Quote of the Week 5/21/12 - Queen of the Food Age
This weekend was awesome. Friday night Blue Ion had a going away party for Katie at HoM (which is pronounced like “home” and not “rhymes with mom” like I originally thought), which was really fun. The burgers were delicious (albeit expensive). I got one called the Godzilla which was a double decker burger with arugula pesto, goat cheese, smoked onion slaw, and fried pickle chips which I paired with one of my favorite local beers, a Holy City Pluff Mud Porter. It was really good (although the burger alone was $9 and it was another $3 if you wanted to add fries…. thankfully Blue Ion paid). We spent a lot of the evening talking about old school Nickelodeon game shows. Pretty much it was the best night ever. Saturday I spent a good couple of hours spring cleaning my house, and making room in the guest room for my new summer roommate, Johannes. He’s a really awesome German guy who’s allergic to cats (but hopefully he and Fezzik will get along otherwise). Saturday night Shanna and Max came to town for a visit and we had dinner at Moe’s Crosstown, where I got a BLT burger (beef burger with fresh […]