Featured Foodie: Stephanie Burt - Queen of the Food Age
I know it’s been a minute since I’ve done a featured foodie, but I really feel like Charleston has so many awesome foodie people and I love them all so much and want you, my readers, to love them, too! This month’s Featured Foodie is fellow food writer, host of The Southern Fork podcast, former Pecha Kucha speaker, and all around awesome person, Stephanie Burt! What inspired you to start taking writing about food? I have been interested in “food media” since I was a child. I started reading Kathleen Purvis in the Charlotte Observer around middle school, and I watched Yan Can Cook and Julia Child all the time on PBS. Yep, really. I don’t have an explanation I’ve always been fascinated by how food connects us, the history of something, and how fun it is to learn about it, so although I never “planned” to make a living writing about food, looking back, I see that in many ways it was inevitable. #rosewater pound #cake. @nordicwareusa pan and @thebakefeed inspiration. #easterdessert #thebakefeed #homecooking #baking #vintagepyrex #letsdigin A post shared by Southernfork (@southernfork) on Apr 16, 2017 at 10:58am PDT What was the scariest thing about starting your own […]