Featured Foodie: Jai Jones - Queen of the Food Age
This month’s featured foodie is someone I’d followed (aka stalked on Instagram) for a while before I actually met him IRL. We became fast friends during the Charleston Wine + Food Festival this year, and have attended a number of food events since then, which have helped to solidify our friendship, even though I sometimes hate him for being such an awesome food photographer. Meet Jai Jones! What inspired you to start taking photos of your food? I’ve always loved photography and capturing those moments in life that take us back to a time or memory in our past. After my college years of eating anything that was cheap and quick, then making the move to Charleston, I began to gain a great appreciation for the culinary scene in this city. I believe that food is an art in itself, and enjoying a great meal is something that we all have in common. What’s one of your biggest “Wins” you’ve accomplished in your blogging / food career? So far, working with the Charleston Wine and Food Festival Street Team over the past two years has to be one of the highlights. The festival continues to grow and evolve every year, […]