect for rolls, wraps, and pizza dough bases. You can even roast meats and veggies in the pizza oven and really improve the way that your food tastes – all with one oven.
  • You control the temperature. When you have a pizza oven in the outdoor kitchen, you can control the temperature and you can cook more rapidly with flavor sealed in at once. You can do it with all kinds of pizzas, breads and pretty much anything you want to cook quickly. Quickly doesn’t mean badly – remember that!
  • You’ll have so much fun. Hello, host of the next neighborhood pizza party!! When you are hosting an outdoor party, you sometimes need to have an outdoor party that incorporates all kinds of food, and that means using your pizza oven, your grill and more to be able to host the best party ever.
  • It’s a great conversation starter. When you have a new pizza oven installed in your outdoor kitchen, you are choosing to have a talking piece. It’s a way to start new conversations with your family and friends, and you can then recommend to others what you have. 
  • You can make a statement. It’s a statement piece to have a pizza oven, right? Especially if you have a grill and an entire outdoor kitchen layout. It’s going to fit seamlessly into your kitchen and it’s going to help you to add some flair to your outdoor space at the same time. It’s one of the best things that you can add to the space!
Random Fodder

Brighten Up Winter With The Flavor Of Summer

January 18, 2022

We hope that you can still find a few vestiges of good vibes and good times when it comes to those awesome memories from the holidays. Family and friends reconnected and Christmas gatherings that warmed the soul and fed the heart (and belly!), and a much-praised happiness quotient besides.

And then comes January. The thick of winter. Shorter days, longer nights. Sludgy, squishy sidewalks, and more than one bruise caused by misjudging a step, which then caused a quick slide down the road – thank you dark ice.

So if you’re feeling the winter blues a little too much this January, we have a suggestion to rekindle those awesome holiday vibes – get the gang together again for a ‘beginning of the year, summertime-in-the-wintertime dinner party’. That name may need some work.

It starts with good grilling

Now, this could mean that you have to do the grilling inside because if you’re from those states, then you’ll know what I’m talking about. As much as we’re loving the idea of getting the gang together for a good summertime-in-the-wintertime BBQ, not much about a snowstorm says summer, and even the hardiest of the hard will know this – blue looks great in a scarf, not your face.

So move your grilling inside and in no time that salmon, lemon, and sweet potato scent will be filling your home and tempting the tastebuds of everyone present.

Baking for your life!

So this one is actually a bit of a ‘cheat’ because you could just as easily be baking in the winter too, but while winter baking is usually cakes, cookies, and treats, in the summertime we’ve started baking foods to keep them on the healthier side of that deep frier.

Baked ranch chicken thighs, baked steak and salad (with a hearty soup to start), and baked fries (yes, you can).

Go Greek!

There is nothing that we don’t love about Greek food, and because the country and the islands are generally blessed with all-around good weather, this is reflected in their cooking styles too. Fasolada, Greek stuffed cabbages, Spetsofai, and those gorgeous deserts that just make life worth living, all awesome ideas for winter comfort food in their own right, but just smack of summer.

You can find some fabulous recipes, here.

Veggies, Potatoes, and Meat

We know that the new other C-word is carbohydrates, but that’s really not entirely accurate and of late our blessed friends in the bread and potato department have been getting a very unfair report on the scorecard. This is probably down to how you’ve been consuming them – not that you have been consuming. See, with ‘carbs’, you want to eat them separate from a heavy red meat meal (that’s why you always feel so ‘stuffed’ after having a steak dinner at a restaurant with an extra side of baked potato or fries).

The thing about carbs is that you want to have them completely separately from your proteins. So if you’re planning on a steak, serve it with baked or grilled vegetables, a fresh green salad, and a wonderful bottle of wine.  

Or if you are planning on serving potatoes or other heavy starches, cut them up into bite-size chunks and bake or grill them along with chunks of vegetables and onions, drizzled with olive oil, sea salt, and coarse black pepper – leave out the steak.

It’s all about the sides

Summertime BBQs come fully loaded with some of the best ‘sides’ around. Salads, nibbly snacky things, oysters, artichokes, and tacos. With a few simple changes, these summertime staples are the perfect accompaniment to winter cooking, while ringing in the summertime nostalgia that we’re hoping for here.

For example, did you know that you can serve oysters and Champagne in the winter? All you need to do is, is put a tiny drop of Tobasco sauce into your Champagne flute. The bubbles will revive you and the heat from the Tobasco will gently warm the cockles of your heart.

