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Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week 1/9/12

January 9, 2012

I’m still having a hard time getting used to writing “12” when dating things. It’s weird. I’m 22, and I feel so old. Everything’s changing. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. I’m excited for this next phase of my life, whatever that may be! But I digress! When I stumbled upon this week’s food quote, I couldn’t help but related; Lisa Loeb could be describing my own mother in this quote. I think that’s what I love about it. So this one’s for Tina!

“I have many memories of waking up to eat breakfast that my mother carefully prepared for us and her saying, what do y’all want for lunch, and as we’re eating lunch, what do y’all want for dinner? It’s always about the next meal.”

–Lisa Loeb

My mother's very glad I never ended up on the pole. Good parenting.