Air Fryer Chicken & Broccoli Recipe - Queen of the Food Age
When preparing family dishes, it’s often difficult to strike the right balance between tasty food and healthy food. Then another concern is the preparation technique – you don’t want to fry your food, but not everything can be baked too, right? But don’t worry, we’ve had the perfect solution to all your cooking woes. Today, we will discuss a very delicious and healthy fried chicken and broccoli recipe that’s been prepared in an air fryer. An air fryer is a device that allows you to enjoy crispy food without the side-effects of traditional oil frying. So you get the taste and nutrition without the extra calories of frying your food. Ready? Let’s begin! Air Fryer Chicken and Broccoli Stir Fry Recipe About the author: This week’s guest article was written by author Annabelle Carter Short, a NY-based food writer, blogger, and photographer. She loves cooking, creating recipes, and making healthy food that tastes delicious. She’s a big fan of a keto diet and she sees it as a life-long style of eating.
Queen of the Food Age