Brighten Up Winter With The Flavor Of Summer - Queen of the Food Age
We hope that you can still find a few vestiges of good vibes and good times when it comes to those awesome memories from the holidays. Family and friends reconnected and Christmas gatherings that warmed the soul and fed the heart (and belly!), and a much-praised happiness quotient besides. And then comes January. The thick of winter. Shorter days, longer nights. Sludgy, squishy sidewalks, and more than one bruise caused by misjudging a step, which then caused a quick slide down the road – thank you dark ice. So if you’re feeling the winter blues a little too much this January, we have a suggestion to rekindle those awesome holiday vibes – get the gang together again for a ‘beginning of the year, summertime-in-the-wintertime dinner party’. That name may need some work. It starts with good grilling Now, this could mean that you have to do the grilling inside because if you’re from those states, then you’ll know what I’m talking about. As much as we’re loving the idea of getting the gang together for a good summertime-in-the-wintertime BBQ, not much about a snowstorm says summer, and even the hardiest of the hard will know this – blue looks great […]
Queen of the Food Age