In the United States, we’ve seen successive waves of immigration for over a hundred years, and this means that we’re blessed with some of the most diverse and delicious food anywhere on the planet, so don’t be caught down by ‘propriety’, if you’re feeling the winter blues and need al little oomf, get the band together for an entirely delectable summertime spread, while the snow still falls and dream of better days to come!

After all, if summertime bodies are built in the winter, why not the memories too?

Random Fodder

6 Easy-to-Cook International Cuisines to Try

January 14, 2022

Some people love to stick in their comfort zone. They like what they know and are not willing to try new things. The truth is that the world has so much diversity, and sometimes it is worth taking a step outside of your comfort zone. Here are four different cuisines you should be trying out in your daily meals!

Mexican Cuisine

Mexican Cuisine is known for its tortillas and tacos. It is also a cuisine that can be found in many restaurants around the world, primarily because of their burritos which are famous all over the place! Mexican cuisine is so interesting because it combines complex flavors into one meal. The food itself tastes impressive; however, you can even make your own at home if you want! There are different recipes online on cooking some lovely dishes from this type of cuisine. You will love trying these things out yourself when you see what they look like before cooking them! 

Japanese Cuisine

Japanese Cuisine is another cuisine that you should try out. It might be a bit more challenging than the first one on this list; however, if you love exploring new things and trying them all, then there is no way to stop now! Japanese food has an incredible number of varieties, making it attractive for people looking for something different. The best part about these cuisines? We’ve already mentioned how beautiful they look when prepared by professional chefs, but what else could make your mouth water just thinking about its appearance?

French Cuisine

French cuisine is one of the most famous cuisines globally because even though it takes a lot to prepare, its appearance and taste are just out of this world! The French cuisine uses different herbs and spices, making their meals enjoyable like this classic french ratatouille. Another important thing that you should know about these dishes is how they always look beautifully presented when they come to your table! French cuisine might be proper for you if you want to impress someone. French cuisine is relatively easy to prepare. We don’t want to lie, it will take you a lot of time and effort, but the result is perfect!

Vietnamese Cuisine

Vietnamese cuisine is one of the newest cuisines in the world. However, it has quickly become famous all over, and people love trying out new dishes from this country! The reason why Vietnamese cuisine is so interesting to try out for yourself? Since its popularity has increased a lot lately, many different restaurants have opened that serve these types of food. This means that you do not need to be an expert chef or anything like that; instead, if you want to try something unique, find your favourite restaurant nearby and give them a call! You can also find a lot of recipes online that are very easy to follow so that you can cook these dishes by yourself at home without any problems!

Italian Cuisine

Italian Cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines all over the world. However, it has become so famous because of its unique flavours! The dish you can always expect to taste when eating in an Italian restaurant includes pasta and meatballs, which people love separately and together on a plate! What makes these dishes stand out even more than their flavor? Well, they are barbequed perfectly. If you want your food to look good and taste amazing, then this cuisine might be right for you! Also, Italian cuisine is not as difficult to prepare as you might think! Just follow a recipe, and you will be able to cook an Italian masterpiece in your kitchen.

Spanish Cuisine

Spanish Cuisine is one of the most popular cuisines all over the world. However, it has become famous because of its unique flavor and presentation! Spanish cuisine uses a lot of different spices to prepare the meals that give them such a beautiful taste. Another important thing about these dishes is how they always look beautifully presented when they come to your table! This means that if you want to impress someone, this cuisine might be ideal for you. Finally, we’ve mentioned above how hard and easy it can be to cook; however, there are also different recipes online where people explain precisely how you should do everything to make yourself some delicious food from Spain.

Trying out different cuisines is the way to go! You can learn a lot about other cultures and their food and improve your cooking skills. All of the above-mentioned cuisines are worth trying, so what are you waiting for?
Random Fodder

How Eco-Friendly Are Your Eating Habits?

January 13, 2022

The foods you choose to eat don’t just impact your own health, but the health of the planet. If you’ve been looking for ways to be more environmentally-friendly, it could be worth making some changes to your diet and the way you shop for food. Below are just a few questions to ask yourself that can help you to assess just how eco-friendly your dietary habits are. 

How much of your food comes wrapped in plastic?

