Benefits of Eating Vegan - Queen of the Food Age
While fully going vegan is a serious lifestyle change that requires dedication and commitment, you don’t have to go full all-the-way to truly enjoy the benefits of a plant based lifestyle! You’ve just got to swap out a bit of meat and cheese here and there for more wholesome fruits and veggies. And why? Because there are so many benefits for your brain and body if you do so, which we’ll go through below for your convenience. Vegan is good for the heart Following a plant based diet can do wonders for your heart health, and help to fight off heart disease in later ages. After all, you’ll be consuming far more healthy fats in your meals, as well as a lot more protein which helps with muscle formation and repairs, and the lack of salt can help that cholesterol level to drop as far down as you need it to! All in all, your heart won’t have to work as hard to pump blood compared to being on a diet with more saturated fats, and your arteries are less likely to get clogged up with all of that excess salt found in snacks and junk foods. Vegan foods can […]
Queen of the Food Age