5 Ways in Which You Can Keep the Weight Off in 2018 - Queen of the Food Age
The world’s weight issues are becoming increasingly worse, with the World Health Organization calling for widespread action. Their plea came shortly after the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation found that 603 million adults and 107 million children from around the world are obese. That is about 5% of all children and 12% of all adults on the entire planet. Overweight people tend to face many difficulties when trying to lose weight. Thankfully, there are certain steps that can help address the situation. Based on the suggestions of the following medical experts as well as actual health studies, here are 5 ways in which you can keep the weight off this year. Avoid crash diets Fitness expert Jillian Michaels advises against crash dieting when trying to keep the weight off. She stressed that weight loss programs such as trendy diets, fasting, and juice cleanses are not sustainable when it comes to losing weight. They might mess up your metabolism in a way that will lead you to gain back the weight once you’ve finished a program. Don’t stress eat Food should never be used for anything, else but nourishment – or occasionally, enjoyment. Treating it as a coping mechanism will […]
Queen of the Food Age