Nowadays, so many foods come in plastic packaging. Much of this plastic is now recyclable, but it still uses up energy to recycle. 

Where possible, it can be worth switching to plastic-free foods. For example, when buying fruit, consider whether you really need to buy fruit wrapped in plastic. Choosing fruit that isn’t wrapped in plastic reduces the demand on plastic packaging, all in all helping to combat plastic pollution.

It is worth noting that many processed foods such as candy and microwave meals (which tend to be low on nutritional value) come in plastic packaging. Reducing your consumption of these foods could help to reduce your plastic consumption and make you healthier

How much locally sourced food do you eat?

Eating locally sourced food is good for the environment because it reduces the need to import as much food, reducing emission from trucks, ships and planes. Healthy eating practices such as macrobiotics typically promote consumption of locally sourced foods as a way of helping the planet (although there’s a lot more to the definition of macrobiotics). Eating locally is also key to going organic as it reduces the need to use chemicals such as preservatives.

While some grocery stores sell local produce, you may find that you have to visit specialist stores and farmers markets to find such products. Another way to ensure that your food is local is to grow it yourself. Simply growing a couple vegetables or herbs in your yard or on your kitchen windowsill can be great for the environment – it can reduce trips to the grocery store, plus you can make sure that no earth-unfriendly chemicals such as pesticides are used.

How much meat and dairy do you consume?

Meat and dairy farming has a big negative impact on the environment due to the amount of energy and resources needed to farm these animals. Beef and milk is particularly bad for the environment – cows produce methane, which is a big contributor to harmful greenhouse gases. 

By cutting back on meat and dairy and eating more vegetables, you can reduce the demand on this industry and save the planet. Consuming less dairy and beef could be particularly worthwhile and it prevents the need to breed more methane-producing cows.

How much food do you waste?

You should also consider the amount of food you waste. Buying food only to throw it away isn’t just a waste of your money – it’s also a huge waste of the earth’s resources. All the energy used to produce, transport and store that food is for nothing. 

By making sure that you only buy food you need, you can reduce unnecessary use of the earth’s resources. You can do this by planning meals ahead and keeping an eye on expiry dates. 

Random Fodder

Healthy Dinner Party Ideas

January 9, 2022

Sharing meals with loved ones is a wonderful opportunity to spend time together while also indulging in delectable fare and amusing conversation; arranging and hosting a dinner party is a wonderful way to combine these two passions.

Of course, a common problem for dinner party hosts is how to keep the meal both delicious and nutritious. Here are some ideas for a successful dinner party that doesn’t put anyone’s health at risk.

Provide Healthy Snacks

Many dinner party hosts like to provide some snacks when their guests arrive so that they can take their time with the meal and their friends and family aren’t impatiently waiting for food and feeling awkward. You’re off to a good start if you make sure these snacks are healthy.

Olives, different types of nuts, and fresh fruit are all great additions to a grazing dish, as are raw vegetables like carrots, cucumbers, celery, and capsicum, along with a homemade low-fat dip like hummus.

Make Your Own Sauces

As any food expert will tell you, cooking your own food is often much healthier than buying it from a store; just look at how to make healthy stir fry, and you’ll see what we mean. Salad dressings and sauces for main dishes can be easily made at home. The vinegar, olive oil, spices, and lemon juice can be mixed together easily. Choosing the right salad dressing or sauce may make or break a meal’s nutritional value. Store-bought dressings and sauces can include excessive quantities of sugar and unhealthy fats, so it’s best to steer clear.

If you’re creating a pasta dish, make your own spaghetti sauce instead of buying pre-made. These sauces may be used for a variety of dishes outside pasta, so don’t limit yourself to just using them on spaghetti and similar creations.

Include Some Lean Protein

Lean protein is an important part of any dinner to keep your guests full and satisfied. If you’re having a barbecue, grilling fish instead of cooking and serving conventional barbecue meats or making nutritious vegetarian halloumi fritters or similar dishes that are always popular and far less fatty than many other forms of cuisine is a popular way to share meals in the summer, accompanied by a range of fresh and delectable salads.

Even if you’re not throwing a barbecue but rather a traditional dinner party, you can still use lean proteins as the main course. Fish may not be the first thing that comes to mind when planning menus, but it is highly versatile and will provide a welcome change from the typical foods served at these events.

