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Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 7/9/12

July 9, 2012

So this was possibly the most boring weekend in recorded history. I had to take this online course from Market Motive for work, so my entire weekend was spent watching instructional videos and taking quizzes based on that material. All in all I probably spent 22 hours on my couch over the course of the entire weekend. I only left the couch to make food and to pee. It especially sucked knowing Sherlock: Season 2 was sitting in my mailbox, BEGGING me to watch it. But I resisted! Go me!

I was also dieting this weekend (and for the past few months in general). So far, I’ve lost about ten pounds since May, which is great, except that it’s 5 pounds more than what I weighed this time last summer. Being so busy was good because it kept me from cheating, but it also kept me from the gym. Normally I’m totally okay with that, but after 12 straight hours of Search Engine Optimization videos, I was itching for any excuse to get out of my apartment. The good news is that I am now certified in Conversion Optimization and Pay-Per-Click Fundamentals. Wooo!

This quote from Ali Landry kind of sums up how I am as a dieter. I need something sweet after dinner. I rewarded myself for being productive with 2 chocolate chip cookies, which was definitely not on my diet plan, but I didn’t care. Today I’m actually looking forward to going to the gym and stretching my legs after 2 full days of sitting on the couch.

“Chocolate is not cheating! After a salty meal, you need a little bit of sweet. This is living, not cheating.”
–Ali Landry

Also in the Ali Landry Diet: Bathtubs full of crackers.