Staying Clean and Clear While Cooking - Queen of the Food Age
Standing over a hot stove for hours on end will wreak havoc on your skin. But, regardless of the type of food you are cooking and the setting you are cooking in, there will always be skincare issues the average person won’t experience. Changing skin due to the different ingredients you use, proximity to heat, grease, oils, and more, along with fluctuating energy levels and changes in your diet, can all play a part in your skin looks and feels. So how can you combat these strains on your skin and help it look and feel fresh every day? Drink Plenty of Water You need to be drinking plenty of water regularly regardless of where you work, but to combat the dehydrating effects of working in a kitchen for long periods, your skin needs water. Every action you do causes your body to lose water. Without replenishing water, your body will become even more hydrated impacting other areas of your life, such as your sleep and energy levels. Your body also needs water for cell function too. Cleansing You want to make sure you are using the right products for your face. Already oily skin will experience higher oil levels […]
Queen of the Food Age