Finish With Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea could be the perfect way to end a wonderful meal with friends and family. Peppermint tea can help with digestion, and the mild sweetness of mint can help with sugar cravings, so you don’t have to serve an unhealthy dessert and can instead serve something fruit-based. If you still want something sweet, try dark chocolate; it’s healthier than other types of chocolate but still feels like a treat.

Random Fodder

Foods To Boost Your Mood

January 8, 2022

There has always been a correlation between food and happiness. Some people eat to feel better, some people simply understand that eating makes them feel good, although they won’t specifically seek out that ‘high’. Some people find that one food boosts their mood, whereas others find it’s something else. So, although scientists know that food can make us feel great (and not so great), exactly which foods do this is still being determined. 

Although to some extent it seems as though different foods affect people in different ways, there are some foods that are universally good for improving your mood and making you feel happy. Here are some of them. Remember, though, they should all be eaten in moderation, as too much of anything is bad for you. 

Dark Chocolate 

All chocolate will make us feel good thanks to the sugars within it – not to mention the fact that it tastes good, which lights up the reward system in the brain and sends out serotonin (the happy hormone) into the body. 

However, if you are choosing a particular type of chocolate that will benefit you more than others, dark chocolate is the answer; it contains antioxidants and reduces the amount of cortisol (the stress hormone) in your body. For the very best results, you should choose something with at least seventy percent cacao in it. 


The one thing that most people know about bananas is that they are full of potassium, and getting more potassium in your diet is a positive thing; potassium ensures your heart beats in a regular pattern, it helps the muscles contract more easily, and it separates useful nutrients from waste products in the food we eat. 

However, more than potassium, bananas also contain tryptophan. This is a chemical that regulates mood, and when you consume additional amounts of it, you will feel good. On top of that, bananas contain a good level of vitamin B folate. 


If yogurt doesn’t feature in your diet in some way – either as an addition to smoothies, as an ingredient in cooking, or even on its own – then you’re missing out on a type of food that is sure to make you feel happy. 

Yogurt contains probiotics, which are bacteria that live in our guts and help to ensure digestion takes place quickly. They also clean our intestines, keeping us healthier. As well as this, probiotics calm us, which is why, when you consume yogurt, you’ll feel much better right away, and your mood will improve. 


Coconuts are full of triglycerides, which are fats that improve mood. The only problem is that when people think of coconuts, they think of high-calorie cocktails or sugary desserts, and the poor health benefits outweigh the good ones. 

However, you don’t have to eat badly just to get coconut into your diet. You can use coconut milk to make a low-fat curry, for example, add coconut flakes (unsweetened) to your healthy cereal, or even just eat it raw. 


Bacon is an excellent mood booster for all kinds of reasons. It contains monounsaturated fat, which has been generally praised for its ability to reduce inflammation and blood pressure, while antibacterial palmitoleic acid can help keep plaque at bay. Triglycerides will stabilize blood sugar levels. As a result, diabetics and pre-diabetics, as well as everyone else dealing with sugar cravings and carbohydrate addictions, can benefit from bacon. 

Bacon’s trademark salty and savory sweetness not only makes it a delight that alleviates emotions of deprivation and lack of sweet treats, but it can also help regulate blood sugar levels enough to minimize mood swings, anxiety, boost attention, and improve coping abilities. If you want to try something different when it comes to your bacon boost, why not look at the bacon wrapped meatloaf recipe here; it’s different and delicious. 

Green Tea

On a terrible day, a cup of tea will help to relax your senses, settle your tensions, and improve your mood. Researchers claim that you can gain even more advantages if you make that green tea. Apparently, consuming two to three cups of green tea per day will help to lower your symptoms of depression. This might be due to a variety of mood-boosting substances, such as L-theanine, an amino acid that aids in the treatment of anxiety. Green tea also has caffeine, enough to give you a pick-me-up when you’re feeling down, but not enough to give you the jitters. So really, if you want a great, tasty drink to go with the mood-boosting food you’re eating, green tea has to be the answer. 

Random Fodder

Easy Holiday Cooking Tips

December 16, 2021

The holidays are just around the corner, and there’s lots of cooking to do. If you don’t want to spend all your time in the kitchen, consider a few of these time-saving hacks.

Plan ahead

Planning ahead is the best way to save time in the kitchen. Make a list of everything you need, and check it twice! You won’t want to forget anything and be running out to the store at the last minute. Meal planning apps are useful to create your shopping lists and plan your meals for the week. A few of the best apps include Paprika and Mealime.

