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Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 8/6/12

August 6, 2012

This past week was extremely busy. I feel like it was both the longest and shortest week in history. As I mentioned last week, Sean and Christine came to visit for the week, and my mom was here from Wednesday to Friday, and Shay was here last weekend…. Basically my house was overflowing with people for the past couple weeks. I love it, don’t get me wrong, but I was also happy to have some alone time yesterday afternoon.

Friday night, Sean went to a concert at the Pour House, so Christine and I hung out around the house, eating leftover mediterranean food and watching The Artist, which I really enjoyed. We also watched a bit of Sherlock (which I always enjoy), before meeting Sean in Avondale. We only stayed out for about an hour and a half, because for some reason, both Gene’s Haufbrau and Voodoo didn’t seem to be running their air conditioning. There’s nothing I hate more than sweating into my beer. So we bagged out and went home and watched more TV before passing out.

Saturday morning, we skyped with Lily in Scotland before heading to Sullivan’s Island for a day of beach fun in the sun. We had a delicious lunch at Poe’s Tavern and worked off all of our calories by fighting the crazy strong current out in the ocean. We left the beach and headed home to make daquiris and hang out by the pool. We had dinner at Bluerose Cafe, which was delicious and ended the night by watching 21 Jump Street before falling asleep at like midnight, like a bunch of geriatrics.

Sunday, we went to Duke’s Barbecue before Sean and Christine got on the road to head back to Atlanta. After they left, I went to Kohl’s to take advantage of the Tax-Free Weekend and got a couple of outfits, which I’m pretty excited about. I ate leftovers for dinner, made some chocolate chip cookies, and caught up on more television before bed.

All in all it was a pretty awesome week. Although I gained about 5 pounds back from all the eating and drinking, it was totally worth it. But now it’s back to reality–salads, and calorie counting, and exercise, Oh my! This week’s food quote comes from Andy Rooney, who has some insightful things to say about dieting/cooking/eating food.

“The biggest seller is cookbooks and the second is diet books—how not to eat what you’ve just learned how to cook.”
–Andy Rooney

I don’t know what this is… but I kinda want to eat it.