Before you go grocery shopping it’s a good idea to organize your fridge and your cupboards. Making space is useful, and it’s far easier to find your cooking ingredients when everything is nice and neat.

Prep everything 

If you want to save time cooking, prep as much as you can the day before. There are plenty of holiday foods that you can prepare the day before Christmas. You might like to pre-make roast potatoes, cranberry sauce, pigs in blankets, mince pies, and spiced cabbage? Getting prepared before means you won’t have so much to cook on Christmas day. If you’re keen to enjoy this time with your family and friends, getting organized is the key.

Work together

What’s the best way to save time on your cooking? The answer is working together. When you share the jobs between your family and friends, you’ll get everything done much faster. Cooking together during the holidays is a great way to bond and have fun. You might want to pass on your cooking secrets to your kids, or perhaps they’ve got a thing or two to teach you!

Use time-saving tools

There are plenty of tools which can help you to save time in the kitchen. Make sure that you’ve got a food processor, a chef’s knife, a slow cooker, and a spiralizer. So long as you have the right kitchen tools you’ll save yourself lots of time.

Keep it simple 

To save time, try to keep things simple. Not every meal you cook has to take hours, if you’re looking for dishes that are quick and easy to serve, there are plenty of options. You might like to create a charcuterie board, these are great sharing options, and they don’t involve much cooking for prep. Check out a handy Guide to Charcuterie Boards to learn everything that you need to know. There are plenty of simple Christmas party recipes online, so start doing a bit of research, and find yourself a tasty new dish!

Tips like these will help you to save time and make the most of the holidays. Whether you’re a cooking pro or a novice you don’t need to spend hours in the kitchen to make something delicious! From easy Christmas desserts to tasty sharing boards, there are lots of simple options.

Random Fodder

Easy Christmas Desserts To Try This Year

December 1, 2021

There’s nothing quite like Christmas dinner. The thought of it could be enough to make you water at the mouth. With the main course, desserts, and all of the possible side dishes, that’s completely understandable.

You and your family might end up putting a lot of effort into putting all this together. That could be a decent way to work up an appetite, it isn’t something that too many people enjoy. You might even think that it’s too much work for what it’s worth.

So, is there a way to get around this? By focusing on quick and easy to make desserts, you can impress your friends and family without sacrificing time or spending a crazy amount on ingredients. You can probably think of a few ways you can do that with the main course and side dishes, as well!

Christmas Desserts You Can Make Quick & Easy

Peanut Butter Cups

If you don’t want to put too much effort into making some nice Christmas desserts, then try these peanut butter cups. I like these because they don’t take too many steps, but they’ll still come up looking, smelling, and tasting great.

You’d be surprised at how little time these take to make! You can even go the extra mile and use some colored sprinkles to give things a more Christmas-y feel. Eating them when they’re still warm and the center is still a little gooey could make them more amazing.

Cinnamon Rolls

The thought of cinnamon rolls can be more than enough to get your mouth watering. Chances are you’ve mainly had ones that were made in a bakery. They’re not the best you can get; a homemade option could be much nicer.

If you don’t know how to make cinnamon rolls, then maybe it’s time to find out! Not only can these be a great addition to your Christmas desserts, but you can have them almost anytime during the day.

Who wouldn’t enjoy that? One of the nicer parts of this, aside from the taste, is their smell when they’re baking. The kitchen, and hopefully the rest of the house, will smell a little more like Christmas when they’re in the oven.

Pecan Banana Bundt Cake

Everyone’s had a bundt cake at some point over the Christmas season. How about making it a bit more interesting by going with a pecan banana option? You’ll need to put a little more time into this compared to option options, but it’ll be more than worth it.

Most of that is baking time, though, so you can sit back and relax for most of it. What’s not to love?

Wrapping Up

Christmas doesn’t need to be so stressful. You don’t need to buy everything in and rely on other people to reduce this, though. Why not use a few tips and tricks to make things easier? Taking the stress out of the holiday meal doesn’t need to be difficult.

Christmas desserts don’t need a lot of time and effort to make. Why spend too much time on something that you and the family will probably have finished in a few minutes? Try the above and save yourself the hassle.

Random Fodder

Simple Desserts Everyone Can Make

November 28, 2021

Having a good selection of desserts under your belt is definitely a skill that is well worth pursuing. It means that you can produce something sweet and delicious whenever you are hosting people for dinner, and it also means you can provide the occasional treat to your children as and when that might be a good idea to do. But if you are not normally much of a dessert person, this might be one of those things that you need to work on. To get you started, there are some simple desserts that you should be able to learn how to make.

Basic Sponge Cake

Knowing how to make a basic sponge cake can be a really useful and even important thing. For one thing, it means that you always have something you can make when it is someone’s birthday and you want to help them celebrate it. A sponge cake can also just be made on an afternoon when you are keen to do something in the kitchen. The good news is that it is pretty simple to do, at least in terms of the actual cake mix itself. Sometimes you might find that it is a little more challenging trying to get the decoration of the cake right, and that is definitely the kind of thing that takes some practice. But with time you will be able to do that too.

Crepes & Pancakes

Pancakes are great to know how to make, because you can whip them together very quickly and use them in a wide variety of ways, for many different occasions. Not only is there the annual pancake day, but you might also want to make them for breakfast, scotch-style, or for a dessert any night of the week. For that, it might be worth knowing how to make this crepe recipe from Le Creme De La Crumb, as that is one of the most-loved recipes of its kind and it is sure to mean that you can put a crepe pile together whenever you want. That is something you’ll then want to bring out whenever possible, especially once you have perfected it.


Again, they are relatively simple to make, and yet they are always delicious. Cookies can also be a great way to exercise your creativity, as it is always perfectly possible to ensure that you are decorating them in whatever way you like, as well as adding all kinds of ingredients to them. You can even invent your own types of cookies that people might never have seen before, so that is something that you might want to try out for yourself. All in all, it’s a fantastic way to make dessert a little special, and something that you are going to enjoy making as much as you enjoy eating it.

If you have those three essential desserts under wraps, you are going to find that dessert time is much easier and simpler – and always much more delicious than you could even have hoped.

Random Fodder

How to Cook More Effortlessly

November 27, 2021

Every day we are faced with choices, big and small. What to wear, what to eat for breakfast, where to go on vacation. But, for many of us, the most difficult decision is what to make for dinner. Is it time for a frozen pizza again? How about takeout? Or maybe you’ve got an hour or two and want to try something different this evening. But how do you know which meal will be best suited for your family? Which one will be easy enough that you can focus on other things while cooking it in the kitchen? In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the best cooking tips from chefs around the world.

#1 Prep beforehand

The first tip for cooking in an effortless manner is to prepare anything you can ahead of time. For example, cut up all the vegetables that go into your broccoli and cheese casserole and store them together in a container, so it’s one less step before you start cooking.

By preparing things beforehand, any recipe becomes easier because there are fewer steps involved with getting started after work or school. Fewer steps mean more energy saved, leading directly towards cooking dinner faster! By doing this, you can focus on cooking in a more effortless manner.

#2 Have your cooking methods under the belt

There are many different cooking methods that can be used. For example, roasting is a healthy and very simple way to cook vegetables like asparagus or potatoes. It’s also great for meat, but it requires you to have an oven to do so. One of the best ways to roast any kind of food is to use the slow cooker.

Using your crockpot means that dinner will always turn out delicious and moist since there’s no need for oil or water in this method! Another tip on how chefs save time when they’re preparing meals is by using power tools such as blenders, mixers, knives, etc. Of course, this doesn’t mean you should start chopping everything with a blender (although some people might prefer it that way!), but these tools can make cooking much easier.

#3 Clean while you cook

Lastly, the best way to cook in an effortless manner is by doing all of your cleanings while cooking. For example, you could clean and chop up vegetables for a soup or pasta sauce at the same time as boiling water for those veggies! Likewise, you can take out any frozen meat from the freezer and start defrosting it slowly on top of the stove. Or if there’s some leftover rice, toss it into a pot with vegetable broth instead of using water so that every bit of flavor is preserved within your dish!

#4 Follow the recipe

Lastly, always follow the recipe! This might sound like a no-brainer, but there are many people who choose to improvise when cooking without realizing it can lead them in the wrong direction. Recipes aren’t written down for nothing; they exist because someone put time and effort into making sure each ingredient comes together perfectly with every step of your dish.

If you want to learn how to cook in an effortless manner, following recipes is important. In addition, it will help make you more confident when preparing dishes on your own by giving you suggestions along the way that have been successful over time based on other peoples’ experience!